%%^^A $Id: productbox.dtx 8333 2010-12-29 19:58:06Z gene $
%% Purpose:
%%      productbox.dtx   provides  a  style  file   for  typesetting  a
%%      three-dimensional product box. This product box can be rendered
%%      as it is standing on a surface and  some light is shed onto it.
%%      Alternatively  it can be typeset as a wireframe  to be  cut out
%%      and glued together. This will lead to a physical product box.
%% Documentation:
%%      The  documentation  can  be  generated  from the  original file
%%      productbox.dtx  with  the  doc style/package.  LaTeX  the  file
%%      productbox.dtx to get the full documentation in pdf format.
%% Prerequisite:
%%      This package needs TikZ to be present at least in version 2.0.
%% Author: Gerd Neugebauer
%%         Im Lerchelsb\"ohl 5
%%         64521 Gro\ss-Gerau
%% Mail:   gene@gerd-neugebauer.de
%% Copyright (C) 2010 Gerd Neugebauer
%%      productbox.dtx is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
%%      but  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.  No  author  or  distributor  accepts
%%      responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it or for
%%      whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless
%%      he says so in writing.
%%      Everyone is granted permission to  copy, modify and redistribute
%%      productbox.dtx, provided this copyright notice is preserved  and
%%      any modifications are indicated.
% \title{A \LaTeX\  Style for
%    Typesetting a Three-Dimensional Product Box\thanks{This file
%    documents \filename\ version \fileversion\ 
%    (from revision \filerevision) as of \filedate.}}
% \author{Gerd Neugebauer\\\small
%         Im Lerchelsb\"ohl 5\\\small
%         64521 Gro\ss-Gerau (Germany)\\\small
%         Email: \texttt{\href{mailto:gene@gerd-neugebauer.de}{gene@gerd-neugebauer.de}}}
% \date{{\footnotesize Documentation date: \filedate}}
% \hypersetup{pdftitle=A LaTeX Style for Typesetting a Three-Dimensional Product Box}
% \hypersetup{pdfauthor=Gerd Neugebauer}
% \hypersetup{pdfsubject=\filename\ version \fileversion\ as of \filedate}
% \maketitle
% \changes{1.0}{2010/12/20}{First public release.}
% \changes{1.1}{2010/12/23}{Simplified user interface added.}
% \DoNotIndex{\ ,\",\',\.,\[,\\,\],\^,\`,\~,\@,\@dottedtocline}
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% \DoNotIndex{\newbox,\ignorespacesafterend,\foreach,\filldraw}
% \DoNotIndex{\fill,\errmessage,\draw,\define@key,\copy,\clip}
% \CheckSum{1028}
%%  \CharacterTable
%%  {Upper-case    \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
%%   Lower-case    \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
%%   Digits        \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
%%   Exclamation   \!     Double quote  \"     Hash (number) \#
%%   Dollar        \$     Percent       \%     Ampersand     \&
%%   Acute accent  \'     Left paren    \(     Right paren   \)
%%   Asterisk      \*     Plus          \+     Comma         \,
%%   Minus         \-     Point         \.     Solidus       \/
%%   Colon         \:     Semicolon     \;     Less than     \<
%%   Equals        \=     Greater than  \>     Question mark \?
%%   Commercial at \@     Left bracket  \[     Backslash     \\
%%   Right bracket \]     Circumflex    \^     Underscore    \_
%%   Grave accent  \`     Left brace    \{     Vertical bar  \|
%%   Right brace   \}     Tilde         \~}
%    \newcommand\TikZ{Ti\textit{k}Z}
%    \begin{abstract}
%      The package \texttt{productbox} provides a style file for
%      typesetting a three-dimensional product box. This product box
%      can be rendered as it is standing on a surface and some light
%      is shed onto it. Alternatively it can be typeset as a wireframe
%      to be cut out and glued together. This will lead to a physical
%      product box.
%    \end{abstract}
%    \begin{center}%
%      \def\PB(#1,#2)#3{
%        \draw[xshift=-.2mm,yshift=.2mm] (#1,#2) node[white,opacity=.9]{#3};
%        \draw[xshift=.2mm,yshift=-.2mm] (#1,#2) node[black,opacity=.9]{#3};
%        \draw (#1,#2) node[blue]{#3};
%      }%
%      \begin{ProductBox}[mirror=true,flare=true,scale=.6]
%        \begin{Front}
%          \shade [top color=yellow!20!red,bottom color=yellow!80!red]
%            rectangle (88mm,100mm);
%          \PB(44mm,85mm){\Huge\bf Product Box}
%          \draw (77mm,90mm) node[circle,ball color=white,rotate=330]{\small\bf\fileversion};
%          \draw (44mm,75mm) node{A \LaTeX\ package for just another kind of boxes};
%          \foreach \x in {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16} {
%            \count0=\x \multiply\count0 4
%            \draw [red,line width=.2mm]
%            (0mm,0 mm) .. controls (88mm,\the\count0 mm) and (\x mm,66mm) ..
%            (88mm,\the\count0 mm);
%            \draw [xshift=.4mm,white,line width=.2mm,opacity=.5]
%            (0mm,0 mm) .. controls (88mm,\the\count0 mm) and (\x mm,66mm) ..
%            (88mm,\the\count0 mm);
%          }
%          \clip (0mm,0mm) .. controls (88mm,64mm) and (16mm,66mm) ..
%          (88mm,64mm) -- (88mm,100mm) -- (0mm,100mm) -- cycle;
%          \draw (4mm,66mm) node [white!30!black,anchor=north west] {
%            \begin{minipage}{160mm}\tt\tiny\raggedright
%              |\usepackage{productbox}|\\
%              | |\\
%              | |\\
%              |\begin{ProductBox}[scale=.8]|\\
%              |  \begin{Front}|\\
%              |    \shade [top color=yellow!20!red,bottom color=yellow!80!red]|\\
%              |      rectangle (88mm,100mm);|\\
%              |    \PB(44mm,85mm){\Huge\bf Product Box}|\\
%              |    \draw (77mm,90mm) node[circle,ball color=white]{\small\bf\fileversion};|\\
%              |    \draw (44mm,75mm) node{A \LaTeX\ package for just another kind of boxes};|\\
%              ||\\
%              |    \foreach \x in {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16} {|\\
%              |      \count0=\x \multiply\count0 4|\\
%              |      \draw [red,line width=.2mm]|\\
%              |      (0mm,0 mm) .. controls (88mm,\the\count0 mm) and (\x mm,66mm) ..|\\
%              |      (88mm,\the\count0 mm);|\\
%              |      \draw [xshift=.4mm,white,line width=.2mm,opacity=.5]|\\
%              |      (0mm,0 mm) .. controls (88mm,\the\count0 mm) and (\x mm,66mm) ..|\\
%              |      (88mm,\the\count0 mm);|\\
%              |    }|\\
%              |    \clip (0mm,0mm) .. controls (88mm,64mm) and (16mm,66mm) ..|\\
%              |    (88mm,64mm) -- (88mm,100mm) -- (0mm,100mm) -- cycle;|\\
%              |  \end{Front}|\\
%              |  \begin{Top}|\\
%              |    \shade [outer color=yellow!20!red,inner color=yellow!80!red]|\\
%              |      rectangle (88mm,30mm);|\\
%              |    \PB(44mm,15mm){\huge\bf Product Box}|\\
%              |    \draw (77mm,20mm)|\\
%              |      node[circle,ball color=white,rotate=330]{\small\bf\fileversion};|\\
%              |  \end{Top}|\\
%            \end{minipage}};
%        \end{Front}
%        \begin{Top}
%          \shade [outer color=yellow!20!red,inner color=yellow!80!red]
%            rectangle (88mm,30mm);
%          \PB(44mm,15mm){\huge\bf Product Box}
%          \draw (77mm,20mm)
%            node[circle,ball color=white,rotate=330]{\small\bf\fileversion};
%        \end{Top}
%        \begin{Bottom}
%          \shade [outer color=yellow!20!red,inner color=yellow!80!red]
%            rectangle (88mm,30mm);
%        \end{Bottom}
%        \begin{Left}
%          \fill [top color=yellow!20!red,bottom color=yellow!80!red]
%            rectangle (30mm,100mm);
%          \PB(15mm,90mm){
%            \begin{minipage}{25mm}\centering
%              \Large\bf Product Box
%            \end{minipage}}
%          \draw (15mm,25mm) node {
%            \begin{minipage}{25mm}\sf\tiny\raggedright\parskip=.75ex
%              Copyright (C) 2010 Gerd Neugebauer
%              productbox.dtx is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
%              but  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.  No  author  or  distributor  accepts
%              responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it or for
%              whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless
%              he says so in writing.
