
### Changes in metavcov 2.1.5 (Jun 2023)

#### Major changes

    * The citation reference was changed.
    Lu M (2023) Computing within-study covariances, data visualization, and missing data solutions for multivariate meta-analysis with metavcov. Front. Psychol. 14:1185012. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1185012


### Changes in metavcov 2.1.4 (Mar 2023)

#### Major changes

    * The mixmeta package is used to replace its older version mvmeta.

#### Minor changes

    * Examples in help files are improved.


### Changes in metavcov 2.1.2 (Oct 2021)

#### Major changes

    * The mice package is moved from imports to suggests since it overwrites users' data into the tibble format.

#### Minor changes

    * Help file is improved.


### Changes in metavcov 2.1.1 (Oct 2021)

#### Major changes

    * Data visualization function plotCI is added.

    * Multiple imputation function metami is added.

    * The output values for many functions are modified to be more consistent. All the .vcov function have three consistent output values: ef, list.vcov and matrix.vcov

#### Minor changes

    * Suggested packages are added including mvmeta and metaSEM.

    * Updated references.

    * Single imputation for missing data is added for .vcov functions.


### First version in R CRAN metavcov 1.0.1 in 2017
