CHANGES IN spatstat.utils VERSION 3.1-3 OVERVIEW o Recognise powers of an integer. NEW FUNCTIONS o is.square, is.cube, is.power Recognise whether a given integer is a square number, a cube, or a power of another integer. SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o primefactors Computation for large numbers improved. CHANGES IN spatstat.utils VERSION 3.1-2 OVERVIEW o Internal improvements. CHANGES IN spatstat.utils VERSION 3.1-1 OVERVIEW o Internal improvements. CHANGES IN spatstat.utils VERSION 3.1-0 OVERVIEW o Efficiency improvement for prime factorisation. o spatstat.utils now requires R 3.5.0 or later. o Bug fix SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o primefactors, divisors, Computation for large numbers accelerated. BUG FIXES o xysegPcircle Interpreted its arguments incorrectly, and incorrectly gave the same result as 'xysegXcircle'. Fixed. CHANGES IN spatstat.utils VERSION 3.0-5 OVERVIEW o Internal improvements. CHANGES IN spatstat.utils VERSION 3.0-4 OVERVIEW o Improved error messages. o Bug fix. o Minor changes to package information. BUG FIXES o primefactors The default method (method = "C") did not handle numbers greater than the largest integer (n > .Machine$integer.max). Fixed. CHANGES IN spatstat.utils VERSION 3.0-3 OVERVIEW o Minor improvements. SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o asNumericMatrix Argument x can be a list, provided it can be converted to a data frame. o articlebeforenumber Now handles non-integer values correctly. o articlebeforenumber New argument 'teenhundreds'. CHANGES IN spatstat.utils VERSION 3.0-2 OVERVIEW o Modest improvements in speed. o Minor changes to package information. SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o check.named.vector, check.named.list New argument 'xtitle' CHANGES IN spatstat.utils VERSION 3.0-1 OVERVIEW o Minor changes to package information. SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o Package dependence The suggested package 'spatstat.model' is available from until it is released on CRAN. CHANGES IN spatstat.utils VERSION 3.0-0 OVERVIEW o Minor changes to package information. o Harmonic mean. o Bug fixes NEW FUNCTIONS o harmonicmean, harmonicsum The harmonic mean of a set of numbers, calculated robustly. SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o Package dependence 'spatstat.utils' now suggests the new package 'spatstat.model' instead of the old 'spatstat.core'. BUG FIXES o Crashed if 'matchfirst=TRUE' and 'names(arglist) = NULL'. Fixed. CHANGES IN spatstat.utils VERSION 2.3-1 OVERVIEW o Minor improvements and bug fixes. o Some code now runs faster. o More of the existing functions are documented. NEW FUNCTIONS o fastFindInterval Faster alternative to 'findInterval' for equally-spaced intervals. o geomseq Make a geometric sequence. o "%orifnull%" Specify a value with a default. SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o check.1.real, check.1.integer, check.1.string New argument 'warn'. CHANGES IN spatstat.utils VERSION 2.3-0 OVERVIEW o Minor improvements and bug fixes. o Some code accelerated. NEW FUNCTIONS o which.min.fair, which.max.fair Find the location of the minimum or maximum, and if there are multiple minima or maxima, choose one of them at random. BUG FIXES o tapplysum Crashed if do.names=TRUE when 'flist' contained only one factor. Fixed. CHANGES IN spatstat.utils VERSION 2.2-0 OVERVIEW o New function to compute breakpoints for a cut operation. o Internal tweaks to improve efficiency. NEW FUNCTIONS o exactCutBreaks Compute the exact numerical values of the breakpoints used in cut.default. CHANGES IN spatstat.utils VERSION 2.1-0 OVERVIEW o New functions providing NA and zero values, and empty vectors, of the appropriate type. NEW FUNCTIONS o RelevantNA Return a missing value of the appropriate type. o RelevantEmpty Return a zero-length vector of the appropriate type. o RelevantZero Return a value equivalent to 0, of the appropriate type. CHANGES IN spatstat.utils VERSION 2.0-1 OVERVIEW o Tweaks. CHANGES IN spatstat.utils VERSION 2.0-0 OVERVIEW o Updated to new spatstat family. SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o package dependence spatstat.utils now suggests the package spatstat.core which is part of the new spatstat