%              Everyone is granted permission to  copy, modify and redistribute
%              productbox.dtx, provided this copyright notice is preserved  and
%              any modifications are indicated.
%            \end{minipage}};
%        \end{Left}
%        \begin{Right}
%          \fill [top color=yellow!20!red,bottom color=yellow!80!red]
%            rectangle (30mm,100mm);
%          \PB(15mm,90mm){
%            \begin{minipage}{25mm}\centering
%              \Large\bf Product Box
%            \end{minipage}}
%        \end{Right}
%      \end{ProductBox}
%    \end{center}
%    \newpage
%    \tableofcontents
%    \newpage
%    \section{Introduction}
%    Humans are tied to the physical world. Even in the age of
%    software it is desirable to have a physical representation for
%    it. In the commercial world the software is sold in product boxes
%    containing a CD or DVD and printed documentation.
%    But even for open source software having a product box provides a
%    means to associate a physical object with the more or less
%    virtual entity ``software''.
%    There are many programs around devoted to producing layouts for
%    product boxes. Each graphics program can be used for this purpose
%    as well. Nevertheless the integration of material from the \TeX\
%    world is not that easy.
%    The \LaTeX\ package |productbox| is an attempt to use the
%    possibilities for \LaTeX\ and some packages to provide a means
%    for typesetting the faces of a product box and assemble them into
%    a three-dimensional image.
%    Note that this ``image'' is in fact a \textsc{pdf} object. It can
%    be scaled without loss of quality\footnote{unless some pixel
%    images have been included}. It is also possible to extract
%    the text from the product box by cut and paste in an appropriate
%    \textsc{pdf} reader.
%    \section{The User Interface}
%    The \LaTeX\ style |productbox| is based on \TikZ{} at
%    \cite{tikz-manual} least in version~2.0. It is best used with a
%    \LaTeX\ variant which is able to produce \textsc{pdf}. If no
%    proper tool chain is used then some of the effects should not be
%    used.
%    \DescribeEnv{ProductBox}
%    The environment |ProductBox| provides the central means for
%    producing a product box. The contents is used to define the
%    appearance of the faces. Finally the selected type of output is
%    produced.
%    The content of the environment consists mainly of the definition
%    of the six faces. Not all of them need to be defined. If one face
%    is not defined then it appears as an empty rectangle of white
%    color.
%    Thus you usually want to define the faces. Two approaches are
%    provided to define the content of the faces. The simplified
%    interface does not really require any knowledge of the underlying
%    \TikZ{} package. Just some knowledge of \LaTeX\ is sufficient.
%    The extended interface opens the full power to the user. Both
%    interface types can be freely intermixed. The tow kinds of
%    interfaces are described in section~\ref{sec:simplified}
%    and~\ref{sec:extended}.
%    The environment |ProductBox| can be controlled with a number of
%    optional parameters. Those parameters are described in
%    section~\ref{sec:options}.
%    \subsection{The Simplified User Interface}\label{sec:simplified}
%    The simplified user interface is meant for someone not familiar
%    with \TikZ. It encapsulates nearly anything and relies on just
%    some basic \LaTeX\ experience. As a downside the functionality is
%    restricted. Any fancy artwork on the box background can hardly be
%    achieved.
%    The following example shows a complete -- even rather useless --
%    definition of a product box with the simplified user interface.
%    \noindent
%    {\advance\textwidth-\fboxsep \advance\textwidth-\fboxsep
%    \advance\textwidth-\fboxrule \advance\textwidth-\fboxrule
%    \setbox127\hbox\bgroup\begin{minipage}{\textwidth}\footnotesize
%    |\begin{ProductBox}|\\
%    |  \begin{FrontFace}[bottom color=white!30!blue,top color=white]|\\
%    |    \Huge Product Box|\\
%    |  \end{FrontFace}|\\
%    |  \begin{BackFace}[top color=yellow!30!red,bottom color=white]|\\
%    |    \large Back Face|\\
%    |  \end{BackFace}|\\
%    |  \begin{TopFace}[outer color=white!30!red,inner color=white]|\\
%    |    \large Top Face|\\
%    |  \end{TopFace}|\\
%    |  \begin{BottomFace}[outer color=red,inner color=black]|\\
%    |    \large Bottom Face|\\
%    |  \end{BottomFace}|\\
%    |  \begin{LeftFace}[left color=green,right color=yellow]|\\
%    |    \large Left Face|\\
%    |  \end{LeftFace}|\\
%    |  \begin{RightFace}[left color=white,right color=black]|\\
%    |    \large Right Face|\\
%    |  \end{RightFace}|\\
%    |\end{ProductBox}|
%    \end{minipage}\egroup
%    \fcolorbox{red!30!black}{yellow!30!white}{\box127}}
%    \newcommand\simpleSample[1]{%
%    \begin{ProductBox}[scale=.25,#1]
%      \begin{FrontFace}[bottom color=white!30!blue,top color=white]
%        \Huge Product Box
%      \end{FrontFace}
%      \begin{BackFace}[top color=yellow!30!red,bottom color=white]
%        \large Back Face
%      \end{BackFace}
%      \begin{TopFace}[outer color=white!30!red,inner color=white]
%        \large Top Face
%      \end{TopFace}
%      \begin{BottomFace}[outer color=red,inner color=black]
%        \large Bottom Face
%      \end{BottomFace}
%      \begin{LeftFace}[left color=green,right color=yellow]
%        \large Left Face
%      \end{LeftFace}
%      \begin{RightFace}[left color=white,right color=black]
%        \large Right Face
%      \end{RightFace}
%    \end{ProductBox}%
%    }
%    This code renders as
%    \begin{center}\simpleSample{}\end{center}
%    \newcommand\SampleEnv[1]{\noindent\par
%    \fcolorbox{red!30!black}{yellow!30!white}{\begin{minipage}[b]{.98\textwidth}\footnotesize\tt
%    \textcolor{blue}{\char92begin}\char123#1\char125\\
%    \hspace*{2em}...\\
%    \textcolor{blue}{\char92end}\char123#1\char125
%    \end{minipage}}\par}
%    The content of the environment |ProductBox| is simply evaluated.
%    It can contain any code you like. Useful for the production of a
%    product  box are some inner environments. They are called
%    |FrontFace|, |BackFace|, |LeftFace|, |RightFace|, |TopFace|, and
%    |BottomFace|.  They are defined inside the main  environment
%    only. Those environments can be used to specify the contents of
%    the respective faces of the box.
%    Note that in the three-dimensional rendering will show at most
%    three of the faces. It does not hurt to define all of them, even
%    if they are not shown at all.
%    \DescribeEnv{FrontFace}
%    The environment |FrontFace| is used to define the content of
%    the font face. The environment processes its contents inside a
%    |minipage| of the default width 88\,mm reduced by the left and
%    right separator width (|faceSep|).
%    The minipage is centered vertically on the face.
