TeXhax Digest    Thursday,  6 May 1993  Volume 93 : Issue 008

%  The TeXhax Digest is brought to you as a service of the TeX Users Group  %
%    and UK TeX Users Group in cooperation with the UK TeX Archive group    %

Today's Topics:
                          Re: Some problems with \verb
                          Re: Some problems with \verb
                        Re: Concatenating token strings
                           Information about VorTeX.
                     Making an index in AMS-LaTeX or LaTeX
           LaTeX output to HP DeskJet and style for curriculum vitae
                         DVI to "conforming" PostScript
         TeX Users Group 1993 Annual Meeting, July 26--30th, Aston, UK
                 TeX and Arabic script Conference Announcement
                    OpenWindows icons by Don Knuth available
                              TeXmenu 4.0 for NeXT
                       Announcing new style: shapepar.sty

    Moderators:    David Osborne and Peter Abbott
    Contributions: TeXhax@tex.ac.uk
    Administration, subscription and unsubscription requests:


Date:    Mon, 25 Jan 1993 09:15:48 -0600
From:    Zdenek Wagner <WAGNER@CSEARN.EARN>
Subject: drawing.tex

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Save as DRAWING.TEX
% This contribution is written in LaTeX so that everybody can make a
% "pretty printout".
% In order to print it you need VERBATIM.STY by Rainer Sch"opf. This
% style is available from many archives.
% You of course need METAFONT and GFTOPK to generate the pictures.
% (Ask your local wizard for help)
% DRAWING.MF will be generated when you run this file through
% LaTeX the first time.

This contribution explains how to use \mf\ for simple drawings. To
make the text shorter, some commands are not described. The reader
is kindly asked to look into this source to see how it was done.
Nobody can guarantee that \mf\ is exactly what you need. the
simple rules say:
\item Use \TeX\ where \TeX\ is good.
\item Use \mf\ where \mf\ is good.
\item Use other tools where other tools are good.
Here you can see examples where \mf\ is good.
\section*{Why not other packages?}
Though it might look strange I prefer explaining it here. The
selection of tools is more (or less) a matter of personal taste.
But there should be some reasoning behind it. If you want to make
simple drawings, you may choose either MFpic or a similar package
or directly \mf. In either case you must learn some new commands.
However, MFpic supports only a subset of \mf. Later, if you need
more complex pictures, you have to learn a new tool. With \mf\
it's a bit easier. You just learn some more commands.
It's not a good practice to reject everything what has been done.
you can find files with \mf\ macros which can be used in a similar
way as \LaTeX\ styles. This can make life much easier.
\section*{Principle of \lmf\ pictures}
The principle is to make a new font where a picture is some
``character''. When we want to place the picture into the
document, we change the font and type appropriate character. If
the picture is too large or too complex, it is better to divide it
into several characters and overlay them with \verb|\llap| or
\verb|\rlap| commands or simply place the characters in the
correct order (we will see it later).


        { Zdenek's complete contribution is stored
        as /work/archive/documentation/wagner-drawing.tex
        in the UK TeX Archive on ftp.tex.ac.uk (
        which is also mirrored to pip.shsu.edu (
        and ftp.uni-stuttgart.de (
                                                --Ed. }


Date:    Thu, 22 Apr 1993 10:45:15 +0200
From:    schoepf@sc.ZIB-Berlin.DE (Rainer Schoepf)
Subject: Re: Some problems with \verb

Leszek Holenderski writes in TeXhax93/007:
 > Dear TeXperts,
 > Can anybody explain me why the following input:
 > \documentstyle{article}
 > \catcode`\"=\active \def"{\verb"}
 > \begin{document}
 > Just a test of "verb".
 > \end{document}
 > gives the following error:
 > This is TeX, C Version 3.14t3
 > (test.tex format file: LaTeX with English hyphenation
 > (/vol/tex/lib/inputs/article.sty
 > Document Style `article' <5 Feb 88> - GMD.
 > (/vol/tex/lib/inputs/art10.sty)) (test.aux))
 > Runaway argument?
 > verb". \end{document}
 > ! File ended while scanning use of \@tempa.
 > ???
 > Leszek (lhol@gmdzi.gmd.de)

I doesn't happen for me, so your LaTeX is broken. (It is a modified
and out of date version anyway, as the messages show).

