# Version 0.2.4

- Admissions example data now included with package to avoid breaking URL.

# Version 0.2.3

- Internal cleanup of function tests.

# Version 0.2.2

- Allow users to supply mu and Sigma values to `b_sim`.

- Documentation and internal code improvements.

# Version 0.2.1

- Can find polynomial splines using b-splines basis. Note: apart from the
degree of the piecewise polynomial, the default behaviour for `bs` is

- Internal code improvements.

# Version 0.2

- `b_sim` has been incorporated into qi_builder so that the simulated
coefficients and QI calculations can be accomplished in one function call.

- Handles categorical variables entered as `newdata` either in their
original format or matching the coefficient name output.

- Can find polynomially transformed terms if entered in the model fit function
with there base term + the `I` function. Note, currently only supports up to

- Can find natural logarithmically transfromed terms if entered in the model
fit function with the `log` function.

- Added `original_order` to `qi_builder`. If `TRUE` then the values are returned
in the original simulation order. Only relevant if `slim = TRUE`.

# Version 0.1

- Minimal working version.