Record of updates from version 1.10 (7/15/86) ieee.ttx changed to eliminate double periods after `ed' and `eds' (8/86) breakname in tibargs.c changed to handle certain bracket constructions (8/86) test.tex and test.ref changed slightly (8/86) version 1.15 (8/22/86) pub.ttz updated (9/86) minor bug in ieee.ttx fixed (9/86) demo3l, acml, siamnl, siamdl added -- LaTeX doesn't support \sevenrm (9/86) lala style created (9/86) version 1.20 (10/1/86) more complete file names printed in messages (10/86) put active characters after p. and pp. (11/86) chkindex fixed: did not correctly check headers with paths (11/86) format of tibdoc.tex changed slightly (11/86) version 1.30 (11/5/86) changed \kerns to \hskips in .ttx files (1/87) tmpfile changed to tmp_file in source to avoid conflict with stdio (1/87) siam formats changed to conform to siam specs (2/87) improved (manual file); put manual instructions in Makefile (2/87) changed footnote macros to allow including titles in loc. cit. (3/87) repaired reference to common file in tibdoc.tex (3/87) changed siamdl.tib, siamnl.tib to use LaTeX \footnotesize command (4/87) put LaTeX \sevenrm(bf) fix in demo2.tib, numu*.tib, epes.ttx, aps.ttx (4/87) fixed reference to intro.tib in (4/87) changed array unlmark to type int in tib.c, tibargs.c, tiblist.c (4/87) small changes in tibdoc to reflect changes in tib (5/87) alternate optional version of subroutine dbldash in tibargs.c (5/87) version 1.50 (6/1/87) siam formats updated to conform to specs (6/87) minor change to to make `man -k' work better (7/87) minor spacing change in ams4.ttx (8/87) inserted hskip0pt in Citecomma in Macros.ttx to permit line break (9/87) added journal files ieefll.ttz, ieeabb.ttz (undocumented) (9/87) included unix utility tibabb (undocumented) (9/87) put newline after Citecomma (10/87) included unix utility vitaMake (undocumented) 10/87 made .ref default suffix for reference files for tibdex and tiblist (11/87) minor changes in tibdex.c to allow it to run on empty ref file (11/87) put `` '' around book names in ams4.ttx (11/87) changed nextline() in streams.c to check for eof (11/87) noted that FFFFF is file in INSTALL (11/87) changed %D to %ld in locate.c, tibdex.c (more portable) (11/87) included #ifdef HPUX in tib.h (11/87) option on tib and tiblist to initialize numerical flags (11/87) incorporated noninteractive mode in tiblook (11/87) associated changes in tibdoc.tex and INSTALL (11/87) version 2.0 (12/1/87) associated changes in (12/87) demo2, numu, numub, numbs modified; demo2l, numul, numubl, numbsl added (LaTeX doesn't support \sevenrm) (4/88) associated changes in tibdoc.tex and Styles (4/88) fixed tib.c so that output ends in newline (4/88) correction in tibdoc concerning alternate citations (9/88) changed alternate citation in siam.ttx to use brackets (9/88) fixed rcomp1 (crashed in some circumstances) (10/88) %% comment field in reference file (10/88) minor changes in tibdoc.tex (10/88) fixed call to clnup in tiblist.c (10/88) initialized dumped in tib.c (10/88) introduced intext style -- some changes in tib.c and tibargs.c (10/88) introduced ijrr style (10/88) reworked slyd style (10/88) minor change in ijrr style (11/88) eliminated instructions in INSTALL and files for sending by tape (11/88) version 2.1 (12/7/88) cleanup features added to Makefile (12/88) Unix-setup included (12/88) fixed tiblook.c to handle multiple index files correctly (4/89) partially fixed tibargs.c (expnd2) and tiblist.c to handle oversize references (M. Plonski) (5/89) commas inserted in siam1.ttx siam2.ttx before last author, etc. (6/89) included spln.tib spln.ttx, changed Styles, documentation, FILES (11/89) slight changes in test.ref (11/89) fixed bug in tib.c concerning handling of % (11/89) incorporated \input processing (tib.c, tibargs.c) (D. Meade) (12/89) associated modifications to tibdoc.tex, (12/89) version 2.2 (12/15/89) changes in acm styles to eliminate missing/double periods (1/90) P.S.: For Sebastian Kremer's extensions see the file sk/README (hpk)