Version 1.1.2 (minor changes)
  - delete chooseMatrix from choplump-internal.Rd since it has its own .Rd page.
  - change citEntry to bibentry

Version 1.1.1 (minor change)
  - (forgot to document that change)

Version 1.0-0.5 (minor change)
  - update NAMESPACE to import even from packages included in R distribution

Version 1.0-0.4 (very minor change)
  - remove extra pdf from vignettes directory
Version 1.0-0.3 (very minor change)
  - move vignettes to the vignettes directory

Version 1.0-0.2 (very minor change)
  - add coin suggests so that vignette will run. Required by 2.15.0.

Version 1.0-0.1 (very minor change)
  - move CITATION file so that works using citation()

Version 1.0 (only minor changes, none should change any results)
  - put in final reference to Biometrics paper
  - fix .Rd files so no warnings