Rainer Sch"opf
LaTeX 2.09 maintenance


Date:    Thu, 22 Apr 1993 13:56:16 +0000
From:    Jeremy Henty <jch@upper.ist.co.uk>
Subject: Re: Some problems with \verb

> Can anybody explain me why the following input:
> \documentstyle{article}
> \catcode`\"=\active \def"{\verb"}
> \begin{document}
> Just a test of "verb".
> \end{document}
> gives the following error:
> [stuff deleted]
> ???
> Leszek (lhol@gmdzi.gmd.de)

I cut and pasted your code into a TeX file and it worked!? 

This is TeX, C Version 3.14t3
LaTeX Version 2.09 <25 Jan 1988>
Document Style `article' <5 Feb 88>.
(/usr/other/lib/tex/inputs/art10.sty)) (scratch.aux) [1] (scratch.aux) )
Output written on scratch.dvi (1 page, 284 bytes).
Transcript written on scratch.log.

Curiouser and curiouser. 



Date:    Thu, 22 Apr 1993 13:42:48 +0000
From:    Jeremy Henty <jch@upper.ist.co.uk>
Subject: Re: Concatenating token strings

> how do I
> force the expansion of \number\Pointer before \CollectInfo grabs the tokens?
> Thanks,
> Gary Wagman
> wagman@lbl.gov
> (510)486-6610 USA

This works: 

        \newtoks\PhoneItems \PhoneItems = {}


        \newcount\Pointer \Pointer = 0
        \advance\Pointer by 1
        \advance\Pointer by 1
        \advance\Pointer by 1


This is TeX, C Version 3.14t3
> 123. <-------------------------------- Voila!
l.13 \showthe\PhoneItems

Jeremy C. Henty


Date:    Wed, 28 Apr 1993 08:15:03 -0500
From:    "Michael D. Sofka" <mike@morgana.pubserv.com>
Subject: Information about VorTeX.

I'm looking for information about a program called VorTeX.  The
program is TeX built into a two-view (wysiwyg) style editor.  The only
reference so far is:

        P. Chen, A Multiple Representation Paradigm for Document
           Development, doctoral disertation, Univ. of California,
           Berkeley, Calif., 1988.

A recent [es]mail address for P. Chen would be a start.

Thank You,

Michael D. Sofka                   INTERNET:  mike@pubserv.com
Publication Services, Inc.         SPRINTNET: +1-518-456-5527
Albany Research Center.            KEYHOLE11: 42 42' 16" N, 73 54' 43" W
102 Steuben Dr., #11
Guilderland, NY 12084, USA.


Date:    Thu, 29 Apr 1993 17:35:52 -0400
From:    phares@math.ias.edu (Dorothea J. Phares)
Subject: Making an index in AMS-LaTeX or LaTeX

                                        April 29, 1993

I'm pretty new to AMS-LaTeX and LaTex, so please excuse
me if my request is not a very informed one.
(However, I've used plain TeX for about five years,
and AMS-TeX for about 3-1/2 years.)
I've used the idx.tex file to generate an index.
However, there is another file which is included with
the LaTeX distribution called  makeindex.tex  which
(when compiled and printed) gives instructions for
using a PROGRAM called MakeIndex. This program sounds
like it's much more sophisticated and powerful than
idx.tex.  But I cannot find
the program anywhere. Does anyone know of this program?
I can't figure out why the instructions for the program would be 
included and not the program (or style file, or whatever it
is) itself. 
I'v even looked on several archives hoping to find it,
to no avail.
If anyone can help me, please respond directly to:


      Thanks so much,

                         Dottie Phares
                         School of Mathematics
                         Institute for Advanced Study
                         Princeton, NJ  08540  USA


Date:    Fri, 30 Apr 1993 07:52:32 -0500
From:    John Yanos <MEDJOHN@MIZZOU1.bitnet>
Subject: citations

I have a problem with bibliography citations in Latex.  If I cite
multiple references to the same place they come out this:

I know a lot[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9], rather than

I know a lot[1-9].

It seems this could be fixed by manipulating the bbl file by hand, but
that seems way too messy.  There must be a macro to fix this?  I was
disappointed that pctex didn't know how to do it.


