## AIM

    `locpol` package tries to cover Local Polynomial estimation with weights. The package has been used by the author to study and make inference for lenght biased data and biased data in general. 

## Thanks

* José Antonio Cristóbal Cristóbal, José Tomás Alcalá Nalváiz (U. of Zaragoza) who introduced me to the problem of Local Polynomial estimation for biased data and the compensation strategy.

* Other contributions:  
    + Hiroyuki Kawakatsu (Business School, Dublin City University) who pointed some bugs in code and docs.

## a little History

* __01/07/2002__  
Implementation of main Local polynomial estimators with weights for the simmulation of the phd..
* __01/04/2005__  
Compilation of functions in an R package.
* __01/08/2006__  
Simple Rd file documentation added.
* __01/01/2008__  
First release of the locpol package.
* __01/10/2009__  
Fix for some documentation and code related to the degree. 
* __01/10/2012__  
Fix for some documentation and code bugs. Some simple bivariate estimators added.
* __25/05/2018__  

## To Do:

* __TODO__  
Study and implement bayessian bandwith selection

* __TODO__  
Implement `predict()` and `confint()` methods

* ...