Letter R
Packages beginning with letter "R".
- radvd - A Router Advertisement daemon
- raptor2 - RDF Parser Toolkit for Redland
- raptor2-devel - Development files for raptor2
- rarian - Documentation meta-data library
- rarian-compat - Extra files for compatibility with scrollkeeper
- rarian-devel - Development files for Rarian
- ras-utils - RAS Utilities
- rasdaemon - Utility to receive RAS error tracings
- rasqal - RDF Query Library
- rasqal-devel - Development files for the Rasqal RDF libraries
- rcs - Revision Control System (RCS) file version management tools
- rdate - Tool for getting the date/time from a remote machine
- rdist - Maintains identical copies of files on multiple machines
- rdma - Infiniband/iWARP Kernel Module Initializer
- readline - A library for editing typed command lines
- readline-devel - Files needed to develop programs which use the readline library
- readline-static - Static libraries for the readline library
- realmd - Kerberos realm enrollment service
- realmd-devel-docs - Developer documentation files for realmd
- recode - Conversion between character sets and surfaces
- recode-devel - Header files for development using recode
- redhat-lsb - Implementation of Linux Standard Base specification
- redhat-lsb-core - LSB Core module support
- redhat-lsb-cxx - LSB CXX module support
- redhat-lsb-desktop - LSB Desktop module support
- redhat-lsb-languages - LSB Languages module support
- redhat-lsb-printing - LSB Printing module support
- redhat-lsb-submod-multimedia - LSB Multimedia submodule support
- redhat-lsb-submod-security - LSB Security submodule support
- redhat-lsb-supplemental - LSB supplemental dependencies required by LSB certification tests
- redhat-lsb-trialuse - LSB Trialuse module support
- redhat-menus - Configuration and data files for the desktop menus
- redhat-rpm-config - Red Hat specific rpm configuration files
- redhat-upgrade-dracut - initramfs environment for system upgrades
- redhat-upgrade-dracut-plymouth - plymouth theme for system upgrade progress
- redhat-upgrade-tool - The Red Hat Enterprise Linux Upgrade tool
- redland - RDF Application Framework
- redland-devel - Libraries and header files for programs that use Redland
- redland-mysql - MySQL storage support for Redland
- redland-pgsql - PostgreSQL storage support for Redland
- redland-virtuoso - Virtuoso storage support for Redland
- regexp - Simple regular expressions API
- regexp-javadoc - Javadoc for regexp
- relaxngDatatype - RELAX NG Datatype API
- relaxngDatatype-javadoc - API documentation for relaxngDatatype
- relaxngcc - RELAX NG Compiler Compiler
- relaxngcc-javadoc - Javadoc for relaxngcc
- resource-agents - Open Source HA Reusable Cluster Resource Scripts
- rest - A library for access to RESTful web services
- rest-devel - Development package for rest
- resteasy-base - Framework for RESTful Web services and Java applications
- resteasy-base-atom-provider - Module atom-provider for resteasy-base
- resteasy-base-jackson-provider - Module jackson-provider for resteasy-base
- resteasy-base-javadoc - Javadocs for resteasy-base
- resteasy-base-jaxb-provider - Module jaxb-provider for resteasy-base
- resteasy-base-jaxrs - Module jaxrs for resteasy-base
- resteasy-base-jaxrs-all - Module jaxrs-all for resteasy-base
- resteasy-base-jaxrs-api - Module jaxrs-api for resteasy-base
- resteasy-base-jettison-provider - Module jettison-provider for resteasy-base
- resteasy-base-providers-pom - Module providers-pom for resteasy-base
- resteasy-base-tjws - Module tjws for resteasy-base
- rfkill - A tool for enabling and disabling wireless devices
- rhdb-utils - Miscellaneous utilities for PostgreSQL - Red Hat Edition
- rhino - JavaScript for Java
- rhino-demo - Examples for rhino
- rhino-javadoc - Javadoc for rhino
- rhino-manual - Manual for rhino
- rhythmbox - Music Management Application
- rhythmbox-devel - Development files for Rhythmbox plugins
- rmt - Provides certain programs with access to remote tape devices
- rng-tools - Random number generator related utilities
- rngom - Java library for parsing RELAX NG grammars
- rngom-javadoc - Javadoc for rngom
- rootfiles - The basic required files for the root user's directory
- rp-pppoe - A PPP over Ethernet client (for xDSL support).