Date:    04 May 1993 10:47:47 +0800
From:    HRECLHW@hkucc.hku.hk
Subject: LaTeX output to HP DeskJet and style for curriculum vitae

I would be most grateful if any of you could  help  out   with   the  
following questions:

1) What is the email address for any LATEX user group in 
the USA?  I am trying this address I got from a Latex book published 
in 1990.  Can LATEX documents (with graphic output generated by e.g. 
GNUPLOT) be printed  on  a  Hewlett  Packard  500  deskjet  (inkjet) 
printer?  If so, where could one get or purchase a copy  of  the  HP 
deskjet printer driver?  I have been using Latex on a HP Laserjet  3 
printer in the department office and it works fine.  However,  I  am 
thinking of buying a  deskjet  printer  for  my  own  personal  use.  
Unfortunately, not many academics in HongKong use Latex,  and  those 
who use it rely entirely on laserjet printers.  

2) Although Latex  is  admirably  powerful  in  preparing  technical 
papers, I find it cumbersome to use it  to  prepare  something  simple 
like a Curriculum Vitae - e.g. the usual 'Experience' section  where 
one would like to have something like:

1987-90      Something here that may extend for several lines but 
             would like to have this block on the right typeset  
             and fully left and right justified.

This can easily be done on a standard wordprocessor, but it  is  not 
clear how one can use Latex efficiently for this.  Using  a  tabular 
environment is too clumsy for this.   Whereas  using  a  description 
environment may not allow one to adjust the spacing between the left 
and right blocks.  Is there any 'clean' way to do this?   

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Joseph Hun-wei Lee
      Dept.of Civil and Structural Engineering
      University of Hong Kong
      Email: hreclhw@hkucc.bitnet


Date:    Wed, 05 May 1993 08:33:16 -0500
From:    kwc@wubcl.wustl.edu (Ken Clark)
Subject: DVI to "conforming" PostScript

I've got a 30+ page latex document I can convert
to dvi to postscript and print on my printer.  However,
others need access to this document; and not all are able to
print it.  The second line of the postscript file reads:

% This file is a NONconforming PostScript file.

Is there a way to convert this to a conforming postscript file?

Thank you.

Ken Clark

Biomedical Computer Laboratory          ph:  314-362-2135
Washington University                   fx:  314-362-0234
700 S. Euclid Ave.
St. Louis MO 63110  USA                 em:  kwc@wubcl.wustl.edu


Date:    26 Apr 1993 15:07:40 +0000
From:    spqr@minster.york.ac.uk
Subject: TeX Users Group 1993 Annual Meeting, July 26--30th, Aston, UK

TeX Users Group 1993 Annual Meeting

Aston University, Birmingham, UK

July 26th -- 30th, 1993

The committee of the TUG '93 conference would like to bring you up to
date with plans for this summer's big TeX meeting at Aston University,
Birmingham, UK. Booking forms were mailed to all TUG members in mid
March, and are now being sent to other user groups. Readers with
Internet access who have not received a form can fetch the file
"booking.tex" using ftp from directory pub/tug93 on ftp.TeX.ac.uk, or
may request it by email from tug93-enquiries@vax.rhbnc.ac.uk.

IMPORTANT NOTE: we want to encourage a wide participation in this
meeting from all over the world, but we recognize that some people
from countries in economic difficulty will have have problems
obtaining finance. We have therefore set up a bursary fund, to which
anyone can apply for funding to help their attendance at Tug'93. If
you want to come, send in a booking form with a request for financial
help.  We will consider all requests at the end of May, and will reply
in the first week of June to inform people of our decisions. If in
doubt, contact us for advise on what we can help with.

The five magnificent days of TeX conference will include:

   - A first day which includes an introduction TeX to newcomers; bring your
     partner and get them to learn your obsession! Plus tutorials and special
     sessions for experienced users.

   - A day on typography and design, in conjunction with the DIDOT project.

   - A detailed workshop on LaTeX3.

   - A session on language and font issues.

   - A session on TeX standards and the future developments of TeX and
     related software.

   - Discussions of TeX archives.

   - A `problem-solving' panel.

   - Birds-of-a-feather groups.

