wbwdi Data Model


The diagram below shows the data model of the wbwdi package. In our design, we primarily have R users in mind, particularly those who rely heavily on the popular data manipulation packages dplyr and data.table. For these users, having consistent and descriptive primary key column names across different tables (e.g., entity_id, series_id) simplifies writing joins across tables, reduces the risk of column name conflicts, and avoids ambiguity. For more information on the design philosophy, we refer to econdataverse.org.

A visual representation of the data model behind the 'wbwdi' R package.

Table details


Column name Description Example value
entity_id Unique identifier for the entity ZMB
entity_name Standardized name of the entity Zambia
entity_iso2code ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of the entity ZM
entity_type Type of entity (country, aggregate) country
capital_city Capital city of the entity Lusaka
region_id Unique identifier for the region SSF
region_name Name of the region Sub-Saharan Africa
region_iso2code ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of the region ZG
admin_region_id Unique identifier for the administrative region SSA
admin_region_name Name of the administrative region Sub-Saharan Africa (excluding high income)
admin_region_iso2code Unique identifier for the administrative region ZF
income_level_id Unique identifier for the income level LMC
income_level_name Name of the income level Lower middle income
income_level_iso2code ISO code of the income level XN
lending_type_id Unique identifier for the lending type IDX
lending_type_name Name of the lending type IDA
lending_type_iso2code ISO code of the lending type XI
longitude Longitude of the entity 28.2937
latitude Latitude of the entity -15.3982


Column name Description Example value
indicator_id Unique identifier for the indicator DT.DOD.DPPG.CD
indicator_name Name of the indicator External debt stocks, public and publicly guaranteed (PPG) (DOD, current US$)
source_id Unique identifier for the data source 2
source_name Name for the data source World Development Indicators
source_note Note about the data source Public and publicly guaranteed debt comprises long-term external obligations of public debtors, including the national government, Public Corporations, State Owned Enterprises, Development Banks and Other Mixed Enterprises, political subdivisions (or an agency of either), autonomous public bodies, and external obligations of private debtors that are guaranteed for repayment by a public entity. Data are in current U.S. dollars.
source_organization Organization responsible for the data series World Bank, International Debt Statistics.
topics List of topics with ID and corresponding name (20, External Debt)


Column name Description Example value
topic_id Unique identifier for the topic 1
topic_name Name of the topic Agriculture & Rural Development
topic_note Note about the topic For the 70 percent of the world’s poor who live in rural areas, agriculture is the main source of income and employment. But depletion and degradation of land and water pose serious challenges to producing enough food and other agricultural products to sustain livelihoods here and meet the needs of urban populations. Data presented here include measures of agricultural inputs, outputs, and productivity compiled by the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization.


Column name Description Example value
source_id Unique identifier for the source 1
source_name Name of the source Doing Business
update_date Date with last update 2021-08-18
is_data_available Indicator whether data is available TRUE
is_metadata_available Indicator whether metadata is available TRUE
concepts Number of concepts in the source 3

World Development Indicators

Column name Description Example value
entity_id Identifier for the entity USA
indicator_id Identifier for the indicator DT.DOD.DPPG.CD
year Year of the data point 2020
quarter Quarter of the data point (if quarterly data is requested and available). 3
month Month of the data point (if monthly data is requested and available). 2020 1
value Value of the data point 4298957000