title: "Chromatic Adaptation"
author: "Glenn Davis"
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
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bibliography: bibliography.bib
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%\VignetteIndexEntry{Chromatic Adaptation}
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I find chromatic adaptation mathematically interesting.
This vignette is a longwinded formal approach that delays code to the end.
Featured functions in this vignette are: `CAT()` and `adaptXYZ()`.
# Analogy of Proportion
Chromatic adaptation can be viewed as an Aristotelian _analogy of proportion_, see @Brown1989.
A general analogy of this type is usually written $A:B = C:D$ and read as
"$A$ is to $B$ as $C$ is to $D$".
In our case the expression $A:I$ is interpreted as
"the color appearance of $A$ in a viewing environment with illuminant $I$ after the viewer is adapted to $I$",
or more simply
"the appearance of $A$ under illuminant $I$".
It is better to think of $A$ not as an object color, but as a self-luminous color.
The analogy $A:I = B:J$ can be read as
"the appearance of $A$ under illuminant $I$
is the same as the appearance of $B$ under illuminant $J$".
This phenomenon is called _chromatic adaptation_ and takes place in the human eye and brain.
Of course, the exact values of $A$ and $B$ vary depending on the individual,
so it only makes sense to think of averages, for a _standard observer_.
All of these variables are typically XYZ tristimulus vectors,
and that is what we will assume from now on.
We require that all components of $I$ and $J$ are positive,
i.e. the illuminants are in the _positive octant_.
We will adopt these axioms throughout this vignette:
A1)& \hspace{5pt} I:I = J:J \\
A2)& \hspace{5pt} A:I = B:I \hspace{20pt} \text{if and only if} \hspace{20pt} A = B
In A2) the first equality is equality of appearance, and the second is equality of vectors.
In most cases $A$, $I$, and $J$ are known, and $B$ is not.
Solving the chromatic adaptation problem is solving
the analogy $A:I = X:J$ for $X$,
where $A$ is the _source color_,
$I$ is the the _source illuminant_ (also called the _test illuminant_),
and $J$ is the _target illuminant_ (also called the _reference illuminant_).
By axiom A2) the _target color_ solution $X$ is unique.
# Chromatic Adaptation Transforms
In most practical cases, illuminants $I$ and $J$ are fixed, and the source color $A$ is allowed to vary widely.
Recall that $X$ is uniquely determined by $A$, so
in the analogy $A:I = X:J$ it makes sense to think of
$X$ as a transform $T(A)$ of $A$.
Define the _ideal_
_Chromatic Adaption Transform_ $T$ from $I$ to $J$ by the analogy:
A:I = T(A):J
If $T(A):J=T(B):J$ then $A:I=B:I$ and so $A=B$, by (1.1).
This shows that $T$ is injective.
It is convenient to abbreviate Chromatic Adaption Transform by the acronym __CAT__.
In theory the exactly accurate _ideal CAT_ from $I$ to $J$ is unique,
but in practice there are so many confounding variables and complexities
that we cannot hope to find it.
So from now on we open things up and look for approximations to $T$
using various methods (see the next section).
There are 2 special cases where we can assert something exactly.
Since $I:I = J:J$ by axiom A1), we can say that $T(I)=J$ exactly.
And since $A:I = A:I$, we can say that if $J=I$, then $T$ is the identity transform.
In both theory and practice, we obviously want these 2 properties to be true,
so we require that all approximations have them.
# CAT Methods
A _CAT method_ assigns to every pair of illuminants $I$ and $J$ a CAT from $I$ to $J$,
which we denote by $T_{IJ}$.
It is understood that $T_{IJ}$ is an approximation of the ideal.
We require that $T_{IJ}(I) = J$ (see previous paragraph).
A CAT is usually an instance of a CAT method.
Consider these 3 properties for a CAT method:
- identity. If $J{=}I$, $T_{II}$ is the identity transform
- inverse. $T_{JI}$ is the inverse of $T_{IJ}$
commutative triangle. Adapting from $I$ to $J$, and then from $J$ to $K$, is the same as adapting from $I$ to $K$.
In symbols: $T_{JK} \circ T_{IJ} = T_{IK}$ (where $\circ$ denotes transform composition).
Property 1 (identity) is required by the last paragraph of the previous section.
We now argue that properties 2 and 3 are desirable.