%    Usually anything extending the default height of 100\,mm is
%    clipped.
%    \SampleEnv{FrontFace}
%    \DescribeEnv{BackFace}
%    The environment |BackFace| is used to define the content of
%    the back face. The environment processes its contents inside a
%    |minipage| of the default width 88\,mm reduced by the left and
%    right separator width (|faceSep|).
%    The minipage is centered vertically on the face.
%    Usually anything extending the default height of 100\,mm is
%    clipped.
%    \SampleEnv{BackFace}
%    \DescribeEnv{LeftFace}
%    The environment |LeftFace| is used to define the content of
%    the left face. The environment processes its contents inside a
%    |minipage| of the default width 100\,mm reduced by the left and
%    right separator width (|faceSep|).
%    The minipage is centered vertically on the face.
%    Usually anything extending the default height of 30\,mm is
%    clipped.
%    \SampleEnv{LeftFace}
%    \DescribeEnv{RightFace}
%    The environment |RightFace| is used to define the content of
%    the right face. The environment processes its contents inside a
%    |minipage| of the default width 100\,mm reduced by the left and
%    right separator width (|faceSep|).
%    The minipage is centered vertically on the face.
%    Usually anything extending the default height of 30\,mm is
%    clipped.
%    \SampleEnv{RightFace}
%    \DescribeEnv{TopFace}
%    The environment |TopFace| is used to define the content of
%    the top face. The environment processes its contents inside a
%    |minipage| of the default width 88\,mm reduced by the left and
%    right separator width (|faceSep|).
%    The minipage is centered vertically on the face.
%    Usually anything extending the default height of 30\,mm is
%    clipped.
%    \SampleEnv{TopFace}
%    \DescribeEnv{BottomFace}
%    The environment |BottomFace| is used to define the content of
%    the bottom face. The environment processes its contents inside a
%    |minipage| of the default width 88\,mm reduced by the left and
%    right separator width (|faceSep|).
%    The minipage is centered vertically on the face.
%    Usually anything extending the default height of 30\,mm is
%    clipped.
%    \SampleEnv{BottomFace}
%    \newcommand\Sample[1]{
%    \noindent
%    \fcolorbox{red!30!black}{yellow!30!white}{\begin{minipage}[b]{.8\textwidth}\footnotesize\tt
%      \textcolor{blue}{\char92begin}\char123ProductBox\char125 \\
%      \hspace*{2em}\textcolor{blue}{\char92begin}\char123FrontFace\char125\\
%      \hspace*{4em}\textcolor{red}{[#1]}\\
%      \hspace*{4em}...\\
%      \hspace*{2em}\textcolor{blue}{\char92end}\char123FrontFace\char125\\
%      \hspace*{2em}...\\
%      \textcolor{blue}{\char92end}\char123ProductBox\char125
%    \end{minipage}}\hfill
%    \begin{minipage}[b]{.18\textwidth}\hfill
%      \begin{ProductBox}[front,scale=.2]
%        \begin{FrontFace}[#1] \end{FrontFace}
%      \end{ProductBox}
%    \end{minipage}\medskip\par
%    }%
%    Any of the face defining environments described above can take an
%    optional argument. This argument is used to specify the
%    background. In the simplest case you just have one background
%    color. This is specified with the keyword |color|.
%    \Sample{color=yellow}
%    Colors in \TikZ{} are either one of the named colors or a
%    composition of those colors. The notation |red!60!blue| denotes
%    the color by mixing 60\% red and 40\% blue.
%    \Sample{color=red!60!blue}
%    By mixing in black or white you can come to a lighter or darker
%    color.
%    \Sample{color=red!20!white}
%    A fading from top to bottom can be specified with two
%    colors named |top color| and |bottom color|.
%    \Sample{top color=red!50!blue,bottom color=yellow}
%    A fading from left to right can be specified with two
%    colors named |left color| and |left color|.
%    \Sample{left color=red!50!blue,right color=yellow}
%    The parameter |middle color| can be used in horizontal or
%    vertical fading to specifying the color in the middle. Note thta
%    it has to be specified after the other colors!
%    \Sample{top color=red,bottom color=yellow,middle color=blue}
%    A circular fading can be specified with the color names
%    |inner color| and |outer color|.
%    \Sample{inner color=red,outer color=yellow}
%    \subsection{The Extended User Interface}\label{sec:extended}
%    The extended user interface allows you to use all features of
%    \TikZ. For this purpose another set of face defining environments
%    is provided which process their content in a |tikzpicture|
%    environment.
%    The following example shows a complete example of a product box
%    with the extended user interface. This example is used below to
%    demonstrate the effect of the differnt options.
%    \noindent
%    {\advance\textwidth-\fboxsep \advance\textwidth-\fboxsep
%    \advance\textwidth-\fboxrule \advance\textwidth-\fboxrule
%    \setbox127\hbox\bgroup\begin{minipage}{.98\textwidth}\footnotesize\raggedright
%    |\begin{ProductBox}\sf|\\
%    |  \begin{Front}|\\
%    |    \fill [top color=white!30!blue,bottom color=white]|\\
%    |      rectangle (88mm,100mm);|\\
%    |    \fill [bottom color=white!40!blue,top color=white!90!blue]|\\
%    |          (0mm,0mm) -- (44mm,90mm) -- (88mm,0mm) -- cycle;|\\
%    |    \draw (44mm,40mm) node{\Huge Product Box};|\\
%    |  \end{Front}|\\
%    |  \begin{Back}|\\
%    |    \fill [top color=yellow!30!red,bottom color=white]|\\
%    |      rectangle (88mm,100mm);|\\
%    |    \fill [top color=white,bottom color=blue]|\\
%    |    (0mm,0mm) -- (88mm,100mm) -- (0mm,100mm) --cycle;|\\
%    |    \draw (44mm,50mm) node{\large Back};|\\
%    |  \end{Back}|\\
%    |  \begin{Top}|\\
%    |    \fill [outer color=white!30!red,inner color=white]|\\
%    |      rectangle (88mm,30mm);|\\
%    |    \draw[white,thick] (0mm,5mm) -- (88mm,25mm);|\\
%    |    \draw (44mm,15mm) node{\large Top};|\\
%    |  \end{Top}|\\
%    |  \begin{Bottom}|\\
%    |    \fill [outer color=red!30!white,inner color=black]|\\
%    |      rectangle (88mm,30mm);|\\
%    |    \draw[white] (44mm,15mm) node{\large Bottom};|\\
%    |  \end{Bottom}|\\
%    |  \begin{Left}|\\
%    |    \fill [left color=green,right color=yellow]|\\
%    |      rectangle (30mm,100mm);|\\
%    |    \draw (15mm,50mm) node{\large Left};|\\
%    |  \end{Left}|\\
%    |  \begin{Right}|\\
%    |    \fill [top color=green,bottom color=yellow]|\\
%    |      rectangle (30mm,100mm);|\\
%    |    \draw (15mm,50mm) node{\large Right};|\\
%    |  \end{Right}|\\
%    |\end{ProductBox}|
%    \end{minipage}\egroup
%    \fcolorbox{red!30!black}{yellow!30!white}{\box127}}
%    \newcommand\sample[1]{%
%    \begin{ProductBox}[scale=.25,#1]\sf
%      \begin{Front}
%        \fill [top color=white!30!blue,bottom color=white]
%          rectangle (88mm,100mm);
%        \fill [bottom color=white!40!blue,top color=white!90!blue]
%              (0mm,0mm) -- (44mm,90mm) -- (88mm,0mm) -- cycle;
%        \draw (44mm,40mm) node{\Huge Product Box};
%      \end{Front}
%      \begin{Back}
%        \fill [top color=blue,bottom color=white]
%          rectangle (88mm,100mm);
%        \fill [top color=white,bottom color=blue]
%        (0mm,0mm) -- (88mm,100mm) -- (0mm,100mm) --cycle;
%        \draw (44mm,50mm) node{\large Back};
%      \end{Back}
%      \begin{Top}
%        \fill [outer color=white!30!red,inner color=white]
%          rectangle (88mm,30mm);
%        \draw[white,thick] (0mm,5mm) -- (88mm,25mm);
%        \draw (44mm,15mm) node{\large Top};
%      \end{Top}
%      \begin{Bottom}
%        \fill [outer color=red!30!white,inner color=black]
%          rectangle (88mm,30mm);
%        \draw[white] (44mm,15mm) node{\large Bottom};
%      \end{Bottom}
%      \begin{Left}
%        \fill [left color=green,right color=yellow]
%          rectangle (30mm,100mm);
%        \draw (15mm,50mm) node{\large Left};
%      \end{Left}
%      \begin{Right}
%        \fill [top color=green,bottom color=yellow]
%          rectangle (30mm,100mm);
%        \draw (15mm,50mm) node{\large Right};
%      \end{Right}
%    \end{ProductBox}%
%    }
%    The content of the environment is simply expanded. It may contain
%    any code you like -- except an |ProductBox| environment. Useful
%    for the production of a product box are some inner environments.
