title: "Using the C++ Interface"
author: Jonathan Berrisch
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
  - ../inst/bib/profoc.bib
    number_sections: no
    toc: no
vignette: >
  %\VignetteIndexEntry{Using the C++ Interface}

## Introduction

All major parts of `online()` are implemented in C++ for speed. Usually, this
comes at the cost of flexibility. However, the profoc package exposes a C++ 
class `conline` that allows you to gain fine grained control over objects.  
`online()` wraps this class and provides a convenient interface for the most 
common use cases. However, if you need to alter object initialization (i.e.
provide custom basis / hat matrices for smoothing) you can use the C++ class
directly from R. This vignette shows how to do this.

Note that we will reuse the data from `vignette("profoc")`.

```{r, include = FALSE}
  collapse = TRUE,
  # dev = "svg",
  warning = FALSE,
  message = FALSE,
  comment = "#>"
Sys.setenv("OMP_THREAD_LIMIT" = 2)

T <- 2^5 # Observations
D <- 1 # Numer of variables
N <- 2 # Experts
P <- 99 # Size of probability grid
probs <- 1:P / (P + 1)

y <- matrix(rnorm(T)) # Realized observations

# Experts deviate in mean and standard deviation from true process
experts_mu <- c(-1, 3)
experts_sd <- c(1, 2)

experts <- array(dim = c(T, P, N)) # Expert predictions

for (t in 1:T) {
  experts[t, , 1] <- qnorm(probs, mean = experts_mu[1], sd = experts_sd[1])
  experts[t, , 2] <- qnorm(probs, mean = experts_mu[2], sd = experts_sd[2])

## Online learning with `conline`

First, we need to create a new instance of the c++ class. This can be done by 
calling `new(conline)`. 

model <- new(conline)

Now we need to pass the data to the class instance. The whole list of accessible field can be printed with `names(model)`. Most of them have defaults.

model$y <- y
tau <- 1:P / (P + 1)
model$tau <- tau

The experts array is a bit more complicated. C++ expects us to pass a list of arrays. Thereby, the list itself must have dimension `Tx1` and the elements of the list (the arrays) `D x P x K`. For convenience we can use `init_experts_list()` to create such a list from our experts array. Note that we must pass the true observations as well. They are used to detect whether the data is univariate (`T x 1` matrix) or multivariate (`T x D` matrix).

experts_list <- init_experts_list(experts, y)
model$experts <- experts_list

Now suppose we want to alter the smoothing behavior across quantiles. We start by creating a new hat matrix. 

hat <- make_hat_mats(
  x = tau,
  mu = 0.2, # Put more knots in the lower tail
  periodic = TRUE

We need a list of sparse matrices which `make_hat_mats()` returns. So we can pass that directly to our class.

model$hat_pr <- hat$hat

The other smoothing matrices have to be filled with defaults (lists of sparse identity matrices). Usually `online()` takes care of this. But we can do it manually as well.

model$basis_mv <- list(Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = 1:D, j = 1:D, x = 1))
model$basis_pr <- list(Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = 1:P, j = 1:P, x = 1))
model$hat_mv <- list(Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = 1:D, j = 1:D, x = 1))

Now we can specify the parameter grid. We will stick to the defaults here:

parametergrid <- as.matrix(
    forget_regret = 0,
    soft_threshold = -Inf,
    hard_threshold = -Inf,
    fixed_share = 0,
    basis_pr_idx = 1,
    basis_mv_idx = 1,
    hat_pr_idx = 1,
    hat_mv_idx = 1,
    gamma = 1,
    loss_share = 0,
    regret_share = 0

model$params <- parametergrid

Finally, we can run `model$set_defaults()`. This populates initial states (w0 for weights and R0 for regret). 


Now `model$set_grid_objects()` will create the grid objects (performance, weights, regret etc.) 


Finally, we can run `model$learn()` to start the learning process.


## Accessing the results

The learning process fills the class objects. So we can inspect them using the `$` operator, like we would with any other R object. For example, we can access the weights:

head(model$weights[[T]][, , 1])

However, we can also use the post processing function of `online()` to access the results. This will create output that is identical to the output of `online()`:

names <- list(y = dimnames(y))
names$experts <- list(
  paste("Marginal", 1:D),
  paste("Expert", 1:N)

output <- post_process_model(model, names)

We can now use `output` in `update()`, `plot()` and others. 

At this point, we do not need to keep the model in memory anymore. So we can delete it:


## Summary

The C++ class `conline` allows you to gain fine grained control over the learning process. However, it is not as convenient as the `online()` wrapper. So you should only use it if you need to alter the default behavior. However, mixing up helper
functions from `online()` and the C++ class is possible. So you can compute your 
combinations using the class interface while still being able to use `update()`, 
`plot()` and others afterward.