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Romic Logo
Romic structures high-dimensional ’omic datasets using a flexible
format that can easily be modified using tidyverse-like verbs and
visualized using ggplot. These operations can be dynamically applied
using romic’s shiny applications and modules to support exploratory data
analysis and summarize results.
Data Model
`Omic datasets are constructed by measuring a common set of features
(transcripts, metabolites, ) across a set of samples. With such data, we
could represent the same data using several different format:
Wide :warning::
A matrix of I features x J samples including extra columns for
feature-level attributes and extra rows for sample-level
While ’omic data is often shared in this format, it is problematic
for three reasons.
Each column of a dataframe has the same classes, and all values of a
matrix have a common class. If sample-level variables are provided (such
as the experimental design) then they would need to be tied to column
attributes which are difficult to work with, although this is easier
with specialized data structures such as H5AD.
Matrix data is difficult to deal with. We would have to track which
columns are measurements and which are feature attributes, and if we
wanted to say select a subset of features and color them by a sample
attribute, it would be colossal pain.
If we have two or more observation-level attributes, such as raw,
normalized and log-transformed measurements then the information cannot
nicely be formatted as a matrix.
Tidy :star::
A table with one row for each measurement (I x J)
Each measurement is associated with the attributes of its
corresponding features and samples. This is helpful for
measurement-level operations such as plotting informed by the
experimental design.
A couple of downsides of this representation are that:
Feature- and sample-level attributes are highly duplicated so the
representation is not particularly compact.
Because feature- and sample attributes are duplicated, its difficult
apply feature- or sample-level manipulation. For example, adding a
gene’s GO category would involve separately adding it for each
measurement of that gene. This invariably adds extra complexity and time
to the code and there is a risk that an inconsistent output is produced
(such as a gene being associated with different GO categories depending
on which measurement it is).
Triple :sparkles::
Represent a dataset as three tables:
Features (I rows) - All unique features and feature-level
Samples (J rows) - All unique samples and sample-level
Measurements (I x J rows) - One row per observation. This will look
like the tidy table above except the only feature- and sample-level
attributes are the feature primary key (a variable which uniquely
defines a feature) and the sample primary key (a variable which uniquely
defines a sample)
This representation is powerful because feature- or sample-level
attributes can be directly manipulated, and attributes of interest can
be added to measurements on demand.
The major downside of this representation is the need for a more
complex list data structure and the need to perform joins to pull in
relevant information.
Romic Functions
Romic harnesses the tidy and the triple omic representations through
the tidy_omic and triple_omic S3
classes. These formats each have their own pros and cons, and one is
generally better than the other depending on the task. Taking advantage
of this fact, tidy and triple omic objects can readily be interconverted
by tracking a dataset’s design.
The design reflects the schema of a triple_omic object, and as a
result, how it can be naturally rearranged to- and from- a tidy_omic. It
is stored as simple list:
feature_pk (str): variable which uniquely defines a feature
sample_pk (str): variable which uniquely defines a sample
features (table): variables and types of feature attributes
samples (table): variables and types of sample attributes
measurements (table): variables and types of measurement
Since tidy_omic and triple_omic representation can readily be
inter-converted, many functions can use a tidy_omic or triple_omic
input, converting between the formats as needed and returning the same
type of object as the input if desired. This T* Omic abstraction is
referred to through the tomic S3 class.
Modifying Tomics
Tidy and triple omic objects’ core data are tables that can be
directly manipulated and updated using conventional means (as long as
the design is kept up to date). But, romic also includes methods which
simplify working with this format and applying some common manipulations
of high-dimensional data. Tidy and triple omics’ core data are “tall
data”, so romic takes advantage of the tidyverse suite of packages for
working with tall tabular data. Two common operations for manipulating
tidy data are filtering and mutating results.
filter_tomic filters any table in a triple_omic to a
range of values, values of interest, or based on a quosure
(filter_tomic). Mutates are more varied, and include
centering measurements (center_tomic), ordering
features or samples as factors (sort_tomic) and adding
lower-dimensional sample embedding (add_pcs)
Romic provides several methods which can provide both a high-level
summary of a dataset as well as interrogate specific features.
plot_heatmap creates a ggplot-based heatmap to
visualize a complete data matrix
plot_univariate create a histogram of a numeric
feature present in features, samples or measurements
plot_bivariate creates a bivariate visualization of
features, samples or measurements (including feature and sample
attributes). If two numeric features are used then a scatter plot is
created, while if the x-axis variables is categorical, a boxplot is
created. Many types of visualizations can be created using this
plotting PC1 ~ PC2 in the samples tables
creating a volcano plot of feature significance and effect
plotting measurement magnitudes for specific features with elements
of the experimental design on the y-axis.
The univariate and bivariate plots are simple, but they can do a lot
when combined with tomics flexible data manipulation and shiny
Interactive Analysis with
Taking advantage of Romic’s flexible representation and manipulation
of high-dimensional datasets, romic bundles a number of R Shiny Modules
which can be composed into powerful Shiny Apps.
The main two apps are:
app_heatmap Filter a tomic to data of interest,
separate features or samples based on facets and organize results based
on categories or hierarchical clustering.
app_flow Create a bivariate or univariate plot of a
features, samples or measurements, selected points of interest and use
this to filter or tag the tomic data your working with. Then you can use
this object going forward. This makes it easy to selected features of
interest and then look at their patterns of variation.