# Lua embedded in TeX language definition file
# Author: Andre Simon
#   Mail: andre.simon1@gmx.de
#   Date: 22.07.2002
# ------------------------------------------
# This file is a part of highlight, a free source code converter released under the GPL.
# The file is used to describe keywords and special symbols of programming languages.
# See README in the highlight directory for details.
# New definition files for future releases of highlight are always appreciated ;)
# ----------
# andre.simon1@gmx.de
# http:/www.andre-simon.de/


$KEYWORDS(kwa)=and break do else elseif
end false for function if
in local nil not or
repeat return then true until while

$KEYWORDS(kwb)=number string function userdata table
assert call collectgarbage copytagmethods dofile
dostring error foreach foreachi getglobal getn  gettagmethod  globals newtag
next print rawget rawset setglobal settag  settagmethod sort tag tonumber
tostring tinsert tremove type  abs  acos  asin  atan  atan2 ceil cos deg exp
floor log  log10 max min mod rad sin sqrt tan frexp ldexp random randomseed
openfile closefile readfrom writeto appendto remove rename flush seek tmpname
read  write clock date execute exit getenv setlocale strbyte strchar strfind
strlen strlower strrep strsub strupper format gsub



$ML_COMMENT=--[[ ]]

# this differs from lua.lang



$SYMBOLS= ( ) { } [ ] , ; . : & | < > !  = / *  + - ~ # \ %