%    They are called |Front|, |Back|, |Left|, |Right|, |Top|, and
%    |Bottom|. They are defined inside the main
%    environment only. Those environments can be used to specify the
%    contents of the respective faces of the box.
%    Note that in the three-dimensional rendering will show at most
%    three of the faces. It does not hurt to define all of them, even
%    if they are not shown at all.
%    \DescribeEnv{Front}
%    The environment |Front| is used to define the content of
%    the font face. The environment processes its contents inside a
%    |tikzpicture| of the default size 88\,mm$\times$100\,mm.
%    Usually anything outside of this range is clipped.
%    \SampleEnv{Front}
%    \DescribeEnv{Back}
%    The environment |Back| is used to define the content of
%    the back face. The environment processes its contents inside a
%    |tikzpicture| of the default size 88\,mm$\times$100\,mm.
%    Usually anything outside of this range is clipped.
%    \SampleEnv{Back}
%    \DescribeEnv{Left}
%    The environment |Left| is used to define the content of
%    the left face, i.e. the face left to the front page. The
%    environment processes its contents inside a |tikzpicture|
%    of the default size 30\,mm$\times$100\,mm. Usually anything
%    outside of this range is clipped.
%    \SampleEnv{Left}
%    \DescribeEnv{Right}
%    The environment |Right| is used to define the content of
%    the right face, i.e. the face right to the front page. The
%    environment processes its contents inside a |tikzpicture|
%    of the default size 30\,mm$\times$100\,mm. Usually anything
%    outside of this range is clipped.
%    \SampleEnv{Right}
%    \DescribeEnv{Top}
%    The environment |Top| is used to define the content of the
%    top face. The environment processes its contents inside a
%    |tikzpicture| of the default size 88\,mm$\times$30\,mm. Usually
%    anything outside of this range is clipped.
%    \SampleEnv{Top}
%    \DescribeEnv{Bottom}
%    The environment |Bottom| is used to define the content of the
%    top face. The environment processes its contents inside a
%    |tikzpicture| of the default size 88\,mm$\times$30\,mm. Usually
%    anything outside of this range is clipped.
%    \SampleEnv{Bottom}
%    \subsection{Settings and Options of the Main Environment}\label{sec:options}
%    The environment |ProductBox| can take some options to
%    influence the appearance of the product box. Those options are
%    comma separated.
%    \def\CODE#1{
%    \noindent
%    \fcolorbox{red!30!black}{yellow!30!white}{\begin{minipage}[b]{.98\textwidth}\footnotesize\tt
%    #1
%    \end{minipage}\medskip\par
%    }}%
%    \CODE{\textcolor{blue}{\char92begin}\char123ProductBox\char125[shape=3d]}
%    The settings are local to the main environment. If an option is not
%    set then the fallback from the global settings are used.
%    \DescribeMacro{\ProductBoxSet}
%    The macro |\ProductBoxSet| modifies the global setting of the
%    product box style. The arguments are the same as the optional
%    arguments of the environment |ProductBox| -- but enclosed
%    in braces instead of brackets.
%    \CODE{\char92ProductBoxSet\char123shape=3d\char125 }
%    The following options can be used to influence the result of the product
%    box.
%    \newcommand\SAMPLE[1]{
%      \noindent
%      \fcolorbox{red!30!black}{yellow!30!white}{\begin{minipage}[b]{.45\textwidth}\footnotesize\tt\raggedright
%      \def\x{#1}%
%      \def\e{}%
%      \textcolor{blue}{\char92begin}\char123ProductBox\char125 \ifx\x\e\else\textcolor{red}{[#1]}\fi\\
%      \hspace*{2em}\textcolor{blue}{\char92begin}\char123Front\char125\\
%      \hspace*{4em}...\\
%      \hspace*{2em}\textcolor{blue}{\char92end}\char123Front\char125\\
%      \hspace*{2em}\textcolor{blue}{\char92begin}\char123Left\char125\\
%      \hspace*{4em}...\\
%      \hspace*{2em}\textcolor{blue}{\char92end}\char123Left\char125\\
%      \hspace*{2em}...\\
%      \textcolor{blue}{\char92end}\char123ProductBox\char125
%    \end{minipage}}\hfill
%    \begin{minipage}[b]{.53\textwidth}\hfill
%      \sample{#1}
%    \end{minipage}\medskip\par
%    }%
%    \DescribeMacro{style}
%    The box style determines, how the box is drawn. Several rendering
%    functions are provided to produce different effects. Any value is
%    accepted. Unknown box styles will lead to an error message.
%    \SAMPLE{style=3D}
%    \DescribeMacro{3D}
%    The box style |3D| is the default. It produces a
%    three-dimensional view of the box. The option |3D| is an
%    abbreviation for |style=3D|. It can also be written as |3d| or
%    |threeD|.
%    \SAMPLE{}
%    \DescribeMacro{shadow}
%    The option |shadow| controls the drawing of the drop shadow in the
%    3D rendering. It is a boolean value taking the values |true| and
%    |false|. The default value is |true|.
%    The option |shadow| is the abbreviation for |shadow=true|.
%    \SAMPLE{shadow=false}
%    \DescribeMacro{mirror}
%    The option |mirror| controls the rendering of the mirror effect in
%    the 3D rendering. It is a boolean value taking the values |true| and
%    |false|. The default value is |false|.
%    The option |mirror| is the abbreviation for |mirror=true|.
%    \SAMPLE{mirror=true}
%    \DescribeMacro{flare}
%    The option |flare| controls the rendering of the flare effect in
%    the 3D~rendering. The flare is a circular relection of the light
%    source in the upper right corner of the front face. The option is
%    a boolean value taking the values |true| and |false|. The default
%    value is |false|.
%    The option |flare| is the abbreviation for |flare=true|.
%    \SAMPLE{flare=true}
%    \DescribeMacro{flareDiameter}
%    The option |flareDiameter| takes a dimension which defines the
%    diameter of the flare effect in the 3D~rendering. The default
%    value is 24\,mm.
%    \SAMPLE{flare=true, flareDiameter=60mm}
%    Internally the 3D rendering uses a |tikzpicture|.  You can expand
%    your own code either at the beginning or at the end of this
%    environment. This can be achieved by overwriting a macro.
%    \DescribeMacro{ProductBoxThreeDStartHook}
%    The macro |ProductBoxThreeDStartHook| contains code to be
%    expanded at the beginning of the 3D rendering. Initially it is
%    defined as empty.