Invited speakers include Christina Thiele, the TUG president, the President
of the German TeX User Group, DANTE, and Boguslav Jackowski, the
winner of the `best paper' award at recent conferences in Prague and

Some highlights from the accepted papers by speakers from around the world

   - The Khmer Script tamed by the Lion (of TeX): Yannis Haralambous

   - Virtual fonts in a production environment: Michael Doob & Craig Platt

   - Readability of math typesetting: David Murphy

   - Russian TeX issues; Looking about and outlook: Irina A Makhovaya

   - Beginners Guide to DSSSL: Martin Bryan

   - A PostScript font installer written in TeX: Alan Jeffrey

   - A versatile TeX device driver: Minato Kawaguti

   - Typesetting Catalan TeXts with TeX: Gabriel Valiente Feruglio

   - Bibliography Prettyprinting and Syntax Checking: Nelson Beebe

   - Syntactic Sugar: Kees van der Laan

There is a full week of varied TeX courses both before and after
the conference proper, of which full details can be found on the
booking form.
Socially, we can promise delegates that there will be no dull moments
at TUG '93, with

   - A half-day trip to Shakespeare country, ending with a performance of King
     Lear by the Royal Shakespeare Company

   - Evening trips to visit a Chocolate Experience or take part in a bowling

   - A TeX-related competition with prizes

   - Receptions and banquets

   - The TeX Users Group annual general meeting

Booking forms returned by May 15th can save 15 pounds ($22.00), and guarantee
a place on the trip to Stratford-upon-Avon.

Sebastian Rahtz


Date:    Mon, 03 May 1993 15:59:02 +0200
From:    yannis <yannis@gat.citilille.fr>
Subject: TeX and Arabic script Conference Announcement

|                                                                           |
|                                                                  x   x    |
|                                  xx  xx                         xxx xxx   |
|                                  xx  xxx                         x   x    |
|                                  xx  xx                   x               |
|                                  xx  xx                  xxx     xxx      |
|                  x        xxxxx  xx  xx      xx           x    xx  xx     |
|                  xx        x x   xx  xx    xx  xx            xx     x     |
|         xx       xx         x    xx  xx    xx  xx          xx             |
|   x   xx  xxxxxxxx       xx   xxxx   x      xxxxx        xxxxxxxxxxxx     |
|  x    xx                xx                    xx               xxx        |
|  xx     x     x        xx                    xx              xxx          |
|   xxxxxx     xxx      xx              x     xx             xx             |
|               x      x                 xx xx             xxx              |
|                    x                     x              xx                |
|                                                         xx            x   |
|                                                          xx          xx   |
|                                                            xx     xxx     |
|                                                              xxxx         |
|                                                                           |
| tK walRat alK"t al`rby                          t_h wal.gat al_h.t al`rby |



L'Association Francophone des        | The Frenchspeaking TeX Users Group
Utilisateurs de TeX (GUTenberg) et   | (GUTenberg) and the National Institute
l'Institut National des Langues et   | of Oriental Languages and Civilisations
Civilisations Orientales (INALCO)    | of Paris (INALCO) are organizing a
organisent une journee thematique    | one-day conference on the theme
sur                                  |
   << TeX et l'ecriture arabe >>     |    ``TeX and the Arabic script''
qui aura lieu le                     | which will be held on
  mardi 11  mai  1993 de 9h a 17h    |   Tuesday May 11, 1993, 9:00 -- 17:00
aux Grands Salons de l'INALCO, 2     | at the ``Grands Salons'' of the
rue de Lille, Paris 7e, metro        | INALCO, 2 rue de Lille, Paris 7e,
St Germain-des-Pres.                 | near to subway station St Germain-
                                     | des-Pres.
Voici le programme preliminaire de   | Follows a preliminary program of the
la conference :                      | conference:
          9h00 -- 12h30              |            9:00 -- 12:30

Ahmad Lakhdar-Ghazal : Le systeme ASV et introduction a l'informatique arabe
====================   =====================================================
   (The Arabic simplified vowelized system and introduction to Arabic

Michel Fanton : Codification et normalisation de l'arabe
=============   ========================================
   (Codification and standardization of Arabic script)

Salem Chaker & Abdellah ElMountassir : Graphie arabe de la langue berbere
====================================   ==================================
   (Arabic script of the Berber language)

Yannis Haralambous : Systemes TeX arabe et berbere dans le domaine public
==================   ====================================================
   (Public domain Arabic and Berber TeX systems).