Property 2 (inverse) is true for an _ideal_ CAT method, by the following argument:
A : I &= T_{IJ}(A) : J \hspace{40pt} \text{by definition of } T_{IJ} \\
T_{IJ}(A) : J &= T_{JI}(T_{IJ}(A)) : I \hspace{20pt} \text{by definition of } T_{JI} \\
A : I &= T_{JI}(T_{IJ}(A)) : I \hspace{20pt} \text{previous 2 lines and transitivity of appearance} \\
A &= T_{JI}(T_{IJ}(A)) \hspace{32pt} \text{by axiom A2 in (1.1)} \\
T_{JI} \circ T_{IJ} &= identity \hspace{48pt} \text{by definition of } identity
Swapping $I$ and $J$ gives $T_{IJ} \circ T_{JI} = identity$, and this proves property 2.
According to Hunt @Hunt2005 p. 591, the non-linear version of the CMCCAT97 method does NOT have property 2.
The degree to which property 2 fails is therefore a measure of the accuracy of the
appearance matching of the CMCCAT97 CATs.
In Burns @Burns2019 is a CAT method which in the original and direct form does not have the inverse property,
but can be slightly modified to a "symmetric" version that _does_ enjoy the property.
Property 3 (commutative triangle) is desirable because it makes it possible to
use the intermediate _Profile Connection Space_ (PCS with Illuminant D50)
in ICC color profiles with no loss of accuracy.
In property 3, $J$ represents the PCS in the middle, and the endpoints $I$ and $K$ are
viewing illuminants for devices.
If property 3 fails, then the 2-step adaptation may be sub-optimal.
__Remark 3.1__
Assuming that each $T_{II}$ is invertible (a very mild condition), properties 1. and 2. follow from 3.
Letting $J = K = I$ in property 3 we get $T_{II} \circ T_{II} = T_{II}$.
Since $T_{II}$ is invertible we conclude $T_{II} = \text{identity}$ and this proves property 1.
Letting $K = I$ in property 3 we get
T_{JI} \circ T_{IJ} = T_{II} = \text{identity}
Swapping $I$ and $J$ gives
T_{IJ} \circ T_{JI} = T_{JJ} = \text{identity}
and this proves property 2.
Note that property 3 is similar to the _cocycle condition_ in the
construction of fiber bundles, see @fiberbundleconstruction and p. 14 of @Steenrod1951.
That property 3 implies properties 1 and 2 is on p. 8 of @Steenrod1951.
__Remark 3.2__
Property 1 does NOT follow from property 2.
Here is a CAT method that is a counter-example.
First suppose that the vectors $I$ and $J$ have the same length.
Define $T_{IJ}$ to be the transform that first rotates space $\pi$ radians around $I$
and then rotates by the most direct rotation from $I$ to $J$.
If $I$ and $J$ do not have the same length, then rotate $I$ to the line spanned by $J$
and then follow this by a uniform scaling so the result expands or shrinks to $J$.
By "most direct rotation" we mean the rotation around the axis $I{\times}J$ (the 3D cross product).
This $T_{IJ}$ is perfectly well-defined
(unless $J{=}-I$ which is impossible since both are in the positive octant),
and maps $I$ to $J$.
It is not hard to show that $T_{JI} \circ T_{IJ} = T_{IJ} \circ T_{JI} = identity$, so property 2 is true.
But $T_{II}$ is rotation of $\pi$ radians around $I$, so property 1 is false.
# The Simplest CAT Method - XYZ Scaling
A CAT method is called _linear_ if and only if every $T_{IJ}$ is a linear map
(from $\mathbb{R}^3$ to $\mathbb{R}^3$).
From this point on in the vignette all CAT methods are linear.
$T_{IJ}$ now denotes a 3x3 matrix.
In ICC v4.0 color profiles this matrix is saved in the __chromaticAdaptationTag__ or `chad` tag,
and converts from device white to PCS white, see @ICCv4.
To avoid confusion between matrices and vectors, we shift notation and replace $I$, $J$, and $K$
by 3-vectors $u$, $v$, and $w$ (since lower-case $i$, $j$, and $k$ look too much like integers).
We also use the bold $\mathbf{1} := (1,1,1)$ for the 3-vector of all 1s, which is also a valid whitepoint.
The 3 properties in the previous section now take this form:
- identity. $T_{uu} = I$
- inverse. $T_{vu} = T_{vu}^{-1}$
- commutative triangle. $T_{vw} T_{uv} = T_{uw}$
The rest of this section follows Lindbloom @Lindbloom.
