1 Overview
BIOMASS enables users to manage their plots by:
calculating the projected/geographic coordinates of the plot’s corners and the trees from the relative coordinates (or local coordinates, i.e. those of the field)
visualising the plots
validating plot’s corners and tree coordinates with LiDAR data
dividing plots into subplots
summarising any tree metric at subplot level
2 Required data
Two data frames are required to perform the analysis. One for the corner of the plot(s), and one for the trees, which contains at least their coordinates.
- The corner data frame must contains at least:
- the names of the corresponding plots if there are several plots (below referred as to the ‘Plot’ column)
- the coordinates of the plot’s corners in the geographic or projected coordinate system (the GPS coordinates, below referred as to the ‘Xutm’ and ‘Yutm’ columns)
- the coordinates of the plot’s corners in the plot’s relative coordinate system (the local or field coordinates, below referred as to the ‘Xfield’ and ‘Yfield’ columns)
In this vignette, for educational purpose, we will not use only one but two datasets of corner coordinates, derived from permanent plots in the Nouragues forest (French Guiana):
- NouraguesPlot201 which contains simulated corner coordinates of one plot with repeated GPS measurements of each corner:
kable(head(NouraguesPlot201), digits = 5, row.names = FALSE, caption = "Head of NouraguesPlot201")
Site | Plot | Xfield | Yfield | Xutm | Yutm | Long | Lat |
Petit_Plateau | 201 | 0 | 0 | 313002.7 | 451723.1 | -52.68451 | 4.08504 |
Petit_Plateau | 201 | 0 | 0 | 313007.5 | 451720.5 | -52.68446 | 4.08502 |
Petit_Plateau | 201 | 0 | 0 | 313008.7 | 451723.4 | -52.68445 | 4.08504 |
Petit_Plateau | 201 | 0 | 0 | 313002.8 | 451725.7 | -52.68451 | 4.08506 |
Petit_Plateau | 201 | 0 | 0 | 313005.8 | 451722.1 | -52.68448 | 4.08503 |
Petit_Plateau | 201 | 0 | 0 | 313010.5 | 451736.0 | -52.68444 | 4.08516 |
- NouraguesCoords which contains corner coordinates of four plots with a single GPS measurement of each corner, also derived from Nouragues forest:
kable(head(NouraguesCoords), digits = 5, row.names = FALSE, caption = "Head of NouraguesCoords")
Site | Plot | Xfield | Yfield | Xutm | Yutm | Long | Lat |
Petit_Plateau | 201 | 0 | 0 | 313007.9 | 451717.2 | -52.68446 | 4.08499 |
Petit_Plateau | 201 | 0 | 100 | 313095.8 | 451669.5 | -52.68367 | 4.08456 |
Petit_Plateau | 201 | 100 | 0 | 312960.2 | 451629.3 | -52.68489 | 4.08419 |
Petit_Plateau | 201 | 100 | 100 | 313048.0 | 451581.6 | -52.68410 | 4.08376 |
Petit_Plateau | 204 | 0 | 300 | 313271.5 | 451574.0 | -52.68208 | 4.08370 |
Petit_Plateau | 204 | 0 | 400 | 313359.4 | 451526.3 | -52.68129 | 4.08327 |
- The data frame including the tree coordinates, must
contain at least:
- the name of the plots if there are several plots
- the tree coordinates in the plot’s relative coordinate system (the local/field one)
- the desired information about trees, such as diameter, wood density, height, AGB, etc. (see BIOMASS vignette)
kable(head(NouraguesTrees), digits = 3, row.names = FALSE, caption = "Head of the table trees")
Site | Plot | Xfield | Yfield | Family | Genus | Species | D |
Petit_Plateau | 201 | 0.0 | 31.5 | Burseraceae | Protium | surinamense | 11.0 |
Petit_Plateau | 201 | 0.1 | 75.2 | Anacardiaceae | Tapirira | guianensis | 74.4 |
Petit_Plateau | 201 | 0.2 | 27.6 | Lecythidaceae | Indet.Lecythidaceae | Indet. | 25.4 |
Petit_Plateau | 201 | -4.0 | 67.5 | Euphorbiaceae | Conceveiba | guyanensis | 10.0 |
Petit_Plateau | 201 | 0.3 | 39.9 | Burseraceae | Protium | altissimum | 18.9 |
Petit_Plateau | 201 | -3.5 | 41.5 | Euphorbiaceae | Mabea | speciosa | 10.0 |
This dataset is also derived from the 2012 Nouragues forest dataset, but for educational purpose, some virtual trees with erroneous coordinates have been added in the data.