family. CHANGES IN spatstat.utils VERSION 1.20-0 OVERVIEW o Computation is slightly accelerated. SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o general Overall speed of computation is slightly increased. CHANGES IN spatstat.utils VERSION 1.19-0 OVERVIEW o Minor improvements. CHANGES IN spatstat.utils VERSION 1.18-0 OVERVIEW o Minor improvements. SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o, New argument 'envir' determines the environment in which the call will be evaluated. CHANGES IN spatstat.utils VERSION 1.17-0 OVERVIEW o Bug fixes in internal code. CHANGES IN spatstat.utils VERSION 1.16-0 OVERVIEW o Bug fixes in internal code. CHANGES IN spatstat.utils VERSION 1.15-0 OVERVIEW o Added more internal code. CHANGES IN spatstat.utils VERSION 1.14-1 OVERVIEW o Minor administrative changes. CHANGES IN spatstat.utils VERSION 1.14-0 NEW FUNCTIONS o taperoff Utility for tapering values smoothly to zero. CHANGES IN spatstat.utils VERSION 1.13-0 OVERVIEW o internal bug fix. CHANGES IN spatstat.utils VERSION 1.12-0 NEW FUNCTIONS o percentage Programmer's utility to convert a number to a percentage. SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o queueSpatstatLocator Handles any data acceptable to xy.coords() CHANGES IN spatstat.utils VERSION 1.11-0 NEW FUNCTIONS o queueSpatstatLocator Add (x,y) coordinate pairs to a queue that can be accessed by 'spatstatLocator'. SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o spatstatLocator Now works in non-interactive sessions, returning previously-queued coordinates, for use in software testing. CHANGES IN spatstat.utils VERSION 1.10-0 SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o NEWS file spatstat.utils now has its own NEWS file. CHANGES IN spatstat.utils VERSION 1.9-5 SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o None. Minor internal improvements only. CHANGES IN spatstat.utils VERSION 1.9-4 BUG FIXES o orderwhich Crashed if decreasing=TRUE. Fixed. CHANGES IN spatstat.utils VERSION 1.9-3 NEW FUNCTIONS o sortunique A faster version of sort(unique(x)) for numeric x. CHANGES IN spatstat.utils VERSION 1.9-2 SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o orderwhich Accelerated. CHANGES IN spatstat.utils VERSION 1.9-1 SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o orderstats Accelerated. CHANGES IN spatstat.utils VERSION 1.9-0 NEW FUNCTIONS o check.anyvector Utility to check for a vector or factor with correct length. SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o tapplysum Argument 'x' can contain complex numbers. CHANGES IN spatstat.utils VERSION 1.8-1 SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o slight increase in speed. CHANGES IN spatstat.utils VERSION 1.8-0 SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o tapplysum Now works in dimension 1 (i.e. when 'flist' is a list containing a single factor). BUG FIXES o graphics code 'zlim' was not recognised as a graphics parameter in some cases. Fixed. CHANGES IN spatstat.utils VERSION 1.7-1 BUG FIXES o graphics code 'main' was not recognised as a graphics parameter in some cases. Fixed. CHANGES IN spatstat.utils VERSION 1.7-0 SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o fastFindInterval Labels are shorter (generated when labels=TRUE). New argument 'dig.lab' controls their length. BUG FIXES o expand.polynom Result was syntactically incorrect in some cases. Fixed. CHANGES IN spatstat.utils VERSION 1.6-0 NEW FUNCTIONS o "lhs.of.formula<-", "rhs.of.formula<-" Assignment operators for formulae. SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o matchIntegerDataFrames New argument 'sort'. BUG FIXES o verbalogic Returned prematurely in some cases. Fixed. CHANGES IN spatstat.utils VERSION 1.5-1 NEW FUNCTIONS o matchIntegerDataFrames A fast function for finding identical rows in two data frames of integers. CHANGES IN spatstat.utils VERSION 1.5-0 SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o Internal changes to satisfy CRAN requirements. CHANGES IN spatstat.utils VERSION 1.4-1 SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o Internal changes to satisfy CRAN requirements. CHANGES IN spatstat.utils VERSION 1.4-0 SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o Internal code now runs in the Datacamp environment.