%    \noindent
%    \fcolorbox{red!30!black}{yellow!30!white}{\begin{minipage}[b]{.49\textwidth}\footnotesize\tt\raggedright
%      \textcolor{blue}{\char92renewcommand}\char92ProductBoxThreeDStartHook\char123\\
%      \hspace*{2em}\char92 filldraw[yscale=.4,\\
%      \hspace*{6em} shift=\char123(30mm,4mm)\char125,\\
%      \hspace*{6em} color=white,\\
%      \hspace*{6em} inner color=white!70!blue,\\
%      \hspace*{6em} outer color=white]\\
%      \hspace*{4em} circle (120mm);\\
%      \char125\\
%      \textcolor{blue}{\char92begin}\char123ProductBox\char125\\
%      \hspace*{2em}...\\
%      \textcolor{blue}{\char92end}\char123ProductBox\char125
%    \end{minipage}}\hfill\hspace*{-4pt}
%    \begin{minipage}[b]{.5\textwidth}\hfill
%      \renewcommand\ProductBoxThreeDStartHook{
%        \filldraw[yscale=.4,
%                  shift={(30mm,4mm)},
%                  color=white,
%                  inner color=white!80!blue,
%                  outer color=white] circle (120mm);
%      }
%      \sample{}
%    \end{minipage}\hspace*{-3pt}\medskip\par
%    \DescribeMacro{ProductBoxThreeDEndHook}
%    The macro |ProductBoxThreeDEndHook| contains code to be
%    expanded at the end of the 3D rendering. Initially it is
%    defined as empty.
%    \DescribeMacro{fold}
%    The option |fold| switches to the box style for rendering a
%    complete wire frame with all faces in place. The option
%    |fold| is an abbreviation for |style=fold|.
%    \SAMPLE{fold}
%    The top face is printed on the left and right top ear as well.
%    This should avoid a break in the pattern when the box is
%    partially opened. The same principle applis for the glue ear on
%    the right side and the bottom.
%    The bottom is formed in a way to maiximize stability without the
%    need to glue. In addition numbers are printed on the parts of the
%    bottom indicating the sequence in which the parts should be
%    closed.
%    \DescribeMacro{earSize}
%    The option |earSize| takes a dimension which defines the
%    width of the ears in the fold rendering. The ears around the top
%    are this wide. The width of the glueing ear is half of this size.
%    The default value is 12\,mm.
%    \SAMPLE{fold,earSize=30mm}
%    Note that the ear size must not exceed the width of the left
%    face, the width of the front face, and the heiht of the box.
%    Otherwise funny effects in the ears will happen.
%    \DescribeMacro{foldLine}
%    The option |foldLine| takes a specification for the line
%    surrounding the fold drawing. Usally you want to simply use a
%    color like ``gray'' or ``red''. The default is a kind of gray.
%    \SAMPLE{fold,foldLine=red}
%    \DescribeMacro{foldOpacity}
%    The option |foldOpacity| takes a fraction for the opacity of the line
%    surrounding the fold drawing. The default is |0.5|. If you want
%    to let the fold lines disappear then use a value of 1.
%    \SAMPLE{fold,foldOpacity=0}
%    \DescribeMacro{front}
%    The option |front| switches to the box style for rendering the
%    front face only. The option |front| is an abbreviation for
%    |style=front|.
%    \SAMPLE{front}
%    \DescribeMacro{back}
%    The option |back| switches to the box style for rendering the
%    back face only. The option |back| is an abbreviation for
%    |style=back|.
%    \SAMPLE{back}
%    \DescribeMacro{left}
%    The option |left| switches to the box style for rendering the
%    left face only. The option |left| is an abbreviation for
%    |style=left|.
%    \SAMPLE{left}
%    \DescribeMacro{right}
%    The option |right| switches to the box style for rendering the
%    right face only. The option |right| is an abbreviation for
%    |style=right|.
%    \SAMPLE{right}
%    \DescribeMacro{top}
%    The option |top| switches to the box style for rendering the
%    top face only. The option |top| is an abbreviation for
%    |style=top|.
%    \SAMPLE{top}
%    \DescribeMacro{bottom}
%    The option |bottom| switches to the box style for rendering the
%    face only. The option |bottom| is an abbreviation for
%    |style=bottom|.
%    \SAMPLE{bottom}
%    \DescribeMacro{empty}
%    The option |empty| switches to the box style for not rendering
%    the box at all. The option |empty| is an abbreviation for
%    |style=empty|.
%    \SAMPLE{empty}
%    \DescribeMacro{scale}
%    The option |scale| controlls the scaling of the whole rendering.
%    It is a number where 1. represents the original size.\footnote{The
%    examples on the right side are normally rendered with a scale of 0.25.}
%    \SAMPLE{scale=.1}
%    \DescribeMacro{view}
%    The option |view| takes a name of a view definition and activates
%    the appropriate settings. A few views are predefined. The default
%    value is |1|.
%    \SAMPLE{view=1}
%    \SAMPLE{view=2}
%    \SAMPLE{view=3}
%    \DescribeMacro{edgeColor}
%    The option |edgeColor| takes a color specification for
%    highlighting the inner edges in the 3D rendering.
%    \DescribeMacro{faceSep}
%    The option |faceSep| takes a dimension denoting the additional
%    separating whitespace between the outer border and the minipage
%    in the simplified interface.
%    \DescribeMacro{width}
%    The option |width| takes a dimension denoting the width of the
%    box. The default value is 88\,mm.
%    \DescribeMacro{height}
%    The option |height| takes a dimension denoting the height of the
%    box. The default value is 100\,mm.
%    \DescribeMacro{depth}
%    The option |depth| takes a dimension denoting the depth of the
%    box. The default value is 30\,mm.
%    \DescribeMacro{clean}
%    The option |clean| controlls the cleaning of the stored faces
%    upon entering the main environment. If it is turned off then the
%    previously defined faces are still present and do not need to be
%    defined again. It is a boolean value taking the values |true| and
%    |false|. The default value is |true|.
%    This option can be used to typeset the same product box with
%    differnt parameters. For this purpose the main environment
%    |ProductBox| is left empty and the option |clean=false| is added.
%    \DescribeMacro{clip}
%    The option |clip| controls the clipping of the faces to their
%    defined size. If it is turned off then the faces can be oversized
%    leading to strange effects. It is a boolean value taking the
%    values |true| and |false|. The default value is |true|.
%    \section{Tipps and Tricks}
%    \subsection{Adjusting the Paper for the Fold Rendering}
%    When you produce the fold rendering it is usually meant to be cut
%    out and glued together. This means that the normal rules for the
%    paper layout are not relevant. Instead you want to use the
%    complete page for printing the product box.
%    Below an example is shown how this goal can be achieved.
%    \noindent
%    {\advance\textwidth-\fboxsep \advance\textwidth-\fboxsep
%    \advance\textwidth-\fboxrule \advance\textwidth-\fboxrule
%    \setbox127\hbox\bgroup\begin{minipage}{.98\textwidth}\raggedright\footnotesize\tt
%    |\documentclass{|\textcolor{red}{\tt report}|}|\\
%    |\usepackage[|\textcolor{red}{a4paper}|,|\\
%    |            landscape,|\\
%    |            left=|\textcolor{red}{5mm}|,|\\
%    |            right=|\textcolor{red}{5mm}|,|\\
%    |            top=|\textcolor{red}{5mm}|,|\\
%    |            bottom=|\textcolor{red}{5mm}|]{geometry}|\\
%    |\usepackage{productbox}|\\
%    \textcolor{green}{\itshape\% load any required packages here}\\
%    |\pagestyle{empty}|\\
%    |\begin{document}|\\
%    |\noindent|\\
%    |\begin{ProductBox}[style=fold]|\\
%    |  |\textcolor{green}{\itshape\% include any definitions for the faces here}\\
%    |\end{ProductBox}|\\
%    |\end{document}|\\
%    \end{minipage}\egroup
%    \fcolorbox{red!30!black}{yellow!30!white}{\box127}}
%    The class for typesetting this example is |report|. This can be
%    changed to suit your needs. For instance if you are used to a
%    document class with other macros and environments predefined you
%    can just use it instead.
