## ----setup, include = FALSE--------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", fig.align="center", fig.width = 7, fig.height = 4, root.dir = "vignettes" ) ## ----captions, echo = FALSE, error = FALSE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE, include = FALSE---- library(hyd1d) library(stringr) library(yaml) library(desc) # set english locale to produce english plot labels Sys.setlocale(category = "LC_MESSAGES", locale = "en_US.utf8") # Determine the output format of the document outputFormat <- knitr::opts_knit$get("rmarkdown.pandoc.to") if (outputFormat == "html") { is_html <- TRUE } else { is_html <- FALSE } # Figure and Table Caption Numbering, for HTML do it manually capTabNo <- 1 capFigNo <- 1 # Function to add the Table Number capTab <- function(x){ if(outputFormat == 'html'){ x <- paste0("**Tab. ", capTabNo, "**: ", x) capTabNo <<- capTabNo + 1 } else if (outputFormat == 'latex'){ y <- str_replace_all(x, '(^.*)(\\[.*\\])(\\(.*\\))(.*$)', '\\1\\\\href{\\3}{\\2}\\4') y <- gsub("{(", "{", y, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) y <- gsub("{[", "{", y, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) y <- gsub(")}", "}", y, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) y <- gsub("]}", "}", y, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) x <- gsub("_", "\\_", y, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) } return(x) } # Function to add the Figure Number capFig <- function(x){ if(outputFormat == 'html'){ x <- paste0("**Fig. ", capFigNo, "**: ", x) capFigNo <<- capFigNo + 1 } else if (outputFormat == 'latex'){ y <- str_replace_all(x, '(^.*)(\\[.*\\])(\\(.*\\))(.*$)', '\\1\\\\href{\\3}{\\2}\\4') y <- gsub("{(", "{", y, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) y <- gsub("{[", "{", y, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) y <- gsub(")}", "}", y, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) y <- gsub("]}", "}", y, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) x <- gsub("_", "\\_", y, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) } return(x) } href <- function(x, y) { if (outputFormat == 'html') { x <- paste0("[", x, "](", y, ")") } else if (outputFormat == 'latex') { x <- paste0("\\href{", y, "}{", x, "}") } return(x) } bf <- function(x) { if (outputFormat == 'html') { x <- paste0("**", x, "**") } else if (outputFormat == 'latex') { x <- paste0("\\textbf{", x, "}") } return(x) } # Function to simplify linking to references/rd lrd <- function(x, y) { # standard url url <- "https://hyd1d.bafg.de" # url from DESCRIPTION file if (file.exists("DESCRIPTION")) { url_desc <- description$new("DESCRIPTION")$get_urls()[1] } # url from pkgdown/_pkgdown.yml pwd <- Sys.getenv("PWD") if (pwd != "") { if (file.exists(paste0(pwd, "/pkgdown/_pkgdown.yml"))) { url_pkgdown <- yaml.load_file( paste0(pwd, "/pkgdown/_pkgdown.yml"))$url } } if (exists("url_desc")) { url <- url_desc if (exists("url_pkgdown")) { url <- url_pkgdown } } # outputformat latex if (knitr::is_latex_output()) { if (missing(y)) { if (endsWith(x, "()")) { x1 <- gsub("()", "", x, fixed = TRUE) str <- paste0("[", x, "](", url, "/reference/", x1, ".html)") } else { str <- paste0("[", x, "](", url, "/reference/", x, ".html)") } } else { str <- paste0("[", x, "](", url, "/reference/", y, ")") } return(str) } # outputformat html if (missing(y)) { if (endsWith(x, "()")) { # x1 <- gsub("()", "", x, fixed = TRUE) str <- paste0("`", x, "`") } else { str <- paste0("[", x, "](", url, "/reference/", x, ".html)") } } else { str <- paste0("[", x, "](", url, "/reference/", y, ")") } return(str) } ## ----install_cran, eval = FALSE----------------------------------------------- # install.packages("hyd1d") ## ----install_git, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------ # install.packages("devtools") # library(devtools) # devtools::install_github("bafg-bund/hyd1d") ## ----library, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, error = FALSE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE---- library(hyd1d) ## ----wldf, eval = TRUE-------------------------------------------------------- wldf <- WaterLevelDataFrame(river = "Elbe", time = as.POSIXct("2016-12-21"), station = seq(257, 262, 0.1)) ## ----structure, eval = TRUE--------------------------------------------------- str(wldf) summary(wldf) ## ----waterlevel, eval = TRUE-------------------------------------------------- wldf <- waterLevel(wldf) summary(wldf) ## ----figure1, fig.show = 'asis', fig.cap = capFig("Interpolated water level, computation-relevant stationary [FLYS3](https://www.bafg.de/DE/5_Informiert/1_Portale_Dienste/FLYS/flys_node.html) water levels (**0.5MQ**, **a** and **0.75MQ**) and gauge height as of 2016-12-21 at River Elbe between Rosslau and Dessau."), eval = TRUE---- wldf <- waterLevel(wldf, shiny = TRUE) summary(wldf) xlim_min <- 257 xlim_max <- 263 { plotShiny(wldf, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, xlim = c(xlim_min, xlim_max), xlab = "river station (km)", ylab = "elevation (m a.s.l. (DHHN92))") legend("topright", col = c("darkblue", "darkblue", "darkblue", "red", "black"), pch = c(21, NA, NA, NA, NA), pt.bg = c("darkblue", NA, NA, NA, NA), pt.cex = c(1, NA, NA, NA, NA), lty = c(0, 0, 1, 1, 1), lwd = c(0, 0, 1, 0.6, 0.6), legend = c("gauge height", "gauge weight", "waterLevel", "upper FLYS w.l.", "lower FLYS w.l."), text.col = c(1, "darkblue", 1, 1, 1), cex = 0.7, bty = "n") } ## ----figure2, fig.show = 'asis', fig.cap = capFig(paste0("Interpolated water level, computation-relevant stationary [FLYS3](https://www.bafg.de/DE/5_Informiert/1_Portale_Dienste/FLYS/flys_node.html) water levels (**0.5MQ**, **a** and **0.75MQ**) and gauge height as of ", strftime(Sys.time() - 3600, format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")," at River Elbe between Rosslau and Dessau.")), eval = hyd1d:::.pegelonline_status()---- # one hour ago time <- as.POSIXct(Sys.time() - 3600) # initialize a WaterLevelDataFrame wldf <- WaterLevelDataFrame(river = "Elbe", time = time, station = seq(257, 262, 0.1)) # compute w wldf <- waterLevelPegelonline(wldf, shiny = TRUE) summary(wldf) # and plot the results { plotShiny(wldf, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, xlim = c(xlim_min, xlim_max), xlab = "river station (km)", ylab = "elevation (m a.s.l. (DHHN92))") legend("topright", col = c("darkblue", "darkblue", "darkblue", "red", "black"), pch = c(21, NA, NA, NA, NA), pt.bg = c("darkblue", NA, NA, NA, NA), pt.cex = c(1, NA, NA, NA, NA), lty = c(0, 0, 1, 1, 1), lwd = c(0, 0, 1, 0.6, 0.6), legend = c("gauge height", "gauge weight", "waterLevel", "upper FLYS w.l.", "lower FLYS w.l."), text.col = c(1, "darkblue", 1, 1, 1), cex = 0.7, bty = "n") } ## ----figure3-prep------------------------------------------------------------- wldf <- WaterLevelDataFrame(river = "Elbe", time = as.POSIXct("2016-12-21"), station = seq(257, 262, 0.1)) wldf1 <- waterLevelFlood1(wldf, "ROSSLAU", shiny = TRUE) summary(wldf1) wldf2 <- waterLevelFlood1(wldf, "DESSAU", shiny = TRUE) summary(wldf2) wldf3 <- waterLevelFlood2(wldf) summary(wldf3) ## ----figure3, fig.show = 'asis', fig.cap = capFig("Water levels computed according to the Flood1-method with the reference gauges Rosslau (wldf1) and Dessau (wldf2) and the Flood2-method as of 2016-12-21 at River Elbe between Rosslau and