/* * (C) 1988, 1989 by Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. * * This file may be freely copied and redistributed as long as: * 1) This entire notice continues to be included in the file, * 2) If the file has been modified in any way, a notice of such * modification is conspicuously indicated. * * PostScript, Display PostScript, and Adobe are registered trademarks of * Adobe Systems Incorporated. * * ************************************************************************ * THE INFORMATION BELOW IS FURNISHED AS IS, IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT * NOTICE, AND SHOULD NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A COMMITMENT BY ADOBE SYSTEMS * INCORPORATED. ADOBE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY OR * LIABILITY FOR ANY ERRORS OR INACCURACIES, MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY * KIND (EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY) WITH RESPECT TO THIS INFORMATION, * AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSES AND NONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. * ************************************************************************ */ /* parseAFMclient.c * * This file is an example of how an application might use the provided * AFM Parser (parseAFM.c). * * In a nutshell, the client of the parser (like this file) chooses * the AFM File that it wishes to have parsed, opens the file for * reading (and does any/all error handling associated with that task), * and passes the resulting file pointer to the procedure "parseFile" * (in parseAFM.c). In addition to the file pointer, the client also * needs to pass a pointer to a FontInfo record type (for which storage * will be allocated and data filled in), and a mask representing which * sections of the AFM should be saved in the FontInfo record. * * In the procedure "main", the mask is built from command line switches, * but your application, of course, can set that mask any way you prefer. * "main" then calls the "parseFile" procedure (of parseAFM.c) to do the * grunt work, and checks the error codes upon "parseFile"'s return. * * The rest of this sample application is a collection of print routines * that show how to reference each of the sections of data and a * "freeStorage" routine (that many unix programmers may feel they * don't need but is included for portability to other systems that do * need to manage storage). The print procedures are there just to * give meaning to this application, and hopefully your application * will use the data collected from the AFM file in a more useful way. * * History: * original: DSM Thu Oct 20 17:39:59 PDT 1988 * modified: DSM Mon Jul 3 14:17:50 PDT 1989 * - added 'storageProblem' check in main */ #include <stdio.h> #include "parseAFM.h" /*************************** GLOBALS ***************************/ FontInfo *fi; FLAGS myflags = 0; /*************************** printGlobals **********************/ printGlobals() { printf("StartFontMetrics %s\n", fi->gfi->afmVersion); printf("FontName %s\n", fi->gfi->fontName); printf("FullName %s\n", fi->gfi->fullName); printf("FamilyName %s\n", fi->gfi->familyName); printf("Weight %s\n", fi->gfi->weight); printf("ItalicAngle %3.1f\n", fi->gfi->italicAngle); if (fi->gfi->isFixedPitch) printf("IsFixedPitch true\n"); else printf("IsFixedPitch false\n"); printf("UnderlinePosition %d\n", fi->gfi->underlinePosition); printf("UnderlineThickness %d\n", fi->gfi->underlineThickness); printf("Version %s\n", fi->gfi->version); printf("FontBBox %d %d %d %d\n", fi->gfi->fontBBox.llx, fi->gfi->fontBBox.lly, fi->gfi->fontBBox.urx, fi->gfi->fontBBox.ury); printf("Notice %s\n", fi->gfi->notice); printf("EncodingScheme %s\n", fi->gfi->encodingScheme); printf("CapHeight %d\n", fi->gfi->capHeight); printf("XHeight %d\n", fi->gfi->xHeight); printf("Descender %d\n", fi->gfi->descender); printf("Ascender %d\n", fi->gfi->ascender); } /* printGlobals */ /*************************** printCharWidths *********************/ printCharWidths() { int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) printf(" code: %3d width: %4d\n", i, fi->cwi[i]); printf("\n"); } /* printCharWidths */ /*************************** printAllCharMetrics *****************/ printAllCharMetrics() { int i = 0; CharMetricInfo *temp = fi->cmi; Ligature *node = temp->ligs; printf("StartCharMetrics %d\n", fi->numOfChars); for (i = 0; i < fi->numOfChars; ++i) { printf( "C %d ; WX %d ; N %s ; B %d %d %d %d ;", temp->code, temp->wx, temp->name, temp->charBBox.llx, temp->charBBox.lly, temp->charBBox.urx, temp->charBBox.ury); for (node = temp->ligs; node != NULL; node = node->next) { printf(" L %s %s ;", node->succ, node->lig); } printf("\n"); temp++; } /* for */ printf("EndCharMetrics\n"); } /* printAllCharMetrics */ /*************************** printKernPairData ******************/ printKernPairData() { int i = 0; PairKernData *pkd = fi->pkd; if (fi->numOfPairs != 0) { printf("StartKernData\n"); printf("StartKernPairs %d\n",fi->numOfPairs); for (i = 0; i < fi->numOfPairs; ++i) printf( "KPX %s %s %d\n", pkd[i].name1, pkd[i].name2, pkd[i].xamt); /* "KPX %s %s %d %d\n", pkd[i].name1, pkd[i].name2, pkd[i].xamt, pkd[i].yamt); */ printf("EndKernPairs\n"); printf("EndKernData\n"); } } /* printKernPairData */ /*************************** printKernTrackData *******************/ printKernTrackData() { int i = 0; TrackKernData *tkd = fi->tkd; if (fi->numOfTracks != 0) { printf("StartTrackKern %d\n",fi->numOfTracks); for (i = 0; i < fi->numOfTracks; ++i) printf( "TrackKern %d %d %d %d %d\n", tkd[i].degree, tkd[i].minPtSize, tkd[i].minKernAmt, tkd[i].maxPtSize, tkd[i].maxKernAmt); printf("EndTrackKern\n"); } } /* printKernTrackData */ /*************************** printCompCharData ********************/ printCompCharData() { int i = 0, j = 0; CompCharData *ccd = fi->ccd; if (fi->numOfComps != 0) { printf("StartComposites %d\n",fi->numOfComps); for (i = 0; i < fi->numOfComps; ++i) { printf("CC %s %d ;", ccd[i].ccName, ccd[i].numOfPieces); for (j = 0; j < ccd[i].numOfPieces; ++j) printf( " PCC %s %d %d ;", ccd[i].pieces[j].pccName, ccd[i].pieces[j].deltax, ccd[i].pieces[j].deltay); printf("\n"); } printf("EndComposites\n"); } } /* printCompCharData */ /*************************** freeStorage ***********************/ freeStorage() { if (fi != NULL) { if (fi->gfi != NULL) { free(fi->gfi->afmVersion); fi->gfi->afmVersion = NULL; free(fi->gfi->fontName); fi->gfi->fontName = NULL; free(fi->gfi->fullName); fi->gfi->fullName = NULL; free(fi->gfi->familyName); fi->gfi->familyName = NULL; free(fi->gfi->weight); fi->gfi->weight = NULL; free(fi->gfi->version); fi->gfi->version = NULL; free(fi->gfi->notice); fi->gfi->notice = NULL; free(fi->gfi->encodingScheme); fi->gfi->encodingScheme = NULL; free(fi->gfi); fi->gfi = NULL; } if (fi->cwi != NULL) { free(fi->cwi); fi->cwi = NULL; } if (fi->cmi != NULL) { int i = 0; CharMetricInfo *temp = fi->cmi; Ligature *node = temp->ligs; for (i = 0; i < fi->numOfChars; ++i) { for (node = temp->ligs; node != NULL; node = node->next) { free(node->succ); node->succ = NULL; free(node->lig); node->lig = NULL; } free(temp->name); temp->name = NULL; temp++; } free(fi->cmi); fi->cmi = NULL; } if (fi->tkd != NULL) { free(fi->tkd); fi->tkd = NULL; } if (fi->pkd != NULL) { free(fi->pkd->name1); fi->pkd->name1 = NULL; free(fi->pkd->name2); fi->pkd->name2 = NULL; free(fi->pkd); fi->pkd = NULL; } if (fi->ccd != NULL) { int i = 0, j = 0; CompCharData *ccd = fi->ccd; for (i = 0; i < fi->numOfComps; ++i) { for (j = 0; j < ccd[i].numOfPieces; ++j) { free(ccd[i].pieces[j].pccName); ccd[i].pieces[j].pccName = NULL; } free(ccd[i].ccName); ccd[i].ccName = NULL; } free(fi->ccd); fi->ccd = NULL; } free(fi); } /* if */ } /* freeStorage */ /*************************** printValues **************************/ printValues() { if (fi->gfi != NULL) printGlobals(); if (fi->cmi != NULL) printAllCharMetrics(); if (fi->pkd != NULL) printKernPairData(); if (fi->tkd != NULL) printKernTrackData(); if (fi->ccd != NULL) printCompCharData(); printf("EndFontMetrics\n"); } /* printValues */ /*************************** main *********************************/ main (argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { char *filename, *prog = *argv; FILE *fp; ++argv; --argc; myflags |= P_ALL; if (!argc) { printf(" usage: parseAFM [AFM File]\n"); exit(0); } else filename = *argv; if (!filename[0]) { printf ("*** ERROR: can't open. filename is missing.\n", filename ); return 0; } fp = fopen(filename, "r" ); if (fp == NULL) { printf ("*** ERROR: can't find: %s\n", filename ); exit(1); } switch (parseFile(fp, &fi, myflags)) { case parseError: printf("*** ERROR: problem in parsing the AFM File.\n"); case ok: fclose(fp); printValues(); freeStorage(); break; case earlyEOF: printf("The AFM File ended prematurely.\n"); break; case storageProblem: printf("*** ERROR: problem allocating storage.\n"); break; default: break; } } /* main */