3 Checking plot’s coordinates
Two situations may occur:
The GPS coordinates of the plot corners are considered very accurate or enough measurements have been made to be confident in the accuracy of their average. In this case, the shape of the plot measured on the field will follow the GPS coordinates of the plot corners when projected into the projected/geographic coordinate system. See 3.1.1
Too few measurements of the GPS coordinates of plot corners have been collected and/or are not reliable. In this case, the shape of the plot measured on the field is considered to be accurate and the GPS corner coordinates will be recalculated to fit the shape and dimensions of the plot. See 3.1.2
In both cases, the use of the check_plot_coord()
function is recommended as a first step.
3.1 Checking the corners of the plot
The check_plot_coord()
function handles both situations
using the trust_GPS_corners
argument (= TRUE or FALSE).
You can give either geographical coordinates with the ‘longlat’ argument or another projected coordinates with the ‘proj_coord’ argument for the corner coordinates.
3.1.1 If we rely on the GPS coordinates of the corners:
When only 1 GPS measurement by corner has been recorded with a high degree of accuracy (by a geometer, for example), or if you already have averaged your measurements by yourself, you can supply these 4 GPS coordinates to the function.
When enough coordinates have been recorded for each corner (for more information, see the CEOS good practices protocol, section A.1.3.1 ), coordinates will be averaged by corner, resulting in 4 reference coordinates. The function can also detect and remove GPS outliers using the ‘rm_outliers’ and ‘max_dist’ arguments.
check_plot_trust_GPS <- check_plot_coord(
corner_data = NouraguesPlot201,
longlat = c("Long", "Lat"), # or proj_coord = c("Xutm", "Yutm"),
rel_coord = c("Xfield", "Yfield"),
trust_GPS_corners = T,
draw_plot = TRUE,
max_dist = 10, rm_outliers = TRUE )
The two blue arrows represent the origin of the plot’s relative coordinate system.
3.1.2 If we rely on the shape of the plot measured on the field:
Let’s degrade the data to mimic the case where we only have 8 unreliable GPS coordinates.
degraded_corner_coord <- NouraguesPlot201[c(1:2,11:12,21:22,31:32),]
check_plot_trust_field <- check_plot_coord(
corner_data = degraded_corner_coord,
longlat = c("Long", "Lat"), # or proj_coord = c("Xutm", "Yutm"),
rel_coord = c("Xfield", "Yfield"),
trust_GPS_corners = FALSE,
draw_plot = TRUE, rm_outliers = FALSE)
#> Warning: Be carefull, you may have GNSS measurement outliers.
#> Removing them may improve the georeferencing of your plot (see rm_outliers and max_dist arguments).
We can see that the corners of the plot do not match the GPS measurements. In fact, they correspond to the best compromise between the shape and dimensions of the plot and the GPS measurements.
3.2 Recovering reference corner coordinates and the associated polygon(s)
Reference corner coordinates are returned by the function via the
output, with standardised column names for
future data processing.
kable(check_plot_trust_GPS$corner_coord, row.names = FALSE, caption = "Reference corner coordinates")
x_rel | y_rel | x_proj | y_proj |
0 | 0 | 313005.7 | 451723.2 |
100 | 0 | 312956.9 | 451630.2 |
100 | 100 | 313050.2 | 451582.6 |
0 | 100 | 313100.5 | 451665.9 |
The associated polygon is returned via the $polygon
output and can be saved into a shapefile as follows:
For full details, the $outlier_corners
output returns
all the information about GPS outliers found by the function, and the
output returns the UTM code calculated by the
function if geographic coordinates have been provided.
