## ----extending-020------------------------------------------------------------ library("mlr3") task = tsk("iris") task$data() ## ----extending-022, eval = FALSE, tidy = FALSE-------------------------------- # PipeOpCopyTwo = R6::R6Class("PipeOpCopyTwo", # inherit = mlr3pipelines::PipeOp, # public = list( # initialize = function(id = "copy.two") { # .... # }, # ), # private == list( # .train = function(inputs) { # .... # }, # # .predict = function(inputs) { # .... # } # ) # ) ## ----extending-023, eval = FALSE---------------------------------------------- # initialize = function(id = "copy.two") { # input = data.table::data.table(name = "input", train = "*", predict = "*") # # the following will create two rows and automatically fill the `train` # # and `predict` cols with "*" # output = data.table::data.table( # name = c("output1", "output2"), # train = "*", predict = "*" # ) # super$initialize(id, # input = input, # output = output # ) # } ## ----extending-024, eval = FALSE---------------------------------------------- # .train = function(inputs) { # self$state = list() # c(inputs, inputs) # } ## ----extending-025, eval = FALSE---------------------------------------------- # .predict = function(inputs) { # c(inputs, inputs) # } ## ----extending-026, tidy = FALSE---------------------------------------------- PipeOpCopyTwo = R6::R6Class("PipeOpCopyTwo", inherit = mlr3pipelines::PipeOp, public = list( initialize = function(id = "copy.two") { super$initialize(id, input = data.table::data.table(name = "input", train = "*", predict = "*"), output = data.table::data.table(name = c("output1", "output2"), train = "*", predict = "*") ) } ), private = list( .train = function(inputs) { self$state = list() c(inputs, inputs) }, .predict = function(inputs) { c(inputs, inputs) } ) ) ## ----extending-027------------------------------------------------------------ library("mlr3pipelines") poct = PipeOpCopyTwo$new() gr = Graph$new() gr$add_pipeop(poct) print(gr) result = gr$train(task) str(result) ## ----extending-028, tidy = FALSE---------------------------------------------- PipeOpDropNA = R6::R6Class("PipeOpDropNA", inherit = mlr3pipelines::PipeOpTaskPreproc, public = list( initialize = function(id = "drop.na") { super$initialize(id) } ), private = list( .train_task = function(task) { self$state = list() featuredata = task$data(cols = task$feature_names) exclude = apply(is.na(featuredata), 1, any) task$filter(task$row_ids[!exclude]) }, .predict_task = function(task) { # nothing to be done task } ) ) ## ----extending-029------------------------------------------------------------ smalliris = iris[(1:5) * 30, ] smalliris[1, 1] = NA smalliris[2, 2] = NA sitask = as_task_classif(smalliris, target = "Species") print(sitask$data()) ## ----extending-030------------------------------------------------------------ gr = Graph$new() gr$add_pipeop(PipeOpDropNA$new()) filtered_task = gr$train(sitask)[[1]] print(filtered_task$data()) ## ----extending-031, tidy = FALSE---------------------------------------------- PipeOpScaleAlways = R6::R6Class("PipeOpScaleAlways", inherit = mlr3pipelines::PipeOpTaskPreproc, public = list( initialize = function(id = "scale.always") { super$initialize(id = id) } ), private = list( .select_cols = function(task) { task$feature_types[type == "numeric", id] }, .train_dt = function(dt, levels, target) { sc = scale(as.matrix(dt)) self$state = list( center = attr(sc, "scaled:center"), scale = attr(sc, "scaled:scale") ) sc }, .predict_dt = function(dt, levels) { t((t(dt) - self$state$center) / self$state$scale) } ) ) ## ----extending-032------------------------------------------------------------ gr = Graph$new() gr$add_pipeop(PipeOpScaleAlways$new()) result = gr$train(task) result[[1]]$data() ## ----extending-033, tidy = FALSE---------------------------------------------- PipeOpDropConst = R6::R6Class("PipeOpDropConst", inherit = mlr3pipelines::PipeOpTaskPreprocSimple, public = list( initialize = function(id = "drop.const") { super$initialize(id = id) } ), private = list( .get_state = function(task) { data = task$data(cols = task$feature_names) nonconst = sapply(data, function(column) length(unique(column)) > 1) list(cnames = colnames(data)[nonconst]) }, .transform = function(task) { task$select(self$state$cnames) } ) ) ## ----extending-034------------------------------------------------------------ irishead = task$clone()$filter(1:5) irishead$data() ## ----extending-035------------------------------------------------------------ gr = Graph$new()$add_pipeop(PipeOpDropConst$new()) dropped_task = gr$train(irishead)[[1]] dropped_task$data() ## ----extending-036------------------------------------------------------------ gr$pipeops$drop.const$state ## ----extending-037------------------------------------------------------------ dropped_predict = gr$predict(task)[[1]] dropped_predict$data() ## ----extending-038, tidy = FALSE---------------------------------------------- PipeOpScaleAlwaysSimple = R6::R6Class("PipeOpScaleAlwaysSimple", inherit = mlr3pipelines::PipeOpTaskPreprocSimple, public = list( initialize = function(id = "scale.always.simple") { super$initialize(id = id) } ), private = list( .select_cols = function(task) { task$feature_types[type == "numeric", id] }, .get_state_dt = function(dt, levels, target) { list( center = sapply(dt, mean), scale = sapply(dt, sd) ) }, .transform_dt = function(dt, levels) { t((t(dt) - self$state$center) / self$state$scale) } ) ) ## ----extending-039------------------------------------------------------------ gr = Graph$new()$add_pipeop(PipeOpScaleAlways$new()) result_posa = gr$train(task)[[1]] gr = Graph$new()$add_pipeop(PipeOpScaleAlwaysSimple$new()) result_posa_simple = gr$train(task)[[1]] ## ----extending-040------------------------------------------------------------ result_posa$data() ## ----extending-041------------------------------------------------------------ result_posa_simple$data() ## ----extending-042------------------------------------------------------------ PipeOpScale$public_methods$initialize ## ----extending-043------------------------------------------------------------ pss = po("scale") print(pss$param_set) ## ----extending-044------------------------------------------------------------ pss$param_set$values$center = FALSE print(pss$param_set$values) ## ----extending-045, error = TRUE---------------------------------------------- try({ pss$param_set$values$scale = "TRUE" # bad input is checked! }) ## ----extending-046------------------------------------------------------------ PipeOpScale$private_methods$.train_dt ## ----extending-047------------------------------------------------------------ pss$param_set$values$scale = FALSE pss$param_set$values$center = FALSE gr = Graph$new() gr$add_pipeop(pss) result = gr$train(task) result[[1]]$data()