          12h30 -- 14h30             |           12:30 -- 14:30
          Pause de midi              |            Lunch break
          14h30 -- 17h00             |           14:30 -- 17:00

Klaus Lagally: ArabTeX, latest developments
=============  ============================
   (ArabTeX, derniers developpements)

Alaaddin Al-Dhahir: Calligraphic Techniques in Arabic Font Design
==================  =============================================
   (Techniques calligraphiques pour le dessin de polices arabes)

(sous reserve :)
Ahmed Banaye Yazdipour: ParsiTeX, a TeX implementation developped in Tehran
======================  ===================================================
   (ParsiTeX, une implementation arabisee de TeX developpee a Teheran)

Maurice Laugier : La composition arabe a l'Imprimerie Louis-Jean
===============   ==============================================
   (Arabic typesetting at the Louis-Jean printing house)

Yannis Haralambous : Al Amal, un systeme de composition du Coran, base sur TeX
==================   =========================================================
   (Al Amal, a TeX system for typesetting the Holy Quran)

La participation a la conference est | Participation to the Conference is
libre. Veuillez ---pour des raisons  | free. For organisatory reasons, you
organisatoires--- vous inscrire en   | are kindly requested to subscribe
envoyant un message a                | yourself by sending a message to


Les comptes-rendus seront publies    | The proceedings will be published as
sous forme de volume special des     | a special volume of the ``Cahiers
<< Cahiers GUTenberg >>.             | GUTenberg''.
         Venez nombreux !            |             Join us!


Date:    Mon, 03 May 1993 13:12:44 -0400
From:    karl@cs.umb.edu
Subject: OpenWindows icons by Don Knuth available

Don Knuth designed a bunch of icons for TeX system files for the
OpenWindows FileManager application.

You can get them by ftp from ftp.cs.umb.edu:pub/tex/tex-icons.tar.z.  (A
gzipped tar file.)

He and TUG are registering them with Sun.
He plans to write an article for TUGboat describing them.

Since I don't use OpenWindows or FileManager myself, I haven't done
anything with them beyond a casual glance.  But if you have questions or
suggestions, feel free to ask.

If you convert the icons to something useful for some other window
system, let me know.

Member of the League for Programming Freedom---write to lpf@uunet.uu.net.


Date:    Thu, 22 Apr 1993 11:58:44 +0200
From:    Harald Schlangmann <schlangm@informatik.uni-muenchen.de>
Subject: TeXmenu 4.0 for NeXT


For more information:

        Harald Schlangmann
        Tumblingerstrasse 17 Rgb
        8000 Muenchen 2, F. R. G.
        e-mail: schlangm@informatik.uni-muenchen.de (NeXTMail ok)

                               A N N O U N C I N G

                                TeXmenu Version 4.0


TeXmenu  provides a  unified  NeXTSTEP front  end  for Donald  Knuth's  famous
typesetting  system TeX. TeXmenu  integrates all the  tools needed to  use TeX
in one application, i.e. you are no longer forced to handle various tools like
the  editor, the previewer, utilities  such as spell checkers,  and TeX itself
from  different applications.  TeXmenu offers  a powerful  project management,
including  structure recognition,  file  handling  and  project  search,  thus
providing a convenient way of handling larger multi-file documents. TeXmenu is
designed  as an ``open'' application,  i.e. it does not  depend on any version
specific  features of  TeX,  viewers,  editors  (and friends)  and  is  widely
customizable.  TeXmenu offers services so  the user can keep  in touch with it
from  any other  application, get  help  on LaTeX,  translate his/her  current
project,  any file  or  even  screen  selections.  When  running  TeX  in  the
background  TeXmenu alerts  the  user  when  an  error  occurs  and  offers  a
convenient way to jump between the error message and location of the error, as
well as letting the user continue the translation afterwards!