%    The example above uses the package |geometry|
%    \cite{geormetry-manual} to get rid of any predefined page layout.
%    Some parameters (marked in red) can be adjusted. First of all is
%    the paper definition. Here the value  |a4paper| is used. If you
%    want to print onto paper of a different size just use an
%    appropriate short name like |letterpaper| or |a3paper|. See the
%    documentation of the geometry package for a complete list of
%    values.
%    The values |left|, |right|, |top|, and |bottom| denote the
%    margins left on the respective outer side of the paper. They are
%    set to 5\,mm in this example to cope with the problem that some
%    printers are not able to fill the complete page. They might need
%    a small non-printable area at the borders. You can experiment and
%    adjust those values to whatever suits your printer.
%    \section{Known Problems}
%    This section lists some issues which might lead to undesirable
%    results.
%    \begin{description}
%    \item[Nested |ProductBox| environments.] The definition of the
%    environment uses some global storage. As a consequence the
%    environment |ProductBox| can not be used inside the definition of
%    a face. For instance if you want to show a product box on a side
%    of another product box can lead to this problem.
%    In this case you can simply store the inner product box in a box
%    register (with |setbox|) and use this bos register instead of a
%    direct rendering. This will overcome the restriction.
%    \item[Free selection of the point of view.] The 3D rendering is
%    rather limited in the possibilities of selecting the view.
%    Arbitrary rotation about any axis is not implemented (yet). This
%    is on the which list for a future release already.
%    \end{description}
%    \bibliographystyle{alpha}
%    \bibliography{productbox}
%    \StopEventually
%    \newpage
%    \section{The Documentation Driver}
%    The documentation driver changes \textsf{productbox.dtx} into a
%    self-extracting documentation. Thus it is possible to run
%    \LaTeX{} on \textsf{productbox.dtx} to produce the documentation.
%    The documentation can be adapted in a file named productbox.dcf
%    (documentation configuration). This file can contain instructions
%    for |docstrip|. Especially useful might be the instruction
%    |\OnlyDescription|
%    which suppresses the generation of the implementation description.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\parskip=1ex plus .5ex minus .25ex
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \section{The Implementation}
%    The implementation contains the code of the style.
%    \subsection{The Version Information}
%    The following lines define the version information for the class
%    file. The information is partially taken from the version control
%    system (Subversion).
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \def\ProductBox@VC$#1: #2 #3${#2}
  \def\ProductBox@VCdate$#1: #2-#3-#4 #5${#2/#3/#4}
  \xdef\filerevision{\ProductBox@VC$Revision: 8333 $}
    $Date: 2010-12-29 20:58:06 +0100 (Mi, 29 Dez 2010) $}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \subsection{Getting Started}
%    First we have to determine that the right kind of \LaTeX{} is
%    running and identify the style file.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\ProvidesPackage{productbox}[\filedate Another type of boxes...]
%    \end{macrocode}
%   A bunch of packages is loaded to form the base of the work herein.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \subsection{Option Declarations}
%    Define the parameters for the keyval package. They are used in
%    the main environemnt |Product Box| and in the declaration of
%    global options |\ProductBoxSet|.
%    \subsubsection{General Parameters}
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \csname ProductBox@clean#1\endcsname}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \subsubsection{Box Style Parameters}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \subsubsection{Parameters for the 3D Rendering}
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \csname ProductBox@shadow#1\endcsname}
  \csname ProductBox@mirror#1\endcsname}
  \csname ProductBox@flare#1\endcsname}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \subsubsection{Parameters for the Fold Rendering}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \subsubsection{Parameters for the Simplified Interface}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \subsection{Storage for the Faces}
%    \begin{macro}{\ProductBox@Front}
%    The box |\ProductBox@Front| contains the front material.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\ProductBox@Left}
%    The box |\ProductBox@Left| contains the left material.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\ProductBox@Top}
%    The box |\ProductBox@Top| contains the top material.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\ProductBox@Right}
%    The box |\ProductBox@Right| contains the right material.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\ProductBox@Bottom}
%    The box |\ProductBox@Bottom| contains the bottom material.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\ProductBox@Back}
%    The box |\ProductBox@Back| contains the back material.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \subsection{Settings}
%    \begin{macro}{\ProductBoxSet}
%    The macro |\ProductBoxSet| defines the global parameters used by
%    the environment |ProductBox|. They can be overwritten either
%    within a group or in the optional parameter of the environment.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \subsection{The Main Environment}
%    \begin{macro}{\ProductBox@style}
%    The default style is the 3D rendering.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\ProductBox@x}
%    The width of the box.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\ProductBox@y}
%    The height of the box.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\ProductBox@z}
%    The depth of the box.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{ifProductBox@clean}
%    Indicator that the boxes for the faces should be cleaned.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{ifProductBox@active}
%    Indicator that we are inside a |ProductBox| environment already.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{ifProductBox@clip}
%    The boolean |ProductBox@clip| determines whether or not the
%    additional clipping of the boxes should be enabled.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newif\ifProductBox@clip \ProductBox@cliptrue
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\ProductBox@FaceSep}
%    The horizontal separator of the minipage in the face definitions
%    in the simplified interface.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{environment}{ProductBox}
%    This is the central environment provided by this style. In the begin code
%    only the local environments are initialized and the optional parameters
%    are evaluated with the help of the package |keyval|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Next we clean the faces if this is required.
%    \changes{1.1}{2010/12/27}{Do not clean the faces upon request.}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Next we define the local environments to make sure that they have
%    the proper definitions within this environment. Since the
%    environment provides an implicit group, the definitions are local
%    to this environment.
%    To suppress any error messages about environments which are
%    already defined the start macros are reset to undefined.
%    \changes{1.1}{2010/12/23}{Simplified user interface added.}
%    \changes{1.1}{2010/12/25}{Suppress error messages.}
%    \changes{1.1}{2010/12/26}{Issue an error message for nested
%    ProductBox environments.}
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \errmessage{Trying to use an environment ProductBox inside the
      environment ProductBox. This is not allowed.}%
  \let\Front\undefined            \let\endFront\undefined
  \let\Back\undefined             \let\endBack\undefined
  \let\Left\undefined             \let\endLeft\undefined
  \let\Right\undefined            \let\endRight\undefined
  \let\Top\undefined              \let\endTop\undefined
  \let\Bottom\undefined           \let\endBottom\undefined
  \let\FrontFace\undefined        \let\endFrontFace\undefined
  \let\BackFace\undefined         \let\endBackFace\undefined
  \let\LeftFace\undefined         \let\endLeftFace\undefined
  \let\RightFace\undefined        \let\endRightFace\undefined
  \let\TopFace\undefined          \let\endTopFace\undefined
  \let\BottomFace\undefined       \let\endBottomFace\undefined
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Check that the box style is defined or issue an appropriate error
%    message.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \errmessage{Box style '\ProductBox@style' for ProductBox is unknown}%
%    \end{macrocode}
%    The main activity is performed in the end code. Since the
%    flexibility of the environment is one of its design goals, the
%    expansion of the macro |\ProductBox@style| is used to invoke the
%    macro stored in it. Optionally it is enclosed in a |\scalebox|
%    macro to perform the scaling. Thus the implementations of the box
%    styles do not need to care about scaling at all. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{environment}
%    \begin{macro}{\ProductBox@Start}
%    The macro |\ProductBox@Start| starts the environment storing a face.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \ifProductBox@clip \clip rectangle (#2); \fi
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\ProductBox@End}
%    The macro |\ProductBox@End| ends the environment storing a face.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\ProductBox@StartFace}
%    The macro |\ProductBox@StartFace| starts the environment storing
%    a face in a minipage.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\ProductBox@EndFace}
%    This macro ends a face definition and stores the result in the
%    internal box |\ProductBox@@box|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \ifProductBox@clip \clip rectangle (\ProductBox@@w,\ProductBox@@h); \fi
    \expandafter\fill \ProductBox@@args rectangle(\ProductBox@@w,\ProductBox@@h);
    \draw (.5*\ProductBox@@w,.5*\ProductBox@@h)
      node[inner sep=0pt] {\box\ProductBox@@box};
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \subsection{Box Styles}
%    \begin{macro}{\ProductBox@style@empty}
%    This macro defines the sytle \emph{empty} for a product box. It
%    simply does nothing.
