
    The Portuguese (Brazil) word list, in BR.dic file, was
    generated using the ISPELL spell checker, and its Brazilian
    package, maintained mainly by Ricardo Ueda <ueda@ime.usp.br>.
    In GPL, BR.dic can be distributed, but have to be FREE.

The credits for the creation of this word list goes to Sadao Massago


The credits for ISPELL can be found at the ISPELL home page

 <fmg-www.cs.ucla.edu/ficus-members/geoff/ispell.html >

The credits for the Brazilian package for ISPELL can be found at


For further information, read the section on "How To Generate
Word Lists" below...

    Have a nice day.

    Miguel Vinicius Santini Frasson


  How to generate word lists using the ISPELL spell checker.


You can get ispell from


* Required files
   - ispell (of course)
   - radicals file
   - affixs file

The dictionary file (.hash or .has) of ispell is generated by
buildhas program, using the radicals file (without a default
extension) and the affixs file (.aff). The buildhas command line is

  bulidhas [radicals file] [affixs file .aff] [dictionary file .has]

Look at README file to see what is the radicals file.

With the .has (or .hash) and .aff files in hand, you can generate the
word list by the command line:


  cat [radical] | ispell -e -d [dictionary] | tr " " "\n"  |sort| uniq > [wordlist]


  [radical]    -> path and name of the radicals file.

  [dictionary] -> path and name of the .has (or .hash) file.

  [wordlist]   -> path and name of the word list file.

  tr " " "\n"  -> replaces the spaces by a "new line" character.

  uniq         -> eliminates repeated lines.


  type [radical] | ispell -e -d [dictionary] > [wordlist]

Under Dos, you get list of words, but with similar words in the
same line. You can do a simple program to replace spaces by a
"new line" command. You have to use WinEdt' Sort Lines dialog
(Tools menu) to sort as WinEdt dictionary and remove repeated

This method of obtaining word lists is based in the makefile included
in the Portuguese ispell dictionary source distributed by