3.3 Visualising and retrieving projected tree coordinates
Tree coordinates are usually measured in the plot’s relative
coordinate system. To project them in the projected system, you can
supply their relative coordinates using the tree_data
plot201Trees <- NouraguesTrees[NouraguesTrees$Plot==201,]
check_plot_trust_GPS <- check_plot_coord(
corner_data = NouraguesPlot201,
longlat = c("Long", "Lat"), rel_coord = c("Xfield", "Yfield"),
trust_GPS_corners = TRUE,
tree_data = plot201Trees, tree_coords = c("Xfield","Yfield"))
#> Warning in check_corner_fct(.SD): Be careful, one or more trees are not inside the plot defined by rel_coord (see is_in_plot column of tree_data output)
The projected coordinates of the trees are added to the tree
data-frame and returned by the output $tree_data
x_proj and y_proj).
plot201Trees[c("Xutm","Yutm")] <- check_plot_trust_GPS$tree_data[c("x_proj","y_proj")]
kable(head(check_plot_trust_GPS$tree_data[,-c(5,6,7)]), digits = 3, row.names = FALSE, caption = "Head of the $tree_data output")
Site | Plot | x_rel | y_rel | D | x_proj | y_proj | is_in_plot |
Petit_Plateau | 201 | 0.0 | 31.5 | 11.0 | 313035.6 | 451705.1 | TRUE |
Petit_Plateau | 201 | 0.1 | 75.2 | 74.4 | 313077.0 | 451680.0 | TRUE |
Petit_Plateau | 201 | 0.2 | 27.6 | 25.4 | 313031.8 | 451707.2 | TRUE |
Petit_Plateau | 201 | -4.0 | 67.5 | 10.0 | 313071.7 | 451688.0 | FALSE |
Petit_Plateau | 201 | 0.3 | 39.9 | 18.9 | 313043.4 | 451700.1 | TRUE |
Petit_Plateau | 201 | -3.5 | 41.5 | 10.0 | 313046.8 | 451702.5 | FALSE |
The output of the function also standardises the names of the
relative tree coordinates (to x_rel
and y_rel
and adds the is_in_plot
column, indicating if a tree is in
the plot or not.
You can also access and modify the plot via the
output which is a ggplot object. For example,
to change the plot title:
plot_to_change <- check_plot_trust_GPS$plot_design
plot_to_change <- plot_to_change + ggtitle("A custom title")
If you provided longitude and latitude corner coordinates, you can retrieve the GPS coordinates of the trees in a longitude/latitude format using this code:
3.4 Integrating LiDAR data
If you have LiDAR data in raster format (typically a CHM raster) that
you want to compare with a tree metric, this can be done with the
and the prop_tree
# Load internal CHM raster
nouraguesRaster <- terra::rast(system.file("extdata", "NouraguesRaster.tif",package = "BIOMASS", mustWork = TRUE))
check_plot_trust_GPS <- check_plot_coord(
corner_data = NouraguesPlot201,
longlat = c("Long", "Lat"), rel_coord = c("Xfield", "Yfield"),
trust_GPS_corners = TRUE,
tree_data = plot201Trees, tree_coords = c("Xfield","Yfield"), prop_tree = "D", # here the treediameter
ref_raster = nouraguesRaster)
#> Warning in check_corner_fct(.SD): Be careful, one or more trees are not inside the plot defined by rel_coord (see is_in_plot column of tree_data output)
3.5 Checking multiple plots at once
When corner_data
and tree_data
several plots, you have to supply the column names containing the plots
IDs of the corners and the trees via the plot_ID
multiple_checks <- check_plot_coord(
corner_data = NouraguesCoords, # NouraguesCoords contains 4 plots
proj_coord = c("Xutm", "Yutm"), rel_coord = c("Xfield", "Yfield"),
trust_GPS_corners = TRUE,
plot_ID = "Plot",
tree_data = NouraguesTrees, tree_coords = c("Xfield","Yfield"),
prop_tree = "D", tree_plot_ID = "Plot",
ref_raster = nouraguesRaster, ask = FALSE)
#> Warning in check_corner_fct(.SD): In plot 201 : Be careful, one or more trees are not inside the plot defined by rel_coord (see is_in_plot column of tree_data output)
#> Warning in check_corner_fct(.SD): In plot 213 : Be careful, one or more trees are not inside the plot defined by rel_coord (see is_in_plot column of tree_data output)
#> Warning in check_corner_fct(.SD): In plot 223 : Be careful, one or more trees are not inside the plot defined by rel_coord (see is_in_plot column of tree_data output)
Be aware that by default, the function will ask you to type Enter between each plot (argument ‘ask = TRUE’).
