--- title: R Markdown Vignettes with litedown author: Yihui Xie date: "`{r} Sys.Date()`" output: html: meta: css: ["@default"] --- Before R 3.0.0, only Sweave/PDF vignettes were supported in R. Markdown is gaining popularity over the years due to its simplicity, and R 3.0.0 starts to support package vignettes written in R Markdown. > Please note this example is for [litedown](https://cran.r-project.org/package=litedown). If you use [R Markdown v2](https://rmarkdown.rstudio.com), you should use the vignette engine `knitr::rmarkdown` instead of `litedown::vignette`. ## Package vignettes To enable Markdown vignettes in an R package, you need to - add `*.Rmd` files under the `vignettes` directory - add `VignetteBuilder: litedown` to the `DESCRIPTION` file - specify the vignette engine `\VignetteEngine{litedown::vignette}` in the `Rmd` files (inside HTML comments) ## View vignettes And R will load the **litedown** package to build these vignettes to HTML files, and you can see them when you open the HTML help: ```{r eval=FALSE} help(package = 'YourPackage', help_type = 'html') # or see a standalone list of vignettes browseVignettes('YourPackage') ``` ## Examples Below are some code chunks as examples. ```{r hello, results='asis'} if (TRUE) cat('_hello_ **markdown**!', '\n') ``` Normally you do not need any chunk options. ```{r test, collapse=TRUE} 1+1 10:1 rnorm(5)^2 strsplit('hello, markdown vignettes', '') ``` Feel free to draw beautiful plots and write math $P(X>x)=\alpha/2$. ```{r} n=300; set.seed(123) par(mar=c(4,4,.1,.1)) plot(rnorm(n), rnorm(n), pch=21, cex=5*runif(n), col='white', bg='gray') ```