Dessau."), eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE---- df.gs2 <- getGaugingStations(wldf2) { plotShiny(wldf1, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, xlim = c(xlim_min, xlim_max), xlab = "river station (km)", ylab = "elevation (m a.s.l. (DHHN92))") lines(wldf2$station, wldf2$w, col = "darkblue", lty = 2) lines(wldf3$station, wldf3$w, col = "red", lty = 2) abline(v = df.gs2$km_qps, lty = 3, lwd = 0.5) points(df.gs2$km_qps, df.gs2$wl, pch=21, col="darkblue", bg="darkblue") hyd1d:::.boxed.labels(df.gs2$km_qps, 55.4, df.gs2$gauging_station, bg="white", srt = 90, border = FALSE, xpad = 4, ypad = 0.7, cex = 0.7) legend("topright", col = c("darkblue", "darkblue", "darkblue", "red"), pch = c(21, NA, NA, NA), pt.bg = c("darkblue", NA, NA, NA), pt.cex = c(1, NA, NA, NA), lty = c(0, 1, 2, 2), lwd = c(0, 1, 1, 1), legend = c("gauge height", "wldf1", "wldf2", "wldf3"), cex = 0.7, bty = "n") } ## ----figure4-prep------------------------------------------------------------- wldf <- waterLevelFlys3InterpolateY(wldf, "ROSSLAU", shiny = TRUE) summary(wldf) ## ----figure4, fig.show = 'asis', fig.cap = capFig("Water levels according to [FLYS3](https://www.bafg.de/DE/5_Informiert/1_Portale_Dienste/FLYS/flys_node.html) with the reference gauge Rosslau as of 2016-12-21 at River Elbe between Rosslau and Dessau."), eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE---- { plotShiny(wldf, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, xlim = c(xlim_min, xlim_max), xlab = "river station (km)", ylab = "elevation (m a.s.l. (DHHN92))") abline(v = df.gs2$km_qps, lty = 3, lwd = 0.5) points(df.gs2$km_qps, df.gs2$wl, pch=21, col="darkblue", bg="darkblue") hyd1d:::.boxed.labels(df.gs2$km_qps, 55.4, df.gs2$gauging_station, bg="white", srt = 90, border = FALSE, xpad = 4, ypad = 0.7, cex = 0.7) legend("topright", col = c("darkblue", "darkblue", "darkblue", "red", "black"), pch = c(21, NA, NA, NA, NA), pt.bg = c("darkblue", NA, NA, NA, NA), pt.cex = c(1, NA, NA, NA, NA), lty = c(0, 0, 1, 1, 1), lwd = c(0, 0, 1, 0.6, 0.6), legend = c("gauge height", "gauge weight", "waterLevel", "upper FLYS w.l.", "lower FLYS w.l."), text.col = c(1, "darkblue", 1, 1, 1), cex = 0.7, bty = "n") } ## ----link_waterlevel, eval = is_html, echo = FALSE, results = 'asis'---------- cat('


') ## ----figure20, echo = FALSE, fig.cap = capFig(paste0("Screenshot of the ", href("waterLevel-ShinyApp", "https://shiny.bafg.de/waterlevel/"), " with the interpolated water level, caomputationrevelvant stationary ", href("FLYS3", "https://www.bafg.de/DE/5_Informiert/1_Portale_Dienste/FLYS/flys_node.html"), "-waterlevels (", bf("0.5MQ"), ", ", bf("a"), " and ", bf("0.75MQ"), ") and gauge heights at 2016-12-21 at the River Elbe between Rosslau and Dessau, Germany.")), fig.show = 'asis', out.width = "100%", results = 'asis'---- knitr::include_graphics('screenshot_waterLevel.png') ## ----link_waterlevelpegelonline, eval = is_html, echo = FALSE, results = 'asis'---- cat('


') ## ----figure21, echo = FALSE, fig.cap = capFig(paste0("Screenshot of the ", href("waterLevelPegelonline-ShinyApp", "https://shiny.bafg.de/waterlevelpegelonline/"), " with the interpolated water level, computationrevelvant stationary ", href("FLYS3", "https://www.bafg.de/DE/5_Informiert/1_Portale_Dienste/FLYS/flys_node.html"), "-waterlevels (", bf("a"), ", ", bf("0.75MQ"), " and ", bf("0.5MQ"), ") and gauge heights at 2018-04-13 11:00 a.m. at the River Elbe between Rosslau and Dessau, Germany.")), fig.show = 'asis', out.width = "100%"---- knitr::include_graphics('screenshot_waterLevelPegelonline.png') ## ----link_hydflood, eval = is_html, echo = FALSE, results = 'asis'------------ cat('