Given 3-vectors $u$ and $v$ with all entries positive, define the XYZ scaling CAT method by:
T_{uv} := \operatorname{diag}(v) \operatorname{diag}(u)^{-1} = \operatorname{diag}(v/u)
Here and through the rest of this vignette,
the vector division $v/u$ is component by component,
i.e. the _Hadamard division_, see @hadamardproduct.
One easily verifies that:
T_{vw} T_{uv} = \operatorname{diag}(w/v) \operatorname{diag}(v/u) = \operatorname{diag}(w/u) = T_{uw}
so this CAT method satisfies property 3.
Since $T_{uu}$ is trivially invertible, it also satisfies properties 1 and 2 by __Remark 3.1__.
Each channel in XYZ is scaled independently.
When this technique is used in electronic RGB cameras, and applied to the RGB channels independently,
it is often called _white-balancing_.
This CAT method is what one would get by transforming to XYZ to Lab using $u$ as the whitepoint,
and then from Lab to XYZ using $v$ as the whitepoint (though this view hides the linearity of $T_{uv}$).
This CAT method is sometimes called the "Wrong von Kries", see @ArgyllCMS.
# Von-Kries-Based CAT Methods
All the linear CAT methods in common use are _von-Kries-based_ which is now defined,
loosely following Lindbloom @Lindbloom.
Let $M_a$ be an invertible 3x3 matrix that does not move $\mathbf{1}$ too much,
i.e. $M_a \mathbf{1} \approx \mathbf{1}$.
First define
T_{u\mathbf{1}} := \operatorname{diag}(M_a u)^{-1} M_a \hspace{20pt} \text{ and } \hspace{20pt}
T_{\mathbf{1}u} := M_a^{-1} \operatorname{diag}(M_a u)
One easily checks that $T_{u\mathbf{1}} u = \mathbf{1}$ and $T_{\mathbf{1}u} \mathbf{1} = u$
and these matrices are inverses of each other.
Now define a _von-Kries-based_ CAT method in general by:
T_{uv} ~:=~ T_{\mathbf{1}v} T_{u\mathbf{1}} ~=~ M_a^{-1} \operatorname{diag}(M_a v / M_a u) M_a
One easily checks that
T_{vw} T_{uv} = T_{\mathbf{1}w} T_{v\mathbf{1}} T_{\mathbf{1}v} T_{u\mathbf{1}} = T_{\mathbf{1}w} ~ I ~ T_{u\mathbf{1}} = T_{uw}
so the method satisfies property 3.
By __Remark 3.1__ it also satisfies properties 1 and 2.
The argument for property 3 can be visualized in categorical terms by this diagram:

Figure 5.1 - Commutative Diagram of CATs
Since the 3 inner triangles commute, the outer triangle commutes too.
The symbol $\mathbb{R}^3_u$ denotes the space of all possible XYZs under illuminant $u$.
We are being sloppy here because a CAT makes no sense when one of the XYZs is negative;
but since the CATs in the figure are linear maps, they can still be defined mathematically
even if they make no physical sense.
Note that the dependence of the transforms on $M_a$ is suppressed in this notation.
In the von Kries theory, $M_a$ transforms from XYZ to the _cone response domain_.
In practice $M_a$ is calculated from a large number of pairs of experimentally
measured _corresponding colors_.
For example the popular Bradford $M_a$ was calculated from 58 pairs, see @Lam1985.
$M_a$ is called the _cone response matrix_ for the _von-Kries-based_ CAT method.
In ArgyllCMS ICC color profiles, $M_a$ is saved in the __SigAbsToRelTransSpace__ or `arts` private ICC tag,
see @ArgyllCMS.
In the special case $M_a = I$ the transforms become:
T_{u\mathbf{1}} := \operatorname{diag}(u)^{-1} \hspace{20pt} \text{ and } \hspace{20pt}
T_{uv} := \operatorname{diag}(v) \operatorname{diag}(u)^{-1} = \operatorname{diag}(v/u)
which is just the XYZ scaling method in the previous section.
There is more going on.
In words, equation (5.1) says: transform $u$ and $v$ by $M_a$
and form the diagonal matrix one would get from XYZ scaling.
To adapt color $A$ from $u$ to $v$, transform $A$ by $M_a$,
and then by the diagonal matrix, and then transform back again by $M_a^{-1}$.