%    \changes{1.1}{2010/12/26}{New box style ``empty''.}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\ProductBox@style@flat}
%    This macro defines the sytle \emph{flat} for a product box.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \hspace*{\ProductBox@z}\kern1mm \copy\ProductBox@Top\\[1ex]
  \copy\ProductBox@Left\kern1mm \copy\ProductBox@Front\kern1mm
  \copy\ProductBox@Right\kern1mm \copy\ProductBox@Back\\[1ex]
  \hspace*{\ProductBox@z}\kern1mm \copy\ProductBox@Bottom\par
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \subsubsection{Box Style \texttt{front}}
%    \begin{macro}{\ProductBox@style@front}
%    This macro defines the sytle \emph{front} for a product box. Only this
%    one face of the box is shown.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \subsubsection{Box Style \texttt{back}}
%    \begin{macro}{\ProductBox@style@back}
%    This macro defines the sytle \emph{back} for a product box. Only this
%    one face of the box is shown.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \subsubsection{Box Style \texttt{left}}
%    \begin{macro}{\ProductBox@style@left}
%    This macro defines the sytle \emph{left} for a product box. Only this
%    one face of the box is shown.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \subsubsection{Box Style \texttt{right}}
%    \begin{macro}{\ProductBox@style@right}
%    This macro defines the sytle \emph{right} for a product box. Only this
%    one face of the box is shown.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \subsubsection{Box Style \texttt{top}}
%    \begin{macro}{\ProductBox@style@top}
%    This macro defines the sytle \emph{top} for a product box. Only this
%    one face of the box is shown.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \subsubsection{Box Style \texttt{bottom}}
%    \begin{macro}{\ProductBox@style@bottom}
%    This macro defines the sytle \emph{bottom} for a product box. Only this
%    one face of the box is shown.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \subsubsection{Box Style \texttt{fold}}
%    \begin{macro}{\ProductBox@earSize}
%    Parameter for the size of the ears.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\ProductBox@foldLine}
%    The color of the additional lines in the fold rendering.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\ProductBox@foldOpacity}
%    The color of the additional lines in the fold rendering.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\ProductBox@style@fold}
%    This macro defines the sytle \emph{fold} for a product box.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \begin{tikzpicture}[sw/.style={anchor=south west,
                                 inner sep=0pt},
                      se/.style={anchor=south east,
                                 inner sep=0pt},
                      nw/.style={anchor=north west,
                                 inner sep=0pt},
                                  fill opacity=.5,
%    \end{macrocode}
%    left face
%    \begin{macrocode}
      \clip rectangle (\ProductBox@z,\ProductBox@y);
      \draw node[sw]{\copy\ProductBox@Left};
        rectangle (\ProductBox@z,\ProductBox@y);
%    \end{macrocode}
%    front face
%    \begin{macrocode}
      \clip rectangle (\ProductBox@x,\ProductBox@y);
      \draw node[sw]{\copy\ProductBox@Front};
        rectangle (\ProductBox@x,\ProductBox@y);
%    \end{macrocode}
%    right face
%    \begin{macrocode}
      \clip rectangle (\ProductBox@z,\ProductBox@y);
      \draw node[sw]{\copy\ProductBox@Right};
        rectangle (\ProductBox@z,\ProductBox@y);
%    \end{macrocode}
%    back face
%    \begin{macrocode}
      \clip rectangle (\ProductBox@x,\ProductBox@y);
      \draw node[sw]{\copy\ProductBox@Back};
         rectangle (\ProductBox@x,\ProductBox@y);
%    \end{macrocode}
%    top face
%    \begin{macrocode}
      \clip rectangle (\ProductBox@x,\ProductBox@z);
      \draw node[sw]{\copy\ProductBox@Top};
        rectangle (\ProductBox@x,\ProductBox@z);
%    \end{macrocode}
%    bottom ear 3 front
%    \begin{macrocode}
        (0mm,0mm) -- (.5*\ProductBox@z,-.5*\ProductBox@z) --
        (.5*\ProductBox@z,-\ProductBox@z) --
        (\ProductBox@x-.5*\ProductBox@z,-\ProductBox@z) --
        (\ProductBox@x-.5*\ProductBox@z,-.5*\ProductBox@z) --
        (\ProductBox@x,0mm) -- cycle;
      \draw (\ProductBox@x,-\ProductBox@z)
      \draw [thin,opacity=\ProductBox@foldOpacity,\ProductBox@foldLine]
        (0mm,0mm) -- (.5*\ProductBox@z,-.5*\ProductBox@z) --
        (.5*\ProductBox@z,-\ProductBox@z) --
        (\ProductBox@x-.5*\ProductBox@z,-\ProductBox@z) --
        (\ProductBox@x-.5*\ProductBox@z,-.5*\ProductBox@z) --
        (\ProductBox@x,0mm) -- cycle;
      \draw (.5*\ProductBox@x,-.75*\ProductBox@z) node[num]{3};
%    \end{macrocode}
%    bottom ear 1 back
%    \begin{macrocode}
        (0mm,0mm) -- (0mm,-\ProductBox@z) --
        (.5*\ProductBox@z,-\ProductBox@z) --
        (.5*\ProductBox@z,-.5*\ProductBox@z) --
        (\ProductBox@x-.5*\ProductBox@z,-.5*\ProductBox@z) --
        (\ProductBox@x-.5*\ProductBox@z,-\ProductBox@z) --
        (\ProductBox@x,-\ProductBox@z) -- (\ProductBox@x,0mm) --
      \draw node[se,rotate=180]{\copy\ProductBox@Bottom};
        (0mm,0mm) -- (0mm,-\ProductBox@z) --
        (.5*\ProductBox@z,-\ProductBox@z) --
        (.5*\ProductBox@z,-.5*\ProductBox@z) --
        (\ProductBox@x-.5*\ProductBox@z,-.5*\ProductBox@z) --
        (\ProductBox@x-.5*\ProductBox@z,-\ProductBox@z) --
        (\ProductBox@x,-\ProductBox@z) -- (\ProductBox@x,0mm) --
      \draw (.25*\ProductBox@z,-.75*\ProductBox@z) node[num]{1};
      \draw (\ProductBox@x-.25*\ProductBox@z,-.75*\ProductBox@z)
%    \end{macrocode}
%    bottom ear 2 right
%    \begin{macrocode}
        (0mm,0mm) -- (\ProductBox@z,0mm) --
        (.5*\ProductBox@z,-.5*\ProductBox@z) --
        (.5*\ProductBox@z,-\ProductBox@z) -- (0mm,-\ProductBox@z) --
      \draw (\ProductBox@z,0mm)
        (0mm,0mm) -- (\ProductBox@z,0mm) --
        (.5*\ProductBox@z,-.5*\ProductBox@z) --
        (.5*\ProductBox@z,-\ProductBox@z) -- (0mm,-\ProductBox@z) --
      \draw (.25*\ProductBox@z,-.75*\ProductBox@z) node[num]{2};
%    \end{macrocode}
%    bottom ear 2 left
%    \begin{macrocode}
        (0mm,0mm) -- (\ProductBox@z,0mm) --
        (\ProductBox@z,-\ProductBox@z) --
        (.5*\ProductBox@z,-\ProductBox@z) --
        (.5*\ProductBox@z,-.5*\ProductBox@z) -- cycle;
      \draw [thin,opacity=\ProductBox@foldOpacity,\ProductBox@foldLine]
        (0mm,0mm) -- (\ProductBox@z,0mm) --
        (\ProductBox@z,-\ProductBox@z) --
        (.5*\ProductBox@z,-\ProductBox@z) --
        (.5*\ProductBox@z,-.5*\ProductBox@z) -- cycle;
      \draw (.75*\ProductBox@z,-.75*\ProductBox@z) node[num]{2};
%    \end{macrocode}
%    glue ear
%    \begin{macrocode}
        (0mm,0mm) -- (\ProductBox@earSize/2,\ProductBox@earSize/4) --
        (\ProductBox@earSize/2,\ProductBox@y-\ProductBox@earSize/4) --
        (0mm,\ProductBox@y) -- cycle;
      \draw node[sw]{\copy\ProductBox@Left};
