# File: makefile_SOLARIS
# Why:  Creates the o2 compiler /compiler
# Library placement: 
#   Rlse:   /usr/local/yacco2/bin/o2
#   Dbg:    /usr/local/yacco2/bin/o2_debug
#   Genw:   for the pdf file: yacco2/docs
#           for the *.cpp files
# How to run: U must choose the label to execute: Rlse, Dbg
#   Rlse --- gen the fast version of library with no debug support
#   Dbg --- gen the debug version of library
#   Genw --- gen the pdf document and the cpp code 
#            from cweb see www.tug.org for details on obtaining code
#            for the literate programming environment aka CWEB
#            and please join Tug. It is a marvalous FOSS
#            Note: U do not need to use Genw as *.cpp and pdf 
#                  document are included in the ``yacco2'' package
# Notice: Some possible construction to be done
#  1) Adjust base_dir variable if the ``yacco2'' package is moved elsewhere. 
#     For example, if u installed the ``yacco2'' package in /opt/yacco2
#       Set the base_dir variable in this file to: base_dir = /opt/
#       The trailing / must be there or ugly things will happen.
# Example: gen the debug version of the library
#  cd /usr/local//yacco2/compiler/o2
#  make Dbg -f Solaris_makefile
Rlse: BASICOPTS := -fast -c -m64 -lpthread
Rlse: Bld_BASICOPTS := -m64 -lpthread 
Dbg: BASICOPTS := -c -m64 -lpthread -xs -g 
Dbg: Bld_BASICOPTS := -m64 -lpthread  -xs -g

o2_lib := $(O2)/library/
o2_stbl := $(O2)/compiler/stbl/
o2_docs := $(O2)/docs/
o2_lib_grms := $(O2)/library/grammars/
o2_grms := $(O2)/compiler/grammars/
o2 := $(O2)/compiler/o2/

O2_includes :=  -I'$(o2)' -I'$(o2_grms)' -I'$(o2_lib)' -I'$(o2_lib_grms)'
o2_req_libraries := -lyacco2 -lo2grammars 
Rlse: o2_lib_directories := -L $(o2_grms)lib/Release/ -L $(o2_lib)lib/Release/ 
Dbg: o2_lib_directories := -L $(o2_grms)lib/Debug/ -L $(o2_lib)lib/Debug/ 
files_to_cc := \
o2_defs.cpp \
common_externs.cpp \
o2_externs.cpp \
files_to_o := $(files_to_cc:.cpp=.o) 

Rlse: Compile Rlse_o2
	mv o2prg $(base_dir)yacco2/bin/o2
	rm -f *.o

Dbg: $(files_to_o) Dbg_o2
	mv o2prg $(base_dir)yacco2/bin/o2_debug
	rm -f *.o

Compile: $(files_to_o)
common_externs.o: common_externs.cpp
	CC $(BASICOPTS) $(O2_includes) common_externs.cpp -o $@  
o2_externs.o: o2_externs.cpp
	CC $(BASICOPTS) $(O2_includes)  o2_externs.cpp -o $@
o2_defs.o: o2_defs.cpp
	CC $(BASICOPTS) $(O2_includes) o2_defs.cpp -o $@ 
o2.o: o2.cpp
	CC $(Bld_BASICOPTS) $(O2_includes) o2.cpp -o o2prg \
o2_defs.o common_externs.o o2_externs.o \
$(o2_lib_directories) $(o2_req_libraries)
	cweave types.w
	ctangle -l +e types.w
	pdftex types
	pdftops types.pdf
	mv types.pdf $(o2_docs)
	mv types.ps $(o2_docs)
	cweave common_externs.w
	ctangle -l +e common_externs.w
	pdftex common_externs
	pdftops common_externs.pdf
	mv common_externs.pdf $(o2_docs)
	mv common_externs.ps $(o2_docs)
	cweave o2externs.w
	ctangle -l +e o2externs.w
	pdftex o2externs
	pdftops o2externs.pdf
	mv o2externs.pdf $(o2_docs)
	mv o2externs.ps $(o2_docs)
	cweave o2.w
	ctangle -l +e o2.w
	sh Makefile_Edit_cweb
	pdftex o2
	pdftops o2.pdf
	mv o2.pdf $(o2_docs)
	mv o2.ps $(o2_docs)
	rm types.idx
	rm types.scn
	rm types.toc
	rm types.tex
	rm types.log
	rm types.c
	rm common_externs.idx
	rm common_externs.scn
	rm common_externs.toc
	rm common_externs.tex
	rm common_externs.log
	rm common_externs.c
	rm o2externs.idx
	rm o2externs.scn
	rm o2externs.toc
	rm o2externs.tex
	rm o2externs.log
	rm o2externs.c
	rm o2.idx
	rm o2.scn
	rm o2.toc
	rm o2.tex
	rm o2.log
	rm o2.c