## ----setup, include = FALSE--------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ## ----eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- # # install development version of package # install.packages("devtools") # library("devtools") # devtools::install_github("ajbass/sffdr") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- library(sffdr) set.seed(123) data(bmi) head(sumstats) p <- sumstats$bmi z <- as.matrix(sumstats[,-1]) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create model: choose knots at small quantiles mpi0 <- pi0_model(z = z, knots = c(0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1)) # Estimation of functional pi0 using the design matrix in mpi0 fpi0 <- fpi0est(p = p, z = mpi0$zt, pi0_model = mpi0$fmod) ## ----eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- # # Create design matrix (can include other variables (e.g., MAF) or specify more complicated models) # fmod <- "~ns(bfp, knots = c(0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1))" # fpi0_mod <- fpi0est(p = p, # z = mpi0$zt, # pi0_model = fmod) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # apply sfFDR sffdr_out <- sffdr(p, fpi0 = fpi0$fpi0) # plot significance results plot(sffdr_out, rng = c(0, 1e-6)) # Functional P-values, Q-values, and local FDR fp <- sffdr_out$fpvalues fq <- sffdr_out$fqvalues flfdr <- sffdr_out$flfdr ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Boolean to specify which SNPs are independent (e.g., pruning) # All SNPs are LD-independent in this example data set indep_snps <- rep(TRUE, length(p)) # Create model mpi0 <- pi0_model(z = z, indep_snps = indep_snps, knots = c(0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1)) # Estimation fpi0 using design matrix from mpi0 fpi0 <- fpi0est(p = p, z = mpi0$zt, indep_snps = indep_snps, pi0_model = mpi0$fmod) # Estimate FDR quantities and functional p-value sffdr_out <- sffdr(p, fpi0 = fpi0$fpi0, indep_snps = indep_snps)