Distribution   is  done  shareware-like  (i.e.  you  are  allowed  to  copy  a
unregistered version provided you're running it in demo-mode) but TeXmenu will
have some annoying ``features'' until you register your copy of it. Similarly,
TeXmenu  comes ``shareware priced''. For  those who want a  good TeX front end
without  paying anything for  it, TeXmenu  version 2.2  remains in  the public
domain (although ``donations'' are still accepted).


     o  Project groups, comparable to NeXTmail's mailboxes: TeXmenu does not
        only maintain a global list, it allows you to define groups using
        the new filetype ``texpg''. You may group your projects in categories
        like Letters, Manuals, Thesis, Papers etc.

     o  TeX Page Layout Panel: Interactively generates TeX/LaTeX macro
        sequences for your preferred page layout,

     o  additional service 'Include PS selection' (thanks Derek!),

     o  the Watcher is now working similarly to NeXT's ProjectBuilder:
        Click on *any* (LaTeX) warning or error message and the Watcher will
        position you at the faulty position in the source-code,

     o  same for TeXmenu's Project Find Panel,

     o  new Inspectors and grouped Preferences,

     o  automatic reparsing of project's structure, user definable interval,

     o  drag&drop everywhere,

     o  a lot faster VT100(tm) terminal emulation,

     o  expanded generalized command execution scheme, you may even use
        command line editors like vi for file viewing/editing, or xdvi
        for previewing,

     o  and *lots* of other fancy improvements.


        TeXmenu 4.0 is a free update for all registered TeXmenu 3.0 users!

        For further information, site license pricing, group discounts, and
        information relating to payment see Licence.rtf in the demo
        distribution or send mail to the address above.


        NeXTSTEP for Intel Processors will be supported as soon as the
        developer environment is available. Further upgrades are planed.
        There will be no extra charging on system change. Black hardware
        will be supported at least as long as NeXT does with its OS.


     o  Versions that require NeXTSTEP Release 3.0:

        TeXmenu4.0-English.tar         (v4.0, English)
        TeXmenu4.0-German.tar          (v4.0, German)
        TeXmenu4.0.tar                 (v4.0, English and German)

     o  Versions that require NeXTSTEP Release 2.0:

        TeXmenu3.0-2.1.tar             (v3.0, English and German)
        TeXmenu2.2b.tar                (v2.2, English and German, free)

TeXmenu 4.0 is available via anonymous ftp, mail server, or from the
address above:

     o  Anonymous ftp:

        ftp.informatik.uni-muenchen.de:/pub/next/Text/tex  ***first address

     o  Mail server:

        Send a message with body

            send next/submissions TeXmenu4.0-English.tar

        to archive-server@cc.purdue.edu.

Munich (04.04.1993) -- Harald Schlangmann

All trademarks are used for identification purposes only and are
the rights of their respective holders.


TeXmenu version 4.0, available 04.15.1993, shareware priced


Date:    Tue, 04 May 1993 00:14:14 -0700
From:    Donald Arseneau <asnd%TRIUMFCL.BITNET@SHSU.edu>
Subject: Announcing new style: shapepar.sty

About a year ago I made a \diamondpar macro in response to someone's
repeated asking.  At the time I hoped to make a \heartpar for Valentine's
day.  It didn't get done, but now I have a *general* shaped-paragraph
style, that will do hearts, diamonds, squares, or anything else, in
LaTeX and Plain TeX.  It differs from an ordinary \parshape command
because the size is adjusted automatically so that the entire shape
is filled with text.

I have just sent the file to George Greenwade for inclusion in the
Shsu archives and the CTAN sites.  (It is too long to post -- 800 lines).


Donald Arseneau                   asnd@reg.triumf.ca


Further information about the TeXhax Digest, the TeX
Users Group, and the latest software versions is available
in every tenth issue of the TeXhax Digest.

Please send contributions to: TeXhax@tex.ac.uk

Administration, subscription and unsubscription requests:
  On Internet:
    send a one line mail message to TeXhax-request@tex.ac.uk
        SUBSCRIBE TEX-L <your real name>
    send a similar one-line mail message to LISTSERV@xxx
    send a similar one line mail message to TeXhax-request@uk.ac.tex

Back issues of the digest are available for anonymous ftp from
the UK TeX Archive, tex.ac.uk (
    in [tex-archive.digests.texhax.YY]texhax.NN
and ftp.tex.ac.uk (
    in /pub/archive/digests/texhax/YY/texhax.NN
where YY = last two digits of year, NN = issue number

ftp.tex.ac.uk is also mirrored to pip.shsu.edu ( and
ftp.uni-stuttgart.de ( as part of the Comprehensive TeX
Archive Network, and may give better response for subscribers in the
USA and Europe, respectively.


End of TeXhax Digest [Volume 93 Issue 8]