4 Dividing plots
Dividing plots into several sub-plots is performed using the
function. This function takes the relative
coordinates of the 4 corners of the plot to divide it into a grid. Be
aware that the plot must be rectangular in the plot’s relative
coordinates system, i.e. have 4 right angles:
subplots <- divide_plot(
corner_data = check_plot_trust_GPS$corner_coord,
rel_coord = c("x_rel","y_rel"),
proj_coord = c("x_proj","y_proj"),
grid_size = 25 # or c(25,25)
kable(head(subplots, 10), digits = 1, row.names = FALSE, caption = "Head of the divide_plot() returns")
subplot_ID | x_rel | y_rel | x_proj | y_proj |
subplot_0_0 | 0 | 0 | 313005.7 | 451723.2 |
subplot_0_0 | 25 | 0 | 312993.5 | 451699.9 |
subplot_0_0 | 25 | 25 | 313017.1 | 451686.2 |
subplot_0_0 | 0 | 25 | 313029.4 | 451708.9 |
subplot_1_0 | 25 | 0 | 312993.5 | 451699.9 |
subplot_1_0 | 50 | 0 | 312981.3 | 451676.7 |
subplot_1_0 | 50 | 25 | 313004.8 | 451663.6 |
subplot_1_0 | 25 | 25 | 313017.1 | 451686.2 |
subplot_2_0 | 50 | 0 | 312981.3 | 451676.7 |
subplot_2_0 | 75 | 0 | 312969.1 | 451653.5 |
If you want to stay in the plot’s relative coordinate system, just
set proj_coord
The function also handles imperfect cuts with the arguments
and grid_tol
. Here an example
with a 40mx45m grid.
subplots <- divide_plot(
corner_data = check_plot_trust_GPS$corner_coord,
rel_coord = c("x_rel","y_rel"), proj_coord = c("x_proj","y_proj"),
grid_size = c(40,45),
centred_grid = TRUE, # centre the grid in the middle of the plot
grid_tol = 0.3 # by default =0.1, ie, if more than 10% of the plot is not covered by the grid, it will returned an error
#> Warning in divide_plot_fct(.SD, grid_size):
#> The x-dimension of the plot is not a multiple of the x-dimension of the grid size
#> Warning in divide_plot_fct(.SD, grid_size):
#> The y-dimension of the plot is not a multiple of the y-dimension of the grid size
For the purpose of summarising and representing subplots (coming in
the next section), the function returns the coordinates of subplot
corners but can also assign to each tree its subplot
with the tree_data
and tree_coords
# Add AGB predictions (calculated in Vignette BIOMASS) to plot201Trees
AGB_data <- readRDS("saved_data/NouraguesTreesAGB.rds")
plot201Trees <- merge(plot201Trees , AGB_data[c("Xfield","Yfield","D","AGB")])
subplots <- divide_plot(
corner_data = check_plot_trust_GPS$corner_coord,
rel_coord = c("x_rel","y_rel"),
proj_coord = c("x_proj","y_proj"),
grid_size = 25, # or c(25,25)
tree_data = plot201Trees, tree_coords = c("Xfield","Yfield")
#> Warning in divide_plot(corner_data = check_plot_trust_GPS$corner_coord, : One
#> or more trees could not be assigned to a subplot (not in a subplot area)
The function now returns a list containing:
: coordinates of subplot corners as previouslytree_data
: the tree data-frame with the subplot_ID added in last column
kable(head(subplots$tree_data[,-c(2,3,4)]), digits = 1, row.names = FALSE, caption = "Head of the divide_plot()$tree_data returns")
x_rel | Plot | Family | Genus | Species | Xutm | Yutm | AGB | subplot_ID |
-3.5 | 201 | Euphorbiaceae | Mabea | speciosa | 313046.8 | 451702.5 | 0.1 | NA |