A fancy way to say the same thing is:
a CAT matrix is von-Kries-based if and only if it is _linearly conjugate_ to an XYZ scaling.
Since $M_a$ has 9 parameters, it appears that these von-Kries-based CAT methods have 9 degrees of freedom.
However, some changes of $M_a$ do not change the transforms.
Let $D$ be a diagonal 3x3 matrix with positive entries on the diagonal, and let $M'_a := D M_a$. Then
T'_{u\mathbf{1}} &:= \operatorname{diag}(M'_a u)^{-1} M'_a \\
&= \left[ \operatorname{diag}(D M_a u) \right]^{-1} D M_a \\
&= \left[ D \operatorname{diag}(M_a u) \right]^{-1} D M_a \hspace{20pt} \text{this is the key step and uses the diagonality of } D \\
&= \operatorname{diag}(M_a u)^{-1} D^{-1} D M_a \\
&= \operatorname{diag}(M_a u)^{-1} M_a \\
&= T_{u\mathbf{1}}
so changing $M_a$ to $D M_a$ leaves the CAT unchanged.
Setting $D = \operatorname{diag}(M_a \mathbf{1})^{-1}$ implies that $M'_a \mathbf{1} = \mathbf{1}$.
The matrix $\operatorname{diag}(M_a \mathbf{1})$ is invertible because $M_a \mathbf{1} \approx \mathbf{1}$
as we assumed above.
Thus, any acceptable cone response matrix can be normalized so that $M_a \mathbf{1} = \mathbf{1}$ exactly,
i.e. the row sums are all 1.
So these von-Kries-based CAT methods have 9-3 = 6 degrees of freedom.
Geometrically, $M_a$ leaves the line generated by $\mathbf{1}$ pointwise fixed, so we think of it as
a "twist" around the line (more general than a rotation around the line).
If $\{ \mathbf{1}, b_2, b_3 \}$ is a basis of $\mathbb{R}^3$, then $M_a$ can map $b_2$ and $b_3$ to $\mathbb{R}^3$
almost arbitrarily, and this gives the 3+3 = 6 degrees of freedom.
# Other Linear CAT Methods
This section is a detour that asks:
"Are there are linear CAT methods that are NOT von-Kries-based ?"
Note from (5.1) that if $T_{uv}$ is a von-Kries-based matrix,
then $T_{uv}$ is diagonalizable.
So if we can construct a linear CAT method whose matrices are not diagonalizable,
then it is not von-Kries-based.
As an example, define $T_{uv}$ to be the most direct rotation of $u$ to the ray
generated by $v$, followed by uniform scaling to take $u$ to $v$.
Since all the non-trivial $T_{uv}$ are products of rotations and scalings, they are not diagonalizable.
Note that this CAT method has properties 1 and 2, but NOT property 3.
It shows that properties 1 and 2 do NOT imply property 3.
Taking an idea from the previous section, we can modify this method to have property 3.
Define $T_{u\mathbf{1}}$ to be the most direct rotation of $u$ to the ray generated by $\mathbf{1}$,
then followed by a uniform scaling that makes $u$ map to $\mathbf{1}$.
Define $T_{\mathbf{1}u}$ to be the inverse of $T_{u\mathbf{1}}$.
Now define $T_{uv} := T_{\mathbf{1}v} T_{u\mathbf{1}}$ as before.
All three properties in section
CAT Methods
are satisfied by the same arguments from the previous section.
This CAT method may perform poorly.
In Burns @Burns2019 the problem of negative tristimulus values is discussed,
and this type of CAT method might make make the problem worse.
I am sure that many other interesting (but impractical) examples can be constructed.
# CAT Methods in Package spacesXYZ
Finally, we explore the CAT methods available in software.
```{r, echo=TRUE, message=FALSE}
library( spacesXYZ )
There is an S3 class `CAT` with constructor `CAT()`.
The constructor takes arguments the source and target illuminant XYZ
(denoted $u$ and $v$ above), and the CAT method.
All the available non-trivial methods
- `Bradford`, `MCAT02`, `vonKries`, and `Bianco-Schettini` -
are von-Kries-based.
For `MCAT02` only the simple linear variant is used.
The `CAT` object is a list with cone response matrix `Ma` (denoted $M_a$ above),
the adaptation matrix `M` (denoted $T_{uv}$ above),
and other things, see the `CAT()` man page.
