--- title: Display Tables with the JavaScript Library simple-datatables author: Yihui Xie date: "`{r} Sys.Date()`" output: html: meta: css: ["@default", "@npm/simple-datatables/dist/style.min.css"] js: ["@npm/simple-datatables/dist/umd/simple-datatables.min.js"] --- We can use the JavaScript library [**simple-datatables**](https://github.com/fiduswriter/simple-datatables/) to generate enhanced tables in HTML. In the example below, we create a table for the `mtcars` data: ::: {#mtcars-table} ```{r cool, print.args=list(data.frame=list(limit=NULL))} mtcars ``` ::: Note we assigned an `id` to the table, and next we use the **DataTables** library to initialize the table and you will get an interactive table. ```{js} window.addEventListener('load', () => { new simpleDatatables.DataTable('#mtcars-table > table'); }); ``` By comparison, below is an ordinary table: ```{r boring} mtcars ```