-4.0 | 201 | Euphorbiaceae | Conceveiba | guyanensis | 313071.7 | 451688.0 | 0.0 | NA |
0.0 | 201 | Burseraceae | Protium | surinamense | 313035.6 | 451705.1 | 0.1 | subplot_0_1 |
0.1 | 201 | Anacardiaceae | Tapirira | guianensis | 313077.0 | 451680.0 | 4.7 | subplot_0_3 |
0.2 | 201 | Lecythidaceae | Indet.Lecythidaceae | Indet. | 313031.8 | 451707.2 | 0.6 | subplot_0_1 |
0.3 | 201 | Burseraceae | Protium | altissimum | 313043.4 | 451700.1 | 0.2 | subplot_0_1 |
Last but not least, the function can handle as many plots as you
want, using the corner_plot_ID
multiple_subplots <- divide_plot(
corner_data = NouraguesCoords,
rel_coord = c("Xfield","Yfield"), proj_coord = c("Xutm","Yutm"), corner_plot_ID = "Plot",
grid_size = 25,
tree_data = NouraguesTrees, tree_coords = c("Xfield","Yfield"), tree_plot_ID = "Plot"
#> Warning in divide_plot(corner_data = NouraguesCoords, rel_coord = c("Xfield", :
#> One or more trees could not be assigned to a subplot (not in a subplot area)
5 Summarising tree metrics at subplot level
Once you’ve applied the divide_plot()
function with a
non-null tree_data
argument, you can summarise any tree
metric at the subplot level with the subplot_summary()
subplot_metric <- subplot_summary(
subplots = subplots,
value = "AGB", # AGB was added before applying divide_plot()
per_ha = TRUE)
By default, the function sums the metric per subplot
and divides the result by the area of each subplot (to obtain a summary
per hectare), but you can request any valid function
using fun
argument and choose between a raw or a per
hectare summary using per_ha
subplot_metric <- subplot_summary(
subplots = subplots,
value = "AGB",
fun = quantile, probs = 0.5, # yes, it is the median
per_ha = FALSE)
The output of the function is a list containing:
: a summary of the metric per subplot$polygon
: an object of the classsf
containing a simple feature collection of the subplot’s polygon$plot_design
: a ggplot object that can easily be modified
The returned polygons can be saved into a shapefile like this:
# Set the CRS of the polygons
subplot_polygons <- sf::st_set_crs(
subplot_metric$polygon ,
value = "EPSG:2972") # EPSG:2972 (corresponding to UTM Zone 22N) is the UTM coordinate system of Nouragues
# Save the polygons in a shapefile
sf::st_write(subplot_polygons, "your_directory/subplots_201.shp")
And of course, the function can handle as many plots as provided in divide_plot():
multiple_subplot_metric <- subplot_summary(
subplots = multiple_subplots,
value = "D", fun = mean, per_ha = FALSE)
5.1 Customizing the ggplot
Here are some examples to custom the ggplot of the
custom_plot <- subplot_metric$plot_design
# Change the title and legend:
custom_plot +
labs(title = "Nouragues plot" , fill="Sum of AGB per hectare")
# Display trees with diameter as size and transparency (and a smaller legend on the right):
custom_plot +
geom_point(data=plot201Trees, mapping = aes(x = Xutm, y = Yutm, size = D, alpha= D), shape=1,) +
labs(fill = "Sum of AGB per hectare") +
guides(alpha = guide_legend(title = "Diameter (cm)"),
size = guide_legend(title = "Diameter (cm)")) +
theme(legend.position = "right", legend.key.size = unit(0.5, 'cm'))