
To avoid the security alerts when loading FLV files from You Tube,
configure your preferences as described below.

Start Adobe Reader 9 or later (or Acrobat~9 or later), and open the \textbf{Preferences}
dialog box (located in the menu system by selecting \textbf{Edit
\texttt{>} Preferences} or using the shortcut Ctrl+K); select
\textbf{Trust Manager} from the left-hand \textbf{Categories} panel. On
the right side of the dialog box, press the button labeled \textbf{Change
Settings}, shown below.\par\vspace*{3pt}\centering
In the \textbf{Manage Internet Access}, make selections as
indicated by the red boxes.\par\medskip
\noindent\makebox[\linewidth][c]{\bfseries\normalsize\color{blue}For Version 9}\\[3pt]
That is, select \textbf{Allow all web sites}\par\medskip
\noindent\makebox[\linewidth][c]{\bfseries\normalsize\color{blue}For Version 10}\\[3pt]
\textbf{Allow PDF files to access all web sites}\par\medskip
Exit the dialogs, and try \textbf{YT4PDF}!