- rpcbind - Universal Addresses to RPC Program Number Mapper
- rpm - The RPM package management system
- rpm-apidocs - API documentation for RPM libraries
- rpm-build - Scripts and executable programs used to build packages
- rpm-build-libs - Libraries for building and signing RPM packages
- rpm-cron - Create daily logs of installed packages.
- rpm-devel - Development files for manipulating RPM packages
- rpm-libs - Libraries for manipulating RPM packages
- rpm-python - Python bindings for apps which will manipulate RPM packages
- rpm-sign - Package signing support
- rpmdevtools - RPM Development Tools
- rpmlint - Tool for checking common errors in RPM packages
- rrdtool - Round Robin Database Tool to store and display time-series data
- rrdtool-devel - RRDtool libraries and header files
- rrdtool-doc - RRDtool documentation
- rrdtool-lua - Lua RRDtool bindings
- rrdtool-perl - Perl RRDtool bindings
- rrdtool-php - PHP RRDtool bindings
- rrdtool-python - Python RRDtool bindings
- rrdtool-ruby - Ruby RRDtool bindings
- rrdtool-tcl - Tcl RRDtool bindings
- rsh - Clients for remote access commands (rsh, rlogin, rcp)
- rsh-server - Servers for remote access commands (rsh, rlogin, rcp)
- rsync - A program for synchronizing files over a network
- rsyslog - Enhanced system logging and kernel message trapping daemon
- rsyslog-crypto - Encryption support
- rsyslog-doc - Documentation for rsyslog
- rsyslog-elasticsearch - ElasticSearch output module for rsyslog
- rsyslog-gnutls - TLS protocol support for rsyslog
- rsyslog-gssapi - GSSAPI authentication and encryption support for rsyslog
- rsyslog-libdbi - Libdbi database support for rsyslog
- rsyslog-mmaudit - Message modification module supporting Linux audit format
- rsyslog-mmjsonparse - JSON enhanced logging support
- rsyslog-mmnormalize - Log normalization support for rsyslog
- rsyslog-mmsnmptrapd - Message modification module for snmptrapd generated messages
- rsyslog-mysql - MySQL support for rsyslog
- rsyslog-pgsql - PostgresSQL support for rsyslog
- rsyslog-relp - RELP protocol support for rsyslog
- rsyslog-snmp - SNMP protocol support for rsyslog
- rsyslog-udpspoof - Provides the omudpspoof module
- rtkit - Realtime Policy and Watchdog Daemon
- ruby - An interpreter of object-oriented scripting language
- ruby-devel - A Ruby development environment
- ruby-doc - Documentation for ruby
- ruby-hivex - Ruby bindings for hivex
- ruby-irb - The Interactive Ruby
- ruby-libguestfs - Ruby bindings for libguestfs
- ruby-libs - Libraries necessary to run Ruby
- ruby-tcltk - Tcl/Tk interface for scripting language Ruby
- rubygem-abrt - ABRT support for Ruby MRI
- rubygem-abrt-doc - Documentation for rubygem-abrt
- rubygem-bigdecimal - BigDecimal provides arbitrary-precision floating point decimal arithmetic
- rubygem-bundler - Library and utilities to manage a Ruby application's gem dependencies
- rubygem-bundler-doc - Documentation for rubygem-bundler
- rubygem-io-console - IO/Console is a simple console utilizing library
- rubygem-json - This is a JSON implementation as a Ruby extension in C
- rubygem-minitest - Minitest provides a complete suite of testing facilities
- rubygem-net-http-persistent - Persistent connections using Net::HTTP plus a speed fix
- rubygem-net-http-persistent-doc - Documentation for rubygem-net-http-persistent
- rubygem-psych - A libyaml wrapper for Ruby
- rubygem-rake - Ruby based make-like utility
- rubygem-rdoc - A tool to generate HTML and command-line documentation for Ruby projects
- rubygem-thor - Scripting framework that replaces rake, sake and rubigen
- rubygem-thor-doc - Documentation for rubygem-thor
- rubygems - The Ruby standard for packaging ruby libraries
- rubygems-devel - Macros and development tools for packaging RubyGems
- rusers - Displays the users logged into machines on the local network
- rusers-server - Server for the rusers protocol
- rwho - Displays who is logged in to local network machines