if known minim.mp: expandafter endinput fi minim.mp := 1.6; % This file only contains code that is not specific to the minim metapost % processor. See minim-mp.mp for the wireup of minim-mp’s extensions. message "Loading general minim extension macros"; % redefine some constants to work with the new numerical engines numeric mm, cm, pt, pc, dd, cc; pc = 12 pt; cc = 12 dd; cm = 10 mm; 803 pt = 800; 127 mm = 360; 1157 dd = 1238 pt; eps := 1/2048; infinity := 64*64-epsilon; % constants pi := 355/113; % shorthands primarydef p xshifted x = p shifted (x,0) enddef; primarydef p yshifted y = p shifted (0,y) enddef; % reverse paths to allow „p & vflip p” def hflip primary p = if path p: reverse fi p xscaled -1 enddef; def vflip primary p = if path p: reverse fi p yscaled -1 enddef; % missing definitions path fullsquare, unitcircle ; fullsquare := unitsquare shifted - center unitsquare ; unitcircle := fullcircle shifted urcorner fullcircle ; % complement counterclockwise vardef clockwise primary c = if turningnumber c > 0: reverse fi c enddef; % clipping vardef clipout text t = clip currentpicture to bbox currentpicture for c = t: -- c -- cycle endfor -- cycle enddef; vardef clipto text t = clip currentpicture to for c = t: c -- cycle -- endfor cycle enddef; vardef getbounds primary p = % without bboxmargin llcorner p -- lrcorner p -- urcorner p -- ulcorner p -- cycle enddef; % cmyk colours cmykcolor cyan, magenta, yellow, key; cyan = (1,0,0,0); magenta = (0,1,0,0); yellow = (0,0,1,0); key = (0,0,0,1); vardef rgb_to_gray expr c = 0.2126*redpart c + 0.7152*greenpart c + 0.0722*bluepart c enddef; % shorthands def save_pen text t = save t; pen t; enddef; def save_pair text t = save t; pair t; enddef; def save_path text t = save t; path t; enddef; def save_color text t = save t; color t; enddef; def save_cmykcolor text t = save t; cmykcolor t; enddef; def save_transform text t = save t; transform t; enddef; def save_picture text t = save t; picture t; enddef; def save_boolean text t = save t; boolean t; enddef; def save_string text t = save t; string t; enddef; % missing trigonometric functions vardef tand primary x = sind(x)/cosd(x) enddef; vardef arcsind primary x = angle(1+-+x, x) enddef; vardef arccosd primary x = angle(x, 1+-+x) enddef; vardef arctand primary x = angle(1, x) enddef; % segments of the circle (counterclockwise) vardef arc (expr thetafrom, thetalen) = save n, d, l, theta; save_path a; save_pair p, c; n = ceiling(thetalen / 45); % number of segments (45° is max segment length) d = thetalen / n; % angle of each segment l = 4/3 * tand(d/4); % length of control points theta := thetafrom; p := (cosd theta, sind theta); c := l * (-sind theta, cosd theta); a := p for _ = 1 upto n: .. controls (p + c) hide(theta := theta + d; p := (cosd theta, sind theta); c := l * (-sind theta, cosd theta);) and (p - c) .. p endfor; a enddef; % some linear algebra primarydef v extprod w = begingroup xpart v * ypart w - ypart v * xpart w endgroup enddef; vardef collinear(expr p,q,r) = (p <> q) and (q <> r) and (p <> r) and (eps > abs( (p-q) extprod (q-r) )) enddef; % type helpers def typeof (expr v) = if numeric v: numeric elseif pair v: pair elseif color v: color elseif cmykcolor v: cmykcolor elseif boolean v: boolean elseif path v: path elseif picture v: picture elseif transform v: transform elseif string v: string elseif pen v: pen fi enddef; vardef empty suffix s = save_boolean b; b := string _EMPTY_ s; b enddef; string _EMPTY_;