7.3-65 (unrelased) data/epil: The value of 'y' in line 31 was corrected from 21 to 23. Reported by 'Tan Siew Li, Linda'. tests/MASS-Ex.Rout.save: updated. 7.3-64 (released 2025-02-06) man/housing.Rd: add IGNORE_RDIFF markup (M1mac vs x86_64 Linux vs MKL vs Windows). Update MASS-Ex.Rout.save 7.3-63 (released 2025-01-01) Change the maintainer address to a redirector. Update MASS-Ex.Rout.save for 'survival' 3.8-3. 7.3-62 (unreleased) man/{bacteria,epil,gamma.shape.glm,housing,summary.negbin,theta.md}.Rd: Remove IGNORE_RDIFF markup as not needed for R >= 4.4.0. 7.3-61 (released 2024-06-13) Changed some partial matches. eqscplot() uses the column names (if any) of a matrix as 'xlab' and 'ylab'. Depend on R (>= 4.4.0). 7.3-60.2 (released 2024-01-12 only for 4.4.0/Recommended. Also in 4.4.1) Expand partial matches 'fit' and 'freq' in loglm.R (copied from 7.3-60-0.1) Added tests/loglm.R to test those. 7.3-60.1 (released 2023-07-14 only for 4.4.0/Recommended) Remove the S3 methods profile.glm confint.{glm,profile.glm,nls,confint.nls} plot.profile pairs.profile for R >= 4.4.0 so those newly in stats will be preferred. Depend on R (>= 4.4.0). 7.3-60.0.1 (released 2024-01-12) Expand partial matches 'fit' and 'freq' in loglm.R. 7.3-60 (released 2023-05-02) Tweak some partial matches. 7.3-59 (released 2023-04-21) man/{bacteria,epil,gamma.shape.glm,housing,summary.negbin,theta.md}.Rd: Use IGNORE_RDIFF markup for change to summary.glm in R 4.3.0. Back to depending on R (>= 4.0). 7.3-58.4 (released 2023-04-05 only for 4.3.0/Recommended) Emergency fix for summary.glm late changes in 4.3.0. Depends on R(>= 4.3) and has updated reference output. 7.3-58.3 (released 2023-03-07) Rename internal function biplot.bdr to biplotBDR Update inst/CITATION. 7.3-58.2 (released 2023-01-21) NAMESPACE: no longer export undocumented function lmwork. man/bacteria.Rd: update URL. Document as.fractions, is.fractions, gamma.shape and select. 7.3-58.1 (released 2022-07-27) DESCRIPTION: No longer suggest gamaair. tests/polr.R: use named .pdf file. tests/glmmPQL.R, solr.rda: ship data file, skip if no nlme. 7.3-58 (released 2022-07-14) glmmPQL: work around disabling of offsets in nlme::lme, following a request from Simon Wood. glmmPQL: Add any offset to fitted values. tests/glmmPQL.R: add (modified) example from Simon Wood. DESCRIPTION: add Suggests: gamair for that example. tests/confit.R: name PDF file tests/scripts.R: mention packages needed not in Suggests. inst/scripts/ch{11,13}.R tweaks. inst/scripts/ch15.R: switch from akima to interp. man/*.Rd: change references to third edition to fourth. 7.3-57.2 (released 2022-07-10, R-devel only) src/MASS.c: #include rather than rely on R.h. man/glmmPQL.Rd: example no longer attaches nlme. 7.3-57.1 (released 2022-05-30, R-devel only) Start ChangeLog. src/lqs.c: clang defines __GNUC__, so rule out. src/MASS.c: replace Sfloat/Sint. 7.3-57 (released 2022-04-23, after R 4.2.0) add formula method for glmmPQL (suggested by Sebastian Meyer) update reference output for LAPACK 3.10.x, more use of IGNORE_RDIFF. add pragmas to src/lqs.c to avoid mis-optimization in pre-gcc12 (and before at high optimization levels). add check for gcc12 woes to tests/cov.mcd.R remove basckslash from \$ in Boston.Rd and Cars93.Rd 7.3-56 (released 2022-03-23) offsets on lme have been disabled. 7.3-55 (released 2022-01-13) src/lqs.c include float.h explicitly (for STRICT_R_HEADERS) src/MASS.c: prefer R_Calloc etc. Update de, fr translations. 7.3-54 (released 2021-05-03) Update .pot files, fr translations. 7.3-53.1 (released 2021-02-12) Use \doi rather than \url, so bump minimum R requirement. Update .pot files. 7.3-53 (released 2020-09-09) allaw for possible integer overflow mention hard limit in cov.rob.Rd expaand description of 'data' args. 7.3-52 (released 2020-08-18) rlm with offset term correct description in newcomb.Rd typo in cats.Rd 7.3-51.[1-6] (released 2018-11-01 to 2020-04-26) typo in man/cats.Rd Use RDIFF markup add it translations change .Rout.save for change in RNG in R 3.6.0 change .Rout.save for survival changes 7.3-51 (released 2018-10-16) replace broken URL remove S-style example 7.3-50 (released 2018-04-30) survival changed output update .pot files 7.3-49 (released 2018-02-23) remove 'f' from fitdistr make tests/lme4.R conditional on nlme 7.3-48 (released 2017-12-25) \testonly -> \dontshow move extractAIC methods to nlme. 7.3-47 (released 2017-04-21) Cosmetics Check for integer overflow in density binning. 7.3-46 (released 2017-02-14) Avoid partial match in rlm.default. Include headers explicitly in MASS.c and lqs.c Use R_forceSymbols(dll, TRUE) uncondiitonally.