pander 0.6.7

Development version on GitHub.

pander 0.6.6

This is a maintenance release without major updates,…v0.6.6

pander 0.6.5 (2022-03-17)

This is a maintenance release without major updates,…v0.6.5

Fixes: * check for condition has length > 1 * emphasize rows when no rows passed (#354)

pander 0.6.4 (2021-06-08)

This is a maintenance release without major updates,…v0.6.4

Changes: * switch from futile.logger to logger in evals

Fixes: * quote path to Pandoc binary (#331) * auto-detect path to Pandoc in RStudio. (#332) * character encoding issues on Windows (#280, #296) * table column with fix (#321) * list indent fix (#323)

pander 0.6.3 (2018-10-06)

This is a maintenance release without major updates,…v0.6.3

New fetures: * Jira table format support

Fixes: * keeping data.table keys as rownames (#314) * passing … (#328) * hyphenation with most recent release of korPus -> sylly

pander 0.6.2 (2018-07-07)

Maintainence release fixing having 1+ conditions in if statements.

pander 0.6.1 (2017-08-04)

This is rather a maintenance release without major updates, but still 100+ commits since last version:…v0.6.1

New features: * placement of coefficients in pander.lm is now optional (#232) * cutoff overrides for the significance stars (#255) * row and columns names in pandoc.table (#281)

Fixes: * dplyr/tibble support (#234) * overriding p values with stars and fix significance stars markdown (#230) * don’t update original markdown file when calling Pandoc.brew (#173) * column alignment of tables without a header (#233) * matrix coercion issues, eg date accidentally converted to integer (#237) * formatting of multiple columns instead of the first one * pander.mtable fix after memisc update (#246) * keep.trailing.zeros regression bug (#259) * pandoc.formula with caption (#274) * show estimes of htest (#277) * rms update 0.5 fixes on reVector to reListclean

New classes supported by the pander generic S3 method: * ets (#231) * data.table (#241)

Classes no longer supported by the pander generic S3 method: * due to the major updates in the memisc package, for at least temporarily, we have removed mtable support

pander 0.6.0 (2015-10-27)

This is a major release with 200+ new commits since last version:…v0.6.0

New features: * added logging for evals using futile.logger (#124) * added support for digits/round as a vector (#146) * added support for emphasize.verbatim (#221) * vignettes for pander, pandoc.table, knitr integration and evals

Fixes: * correct rendering for empty objects (#180) * correct emphasizing for rows (#176) * missing column and row titles in CrossTable (#163) * removal of calls to deprecated functions (#172) * correct rendering for horizontal mtables (#174) * correct splitting of tables based on style (#164) * correct rendering for rmarkdown tables with | (#186) * pandoc.list with zero element (#191) * assigning NULL to a list element in (pander|evals)Options * missing blank line in one-row multiline tables without header (#224) * adding p-value to htest tables (#227) * support for ggplot2 1.1.0 (pander and the unify.graphs)

New classes supported by the pander generic S3 method: * summary.table * randomForest * tabular * summary.lme * manova/summary.manova * gtable * nls/summary.nls * arima * survreg/summary.survreg * ols * rms * Glm * cph * lrm * summary.rms * polr/summary.polr

Other changes: * Pandoc.convert will not add a footer to the document by dafault (#173) * deprecating pander.return, pander.option and evals.option functions, use pander_return, panderOptions and evalsOptions instead (#229)

pander 0.5.2 (2015-04-19)

New fetures: * optionally add significance stars for P values (#94) * specify full path of the pandoc binary (#127) * define custom “missing value” text in pander outputs (#131) * more general CrossTable renderer (started at #135) * LaTeX-style column-alignment (#149)

Fixes: * Rcpp support for Unicode characters (#144) * S3 method for a bunch of (lm, glm) summary objects * disable “” option for recursive calls (#129) * evals hook trigger * collapse multiple captions instead of rendering multiple captions (#130) * preserve digits, decimal mark etc. settings for splitted tables (#133) * narrower columns without a header (#136) * read default params of set.alignment from panderOptions (#137) * render header for 1D tables (#138) * emphasize cells with missing/empty values (#156) * total.r and total.c support for CrossTable (#211)

Other changes: * pander.return and pander.option will be deprecated in the next release (#171)

Full changelog:…v0.5.2

pander 0.5.1 (2014-10-29)

Full changelog:…v0.5.1

pander 0.5.0 (2014-10-27)

This is a major release with 200+ new commits since last version:…v0.5.0

Special thanks goes to Roman Tsegelskyi, who worked hard on various parts of the package in Google Summer of Code 2014.

New features: * no need to specify the asis option in knitr chunks any more when calling pander * show Pandoc command on error for easier debugging in document conversion * supporting tables with more than 3 dimensions by converting those to 2D with ftable * optionally keep line breaks inside of cells (keep.line.breaks) * optionally remove any markup from the table (plain.ascii) * optionally do not highlight rownames (emphasize.rownames) * flexible column width of tables * Pandoc reference class updates on enabling the new features of the package

New classes supported by the pander generic S3 method: * CrossTable * ts * formula * coxph * zoo * lme * aovlist * sessionInfo * mtable * survfit * stat.table * smooth.spline * clogit * rlm * function * microbenchmark

Updates: * dual licensing the package with AGPLv3 and OSL based on user request * defaults to cairo graphics device if available * removed the pandoc alias for pander to avoid conflict with knitr pkg * replayPlot workaround for distributed R instances * partial Rcpp rewrite of pandoc.table for increased performance

Fixes: * avoid stacking of markup characters in helper functions * remove dummy image files on Windows (#57) * simple and rmarkdown tables cannot be split (#60) * fix Windows path issues when looking for Pandoc * p function does not fail any more on NULL * POSIXlt typo

pander 0.3.8 (2013-08-29)

Full changelog:…v0.3.8

pander 0.3.7 (2013-05-27)

Full changelog:…v0.3.7

pander 0.3.6 (2013-05-15)

Full changelog:…v0.3.6

pander 0.3.5 (2013-04-10)

Full changelog:…v0.3.5

pander 0.3.4 (2013-04-05)

Full changelog:…v0.3.4

pander 0.3.3 (2013-03-27)

Full changelog:…v0.3.3

pander 0.3.2 (2013-03-20)

Full changelog:…v0.3.2

pander 0.3.1 (2013-03-10)

Full changelog:…v0.3.1

pander 0.3 (2012-10-24)

Full changelog:…v0.3

pander 0.2 (2012-08-17)

Initial CRAN release.