        (0mm,0mm) -- (\ProductBox@earSize/2,\ProductBox@earSize/4) --
        (\ProductBox@earSize/2,\ProductBox@y-\ProductBox@earSize/4) --
        (0mm,\ProductBox@y) -- cycle;
%    \end{macrocode}
%    top ear left
%    \begin{macrocode}
        (0mm,0mm) -- (\ProductBox@earSize/2,\ProductBox@earSize) --
        (\ProductBox@z-\ProductBox@earSize/2,\ProductBox@earSize) -- 
        (\ProductBox@z,0mm) -- cycle;
      \draw node[nw,rotate=90]{\copy\ProductBox@Top};
        (0mm,0mm) -- (\ProductBox@earSize/2,\ProductBox@earSize) --
        (\ProductBox@z-\ProductBox@earSize/2,\ProductBox@earSize) -- 
        (\ProductBox@z,0mm) -- cycle;
%    \end{macrocode}
%    top ear right
%    \begin{macrocode}
        (0mm,0mm) -- (\ProductBox@earSize/2,\ProductBox@earSize) --
        (\ProductBox@z-\ProductBox@earSize/2,\ProductBox@earSize) --
        (\ProductBox@z,0mm) -- cycle; 
      \draw node[se,rotate=270]{\copy\ProductBox@Top};
        (0mm,0mm) -- (\ProductBox@earSize/2,\ProductBox@earSize) --
        (\ProductBox@z-\ProductBox@earSize/2,\ProductBox@earSize) --
        (\ProductBox@z,0mm) -- cycle; 
%    \end{macrocode}
%    top ear back
%    \begin{macrocode}
        (0mm,0mm) -- (\ProductBox@earSize/2,\ProductBox@earSize) --
        (\ProductBox@x-\ProductBox@earSize/2,\ProductBox@earSize) --
        (\ProductBox@x,0mm) -- cycle; 
      \draw (0mm,\ProductBox@y)
        (0mm,0mm) -- (\ProductBox@earSize/2,\ProductBox@earSize) --
        (\ProductBox@x-\ProductBox@earSize/2,\ProductBox@earSize) --
        (\ProductBox@x,0mm) -- cycle;
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \subsubsection{Box Style \texttt{threeD}}
%    \begin{macro}{\ProductBoxThreeDStartHook}
%    A hook to add some code at the beginning.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\ProductBoxThreeDEndHook}
%    A hook to add some code at the end.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\ifProductBox@shadow}
%    The boolean |ProductBox@shadow| determines whether or not the
%    shadow in the 3D rendering is shown.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newif\ifProductBox@shadow \ProductBox@shadowtrue
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\ifProductBox@mirror}
%    The boolean |ProductBox@mirror| determines whether or not the
%    mirror effect in the 3D rendering is shown.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\ifProductBox@flare}
%    The boolean |ProductBox@flare| determines whether or not the
%    flare effect in the 3D rendering is shown.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\ProductBox@edgeColor}
%    The edge color in the 3D rendering.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\ProductBox@flareDiameter}
%    The diameter of the flare.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    The angle to rotate the box about the z axis.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    The angle to rotate the box about the x axis.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macro}{\ProductBox@style@threeD}
%    This macro defines the sytle \emph{threeD} for a product box. The
%    faces are placed such the illusion of a three-dimensional box
%    appears. In addition a shadow is shown if not disabled.
%    \changes{1.1}{2010/12/26}{Fix: The flare is also transformed and clipped.}
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \begin{tikzpicture}[sw/.style={anchor=south west,
                                 inner sep=0pt}]
    \ifProductBox@mirror \ProductBox@threeD@mirror \fi
    \ifProductBox@shadow \ProductBox@threeD@shadow \fi

            anchor=south west]
        rectangle (\ProductBox@x,\ProductBox@y);
            fill opacity=.025,
            anchor=south west]
        rectangle (\ProductBox@x,\ProductBox@y);
          \clip rectangle(\ProductBox@x,\ProductBox@y);
            anchor=south west]
        rectangle (\ProductBox@z,\ProductBox@y);
            fill opacity=.25,
            anchor=south west]
        rectangle (\ProductBox@z,\ProductBox@y);
      \fill [white,
             anchor=south west,
        rectangle (\ProductBox@x,\ProductBox@z);
      \fill [black,
             fill opacity=.0025,
             anchor=south west,
         rectangle (\ProductBox@x,\ProductBox@z);
      \draw [\ProductBox@edgeColor,
             line width=.5mm,
             draw opacity=.25,
        (\ProductBox@z,0mm) --
        (\ProductBox@z,\ProductBox@y) --
    \draw [\ProductBox@edgeColor,
           line width=.5mm,
           draw opacity=.25,
           anchor=south west]
      (0mm,\ProductBox@y) -- (\ProductBox@x,\ProductBox@y);
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    Parameters and views.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macro}{\ProductBox@threeD@shadow}
%    This macro defines the code to produce the shadow effect for the 3D rendering.
%    \begin{macrocode}
      \foreach \x in {.5,1,1.5,2,2.5,3,4,5,6,8,10} {
        \filldraw [black,
                   line width=\x mm,
                   rounded corners=2mm,
          (0mm,0mm) --
           *\ProductBox@z) --
           \ProductBox@p@top@yscale*\ProductBox@z +
           *\ProductBox@z) --
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    The following fading is used for the mirror effect in the 3D rendering.
%    \begin{macrocode}
            top color=transparent!100,
            bottom color=transparent!50,
            middle color=transparent!100]
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macro}{\ProductBox@threeD@mirror}
%    This macro defines the code to produce the mirror effect.
%    \changes{1.1}{2010/12/27}{Code rewritten to make full use of tranparency.}
%    \begin{macrocode}
    node[anchor=south west,
         inner sep=0pt,
            \clip rectangle (\ProductBox@x,
            \fill node [scope fading=ProductBoxFade,
                        inner sep=0pt]{\copy\ProductBox@Front};
    node[anchor=south west,
         inner sep=0pt,
         \clip rectangle (\ProductBox@z,
         \fill node [scope fading=ProductBoxFade,
                     inner sep=0pt]{\copy\ProductBox@Left};

%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\ProductBox@threeD@flare}
%    This macro defines the code to produce the flare effect. The
%    flare is achieved with overlaying a partially transparent and
%    fading circle of white color.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \fill [white,path fading=ProductBoxFlare]
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    The following fading is used for the flare effect in the 3D rendering.
%    \begin{macrocode}
            inner color=transparent!60,
            outer color=transparent!100]
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Finally we define some variant names.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    That's all.
%    \newpage
%    \setcounter{IndexColumns}2
%    \PrintChanges
%    \newpage
%    \PrintIndex
%    \Finale
% Local Variables:
% End: