--- title: "Getting Started with teal" author: "NEST CoreDev" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Getting Started with teal} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ## Introduction `teal` is a `shiny`-based interactive exploration framework for analyzing data, with particular emphasis on CDISC clinical trial data. `teal` applications allow their users to: * "Pull" in data from external data sources * Dynamically filter of data to be used in the analyses * Generate reproducible code to regenerate the on-screen analyses * Create and download reports containing results of analyses (for analysis modules which support reporting) In addition, the `teal` framework provides application developers with: * A large suite of custom-made standard analysis modules to be included in applications * A logging framework to facilitate debugging of applications More advanced users of the framework can also create new analysis modules which can be added into any `teal` applications. ## Your first `teal` application: This simple `teal` application takes the `iris` and `mtcars` datasets and displays their contents: ```{r setup, include=FALSE} library(teal) ``` ```{r app} library(teal) app <- init( data = teal_data(IRIS = iris, MTCARS = mtcars), modules = modules( example_module("Module 1"), example_module("Module 2") ), filter = teal_slices( teal_slice(dataname = "IRIS", varname = "Species", selected = "setosa") ) ) |> modify_title("My first teal application") |> modify_header(h3("My first teal application")) |> modify_footer(tags$div(a("Powered by teal", href = "https://insightsengineering.github.io/teal/latest-tag/"))) if (interactive()) { shinyApp(app$ui, app$server) } ``` _Hovering_ the image shows the `teal` application generated by this code. Example application Example application (hover) Every `teal` application is composed of the following elements, all of which can be controlled by the app developer by passing arguments to the `init` function: * Application Title _(browser's tab title)_: is the title of the application. * Application Header and Footer _(the top and the bottom of the app)_: any content to be placed at the top and bottom of the application. * Teal Modules _(tabs under the header)_: tab for each module included in the application. * In the example code: there are two modules named "Module 1" and "Module 2". * Module Content _(panel on the middle)_: the outputs of the currently active module. * Filter Panel _(panel on the right hand side)_: for filtering the data to be passed into all `teal` modules. * In the example code: the filter panel is being initialized with a filter for the `Species` variable in the `iris` dataset. ## Try the above app in `shinylive` ```{r shinylive_iframe, echo = FALSE, out.width = '150%', out.extra = 'style = "position: relative; z-index:1"', eval = requireNamespace("roxy.shinylive", quietly = TRUE) && knitr::is_html_output() && identical(Sys.getenv("IN_PKGDOWN"), "true")} code <- paste0(c( "interactive <- function() TRUE", knitr::knit_code$get("app") ), collapse = "\n") url <- roxy.shinylive::create_shinylive_url(code) knitr::include_url(url, height = "800px") ``` ## Creating your own applications The key function to use to create your `teal` application is `init`, which requires two mandatory arguments: `data` and `modules`. There are other optional arguments for `init`, which can be used to customize the application. Please refer to the documentation for `init` for further details. ### Application data The `data` argument in the `init` function specifies the data used in your application. All datasets which are about to be used in `teal` application must be passed through `teal_data` object. It is also possible to specify relationships between the datasets using the `join_keys` argument but in this case the datasets are not related. See [this vignette](including-data-in-teal-applications.html) for details. If data is not available and has to be pulled from a remote source, `init` must receive a `teal_data_module` that specifies how to obtain the desired datasets and put them into a `teal_data` object. See [this vignette](data-as-shiny-module.html) for details. In order to use CDISC clinical trial data in a `teal` application the `cdisc_data` function is used instead. Custom `SDTM` standards can be handled with `teal_data` and `join_keys`. For further details, we recommend exploring the [`teal.data`](https://insightsengineering.github.io/teal.data/) package documentation. ### Modules The `modules` argument to `init` consists of a list of `teal` modules (which can be wrapped together using the function `modules`). Core `teal` developers have created several universal `teal` modules that can be useful in any `teal` application. To learn how to create your own modules, please explore [Creating Custom Modules vignette](creating-custom-modules.html). To use our predefined modules, see the references below for links to these modules. ### Defining filters The optional `filter` argument in `init` allows you to initialize the application with predefined filters. For further details see [Filter Panel vignette](filter-panel.html). ### Reporting If any of the `modules` in your `teal` application support reporting (see [`teal.reporter`](https://insightsengineering.github.io/teal.reporter/) for more details), users of your application can add the outputs of the modules to a report. This report can then be downloaded and a special _Report Previewer_ module will be added to your application as an additional tab, where users can view and configure their reports before downloading them. See more details in [this vignette](adding-support-for-reporting.html). ### Reproducible code `teal` hands over data with reproducible code to every module included in the application. Note that `teal` does not display the code, that is the modules' responsibility. For example, the `example_module` function used above shows the code in the main panel together with other outputs. For more details see [this vignette](including-data-in-teal-applications.html). ### Embedding teal in shiny application Advanced `shiny` users can include teal application in their `shiny` application. For further details see [teal as a module](teal-as-a-shiny-module.html). ## Where to go next To learn more about the `teal` framework we recommend first exploring some of the available analysis modules. For example see: * [general analysis modules](https://insightsengineering.github.io/teal.modules.general/) * [clinical trial reporting modules](https://insightsengineering.github.io/teal.modules.clinical/) * [modules for analyzing `MultiAssayExperiment` objects](https://insightsengineering.github.io/teal.modules.hermes/) For a demo of `teal` apps see: * [The gallery of sample apps based on teal](https://insightsengineering.github.io/teal.gallery/) * [A catalog of Tables, Listings and Graphs](https://insightsengineering.github.io/tlg-catalog/) * [A catalog of Biomarker Analysis Templates of Tables And Graphs](https://insightsengineering.github.io/biomarker-catalog/) The `teal` framework relies on a set of supporting packages whose documentation provides more in-depth information. The packages which are of most interest when defining `teal`applications are: * [`teal.data`](https://insightsengineering.github.io/teal.data/): defining data for `teal` application. * [`teal.slice`](https://insightsengineering.github.io/teal.slice/): defining data filtering before passing into `teal` modules.