```{r, echo=TRUE, message=FALSE}
Ma = CAT( source='A', target='D65', method='bradford' )$Ma ; Ma
This is the famous Bradford cone-response-matrix, appearing in Lam @Lam1985 p. 3-46.
```{r, echo=TRUE, message=FALSE}
rowSums( Ma )
It appears that an attempt was made to normalize the row sums to 1,
but roundoff made the last digit in the first row off by 1.
There is no practical effect.
The actual adaptation matrix is easily inspected and tested too:
```{r, echo=TRUE, message=FALSE}
theCAT = CAT( source='A', target='D65', method='bradford' )
A = standardXYZ('A')
A %*% t(theCAT$M) - standardXYZ('D65')
So $M$ maps the XYZ of Illuminant A to that of D65 as required.
Using explicit matrix multiplication is OK, but the function `adaptXYZ()` is preferred:
```{r, echo=TRUE, message=TRUE}
identical( adaptXYZ( theCAT, A ), A %*% t(theCAT$M) )
We can also inspect the row sums for method `MCAT02`.
```{r, echo=TRUE, message=TRUE}
rowSums( CAT( source='A', target='D65', method='MCAT02' )$Ma )
So for `MCAT02` the normalization was more careful about roundoff.
And for `vonKries` we have:
```{r, echo=TRUE, message=TRUE}
rowSums( CAT( source='A', target='D65', method='vonKries' )$Ma )
So for `vonKries` there was no normalization.
# References
# Appendix A - Recovery of $M_a$
Suppose we know that a chromatic adaption matrix $T_{uv}$ is von-Kries-based
and we also know the white points $u$ and $v$.
Can we recover the _cone response matrix_ $M_a$ ?
This appendix presents a recipe to do that.
We saw earlier that $M_a$ is not unique; its rows are only defined up to a constant.
So our solution will follow common practice and scale the rows to have sum 1.
Rearrange equation (5.1) to the form:
T^{\intercal}_{uv} M_a^{\intercal} ~:=~ M_a^{\intercal} \operatorname{diag}(M_a v / M_a u)
We see that the columns of $M_a^{\intercal}$ - equivalently the rows of $M_a$ - are the eigenvectors of $T^{\intercal}_{uv}$.
Amazingly, the eigenvectors of $T^{\intercal}_{uv}$ do not depend on $u$ and $v$ !
The eigenvectors are also only defined up to a constant,
so rescaling them to have sum 1 is easy.
But the eigenvectors (and eigenvalues) are also only defined up to a permutation;
finding the right permutation is a little harder and is where $u$ and $v$ are used.
Here is a worked out example.
```{r, echo=TRUE, message=TRUE}
whiteA = standardXYZ("A")[1, ] ; whiteB = standardXYZ("B")[1, ]
theCAT = CAT( whiteA, whiteB, method='MCAT02' )
T = theCAT$M ; Ma = theCAT$Ma
res = eigen( t(T) )
X = t(res$vectors) ; X = diag( 1 / rowSums(X) ) %*% X # X is 'first cut' at the unknown Ma
Compare `Ma` and `X`
```{r, echo=TRUE, message=TRUE}
Ma ; X
One can check that the row sums of `Ma` are 1.
Now compare the white ratios and the eigenvalues:
```{r, echo=TRUE, message=TRUE}
as.numeric(Ma %*% whiteB / Ma %*% whiteA) ; res$values
So the row orders are reversed, and the eigenvalues too.
The two permutations are the same: `c(3,2,1)`.
In practice `Ma` is the unknown so we do not have it, but we _do_ have the eigenvalues `res$values`.
Since we know that `res$values` are returned in decreasing order, we can compute the desired permutation like this:
```{r, echo=TRUE, message=TRUE}
perm = order( Ma %*% whiteB / Ma %*% whiteA, decreasing=TRUE ) ; perm
The permutation `perm` now takes the ratios to the eigenvalues, but we want the inverse, so invert `perm`:
```{r, echo=TRUE, message=TRUE}
perm = order(perm) ; perm
X = X[perm, ] ; X ; max( abs(X - Ma) )
We have recovered $M_a$ with good accuracy.
Now suppose $u$ and $v$ are _not_ known,
but $M_a$ _is_ known to be in a small list of candidate matrices.
Since there only 6 possible permutations that take matrix `X` to the right candidate,
it will be easy to spot the